Candy Coated Dreams

Does Alice Know?

I woke up feeling refreshed for once in a really long time. I suffer from insomnia and a lot of nights I am unable to sleep. I got out of bed with a smile on my face; something else that hasn’t happened in a long time. I hummed as I walked over to my box of clothes by my bed and started to dig through it. I felt anger start to rise up so to save the hassle I dumped the entire box out on my bed. I decided on my faded dirty effect blue jeans and my black tank top with ‘Psycho’ in red letters. I smiled at my outfit choice Alice wasn’t going to be happy with my outfit choice and that made me giggle. I covered my mouth. Did that just come out of me? I shook my head and started digging through my clothes again. I smirked when I grabbed my hoodie. I think it’s my favorite one I own, its blood red with black graffiti designs in the hood and tribal going up the sleeves. I slid on my red ‘heart breaker’ toe socks and then the sudden urge to do my make-up came to me. I walked into the small bathroom that’s in between my mother and my rooms and did my make up for once. I applied my mascara and did my eyeliner. I was satisfied with my eyes and then I put on some lip gloss and brushed my hair.
I was done with my morning mandatories and I walked downstairs humming the tune that was in my dream last night. It was a classical piano piece that I have never heard before. It was beautiful, much like the person that was playing it. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts again. I couldn’t like him. My mother looked up from the skillet when I entered the room.
“Some one is extra happy this morning,” she said with a slight giggle entering her voice. I stopped humming for a slight second then she picked up where I left off. Maybe Forks was doing better for us then we both realized. She sat down two plates of eggs and toast. I ate mine pretty quickly and went and put on my shoes. I wonder why I was in such a pleasant mood. In the back of my head I knew the answer but I didn’t want to believe it. I went and sat on the swing with my back pack in my hand and sat there thinking. I ignored the feeling I felt when his name came to my mind. He was with one of my friends. Maybe I’ll actually be nice to Mike today. I shrugged I guess I could try right? My mother broke my thoughts when she walked out of the front door and the screen door slammed. She was in a very smiley mood and then she got into our small Honda. It was old and beat up. Mom had got it when I was two.
The ride to school was surprisingly quiet. I welcomed it though. I had a lot on my mind to begin with. We pulled up in front of the school in such a short period of time. I got out of the car and Alice jumped and waved at me. She was standing next to a shiny silver Volvo. I tilted my head to the side. Was that her car? I got my answer when Edward exited the driver’s door and he looked just as beautiful as he did yesterday. I felt my breath catch in my throat. My breath returned when I seen Bella exit the passenger seat and I shook the cobwebs out of my head. By that time my mom had already left. That’s when I noticed I was staring at them in the middle of the parking lot and that there was a good chance I was going to get hit by a car. Alice waved me over this time. I slowly walked over in their direction pretending to be scared of being hit. Alice was smiling away and I was afraid to look at Edward, so I concentrated on Alice.
“I can’t wait to come over tonight. Are you excited about going shopping tomorrow?” She quickly glanced at Edward and then he looked at me. He didn’t move or say anything then he glanced back at Alice.
“I don’t think I can go shopping tomorrow Alice.” Alice frowned and Bella laughed.
“You are a smart girl you got out while you still could.” I shook my head.
“That’s not it I would love to go I just can’t go right now.” Her smile was back.
“You do know that every time I invite some one to shopping it’s my treat right? You weren’t lying when you said you were tank tops a lot were you?” I laughed then shook my head.
“I can’t let you do that Alice. You barely know me plus I don’t like people trying to buy my friendship. Maybe after we become better friends then I will let you take me shopping and for your information there’s nothing wrong with tank tops missy. I happen to love them. “She laughed again that familiar musical laughter.
“I will get my way or maybe I should just use Edward to make you go.” I felt my face get red hot which usually means I’m blushing. Edward sent her a glare and then I looked at my watch.
“Um guys I have to go I don’t want to be late for class.” Alice laughed then I practically ran away from them. Alice laughs a lot I wonder what makes her so happy. I got to class right before the bell rang. I sat behind Bella again. I sighed no Mike so far so I could have a moment’s piece. Edward was sitting across the aisle from Bella. I started writing in my journal really random thoughts in third person when all of a sudden Edward turned around and gave me a smile. Okay something was seriously wrong with that family. I mean Alice was always smiling at me and now Edward was starting. I sighed then shook my head. All of a sudden I felt a presence next to me. I looked up and Mike was smiling down at me. Maybe that’s why Edward was smiling because he seen Mike. Great I was hoping not to see him today.
“Hey Abbie how are you today?” I mentally smacked myself for saying I would be nice to him. He wasn’t my type at all.
“Um I’m okay how are you?” See I managed a simple sentence.
“Well I was thinking about the final dance of the year.” Oh no please say he’s not hinting. I shot him down before he said another word.
“Wow there’s a dance that sucks.” He looked confused.
“Why does it suck? I love the dances.” I rolled my eyes. Damn I said I was going to be nice.
“I can’t dance so why would I like dances?” He smiled again.
“That’s okay I’ll show you.” I went to say something but the teacher interrupted me.
“Mr. Newton you can talk to Ms. Harter after class now return to your seat.” He put on a goofy grin and went and sat down. I sighed. Why couldn’t guys take a hint? My next few classes went on without a hitch because of course Mike wasn’t in them. Thankfully I only two classes with the wannabe prince charming. I got to lunch but quickly changed my mind when I seen Alice waving her hands at me again. Why is this girl always excited to see me? I shook my head and slowly walked over there. On my way to the table I heard another voice summon me.
“Abbie why don’t you sit with us today?” I looked over and seen Mike calling me. I sped up my pace and went and hugged Alice. I think she caught the drift because she laughed.
“Ah poor Mike,” I cocked my eyebrow and shot her an evil look. “The poor guy has tried twice to get with the new girl and has failed miserably. Both of them were taken with the wonderful Edward Cullen.” I tried to play it off and rolled my eyes.
“Sorry I don’t like Edward,” Alice laughed.
“Okay I believe you so we still have an argument to finish.” I shrugged.
“Yea but I’m not changing my mind. I’d love to hang out with you outside of school Alice but I am just one that doesn’t like people trying to buy my friendship.” She nodded.
“Okay you won’t let me take you shopping. How about you come over tomorrow instead?” I shrugged.
“You will have to talk to my mom. Alice why are you being so nice to me?” She looked taken back for a minute then she recovered.
“You seem like a nice girl plus you are the first one that’s nice to me besides Bella. Most people steer away from us.” A look of disbelief came across my features.
“Why would they do that? You seem very nice... and Edward does too.” Edward chuckled.
“One simple answer to that one, ignorance.” I nodded. I understood that one. I remembered how the kids treated me after the stuff with Rick happened. I winced remembering that painful memory. I sat listening to their cheerful chatter for the rest of lunch. I heard the bell ring symbolizing lunch was over. I unhappily got up and walked to Physical Science knowing Mike would be there. I walked into the class room and quickly took my seat. Mike came in looking happy. A lot happier than earlier I wonder what happened I shrugged. It was none of my business.
“Hey why didn’t you come sit with us?” I thought for a moment. Maybe because you are annoying, have too much body spray on, and you make me want to puke. I heard Edward’s laughter all the way from my seat and he and Bella were seated at the front. I was one of the last lab desks. What was so damn funny? I realized Mike was still waiting on an answer so I smiled.
“Well the Cullen’s had invited me first.” I heard him mumble something under his breath. “What was that Mike?” His whole mood had changed.
“Nothing class has started.” I shrugged and actually paid attention. I still jumped out of my seat when the bell rang though.
In English today we have to write a poem. I sighed that was easy. I grabbed my books and left for my last class. It went easily. I could have gone to sleep in there had there been more kids. I learnt that at my old school. After the final bell rang I walked to my locker and put away all my books. I didn’t need them tonight because I had no homework. I walked out to the parking lot searching for Alice. For once I had to find her, rather than her usually finding me. I remembered she came in Edward’s Volvo this morning. I slowly walked over to their car and caught the tail end of their conversation.
“It makes no sense to me either. I can only pick up bits and pieces of her. It’s like I can only hear what she wants me to.” Edward ran a hand roughly through his hair.
“That’s silly though Edward. We will figure it out though. I doubt she is a major threat.” Bella leaned in and gave him a kiss. I cleared my throat not to interrupt them but to alert them of my presence. Their last sentences had confused me a lot but I decided not to ask.
“Bella what time are you and Alice coming over?” Bella was stumbling over her words.
“I’m not sure I have to talk to Alice first.” I nodded.
“Just call me before you come.” My mom honked the horn and I ran to the car. Bella’s words to Edward were bothering me a lot. ‘I doubt she is a major threat.’ What did that mean? I was raking my brain trying to figure out what it meant until my mother’s voice broke me from my thoughts.
“You are never going to believe this. The nicest guy came in the diner today. He was so distinguished and nice. We talked for at least an hour.” A smile came to my features immediately.
“Really mom that’s great!” She nodded excitedly.
“He’s a police officer.” I smiled again.
“Really mom I’m so happy for you.” She was so enthusiastic I was happy for her truly.
When we got home I sat my book bag down and walked upstairs. I put all my boxes in one corner and sat on my bed. I was so in between about feelings. I am just confused. I got up and started putting the clothes on my bed away, trying my best to hang some of them up as I went. Exactly one hour from when I started my door bell rang. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and I opened my door curiously. There stood Alice and Bella standing outside it.
“No fair you started without us.” I only had one box left to do.
“Yea because I didn’t want you to see the ridiculous amount of tank tops I have.” Bella came in and looked around my room. Alice went and grabbed the last box. She dumped it out on the bed.
“Bella you can sit down if you want.” She nodded and went to sit in the small arm chair in the corner by the window.
“Girl you were serious that you have a lot of tank tops.” I laughed and said, “Duh!” After that last box was done we all sat around gossiping. That’s saying something because I don’t gossip and Bella doesn’t seem like the type to either.
“So Abbie how many boyfriends have you had?” I felt my face flush with embarrassment.
“Um none,” Alice gasped.
“Why not?” I shrugged.
“No body was ever interested in me.” That was well proof with all guys except Mike. I think Bella was thinking the same thing because she opened her mouth to interject but I put my hand up to silence her.
“Other than Mike ew. Alice what about you? How many boyfriends have you had?” She acted like she was counting on her fingers,
“Just one and he’s the one I’m with now.” I tilted my head. “His name is Jasper. You will meet him when you come over tomorrow along with Emmett and Alex.” Bella smiled at me.
“You will love Emmett he is so funny except when the jokes are about you, his jokes are mostly at my expense maybe with you around he will lighten up on me.” I laughed along with her. I sure hope not. I walked down the stairs and seen my mom on the phone twirling the cord like a teenager.
“Mom I hate to interrupt but can I go to the Cullen’s tomorrow with Bella?” She looked up from the phone.
“Sure you can dear. Wait what did you say your friend’s name was again?” I sighed.
“Bella, why?” She looked at the phone a minute.
“Bella Swan?” I nodded. “You’re friends with Charlie’s daughter?” I looked confused.
“Who’s Charlie?”
“Charlie is the police officer from the diner.” I covered my mouth in shock. My mother liked Bella’s dad. Oh great.
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ok i have more readers yet no more subscriptions or anything of that nature
im going to continue the story anyways with or without the comments