Candy Coated Dreams

The Confusion Sets In

I walked upstairs and I felt as if all the color had drained from my face. My mother liked one of my best friends, wait I don’t know if were that close yet so friend’s father. That felt so weird to say in my head so imagine if I had said it out loud. I paused outside my room debating on going in before I caught my composure. I grabbed the handle just as Alice opened the door. She had a humorous look on her face.
“Are you okay Abbie? You look distraught.” I nodded and went and sat on my bed. Alice looked in between Bella and me.
“Do you want us to give you a moment Abbie?” I shook my head. I was okay it just felt so weird. I smiled and did what I do best. I chanted my secret cover up in my head. Just smile and pretend like everything’s fine. I smiled a little too much because Alice started dying laughing and Bella laughed too.
“You look like mental patient Barbie,” Alice said in between laughs. I gave her a look of utter confusion. They really had a Barbie like that? Wow the lengths they would go to make a dollar. I shook my head. Alice suddenly stopped laughing then got extremely quiet then stared directly at the wall. I walked over and shook her a bit and she jolted like she had fallen asleep. She just smiled as if nothing had happened. If I had done that my face would have been redder than a tomato. She doesn’t ever get embarrassed.
“Hey Abbie Bella and I are going to go home now. We’ll see you at school tomorrow.” I simply nodded. They had exited the room after that. After they had left my room felt surprisingly empty. I had already begun to miss the laughter that had filled the small room just hours earlier. I walked downstairs and my mother smiled at me. She patted the seat next to her and I obediently went. She looked at me like she was debating on her words.
“Mom just spit out what you’re trying to say you know I hate it when you sprinkle everything with invisible sugar.” She nodded.
“I think I may like Charlie.” I rolled my eyes. She realized it now? I noticed how happy she was coming home from work.
“I know mom,” I rose my hand up to silence what she was about to say. “ I know this is the first guy since dad but if he hurts you I will personally make sure he looses his body parts police or not.” She smiled.
“Thanks for being okay about this Abbie.” I nodded and hugged her.
“Anytime mom.” I rose up and walked out on the porch and sat on the porch swing and just watched the rain. It was peaceful and caught a lot of hate from people because it was cold and icky. I rolled my eyes those were some of the exact reasons I loved it. It always managed to calm me down. I sat out there for what seemed like a matter of minutes but I realized that hadn’t been the case when my mother came out to get me.
“Baby if you want to take a shower tonight you better do it now before it gets too late.” I looked at her and nodded. When I walked into the house I got a quick glance at the clock it was around nine thirty already. Whoa time had really flown by. I walked upstairs and took my shower. I did all my shower duties then did my usual after shower routine. After I was done dressing and such I crawled under my light blanket and snuggled up and drifted into a peaceful sleep.
The next morning I was more than confused. In my dreams a man came and talked to me in my sleep. He was rather young looking and had dark eyes. If I hadn’t known better I would have said they were black. He reached across the table and ran his hand across my skin. His hand was unusually hot. It was scalding hot. I jerked back from his touch out of reflex. He looked hurt then kept his hands to himself. He started down at the small table we were sitting at and didn’t say a word. So I started the questioning.
“Who are you?” He looked up and then smirked. “Answer me damnit.” He ignored me then pushed the chair back and left my dream world. Was that a dream; did some strange hot handed guy come into my dreams I was beyond confused but I walked over to my dresser and pulled out the second drawer. I actually liked it being easier to get dressed. I started to hum that song from my dreams the other night. It still had a lasting impression on me despite it being from the night before. I looked through my drawer filled with jeans and grabbed my dark green camouflaged ones. I loved those pants. I put them on and walked to the mirror that was placed by my window. I guess I was okay looking. My deep auburn hair was very straight and came down well past my shoulders. My chocolate brown eyes were relieved from all the sleepless nights I have be skipping out on over the last couple of days. My figure wasn’t perfect but it was okay once again. I wasn’t made to be perfect though I wished I was. I walked back to my drawers and much to my amusement grabbed another tank top just to aggravate Alice. I knew she hated it but what can I say? I’m just a tank top and jeans kind of girl. I walked into the bathroom and changed my shirt then did my make-up and actual put a little curl to my hair on just the ends though. I didn’t know what Forks was doing to me but it was kind of scary. I walked back into my bedroom humming once again. I went to my top drawer and grabbed my ‘bad girl’ toe socks. Yes I am also a toe sock person. I bobbed my head left to right as I put my socks on. In a too quick movement I fell off my bed just as my mother opened my door with Alice standing there. I felt myself blush. That was embarrassing. Alice waved it off as nothing though and walked over and helped me up.
“I was wondering if you wanted to ride with us today.” I heard the emphasis on the word ‘us’. Who was all with her? Then it hit me. Edward and Bella were outside probably in his Volvo waiting on me. Why me?
“Why though?” She still had a smile on her face.
“Well for one best friends ride together,” I remembered my confusion yesterday. Had she read my mind? I shook that thought out of my head that was beyond impossible. “Plus I figured it would be easier for you to come over after school.” I nodded. I had no idea how much my plans were going to change after that. It was an entire different story. I just nodded. I walked downstairs and grabbed my shoes and my green ‘dragon Mecca’ hoodie and made sure I had my back pack before I was out of the door.
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wow a ride with them now
and Her mom and charlie will sparks fly?
comment and see muwahaha