Candy Coated Dreams

Bella's Plan

The car ride was quiet the whole way to school so the silence didn’t ease my dream problem. I was still turning it over in my head. Who was this dark haired hot handed man? More importantly why was he bothering my dreams? Alice looked over at me worried. I shrugged it off as if it was nothing that is until we got out of the car and Alice practically cornered me in front of Edward and Bella. I started to stutter that nothing was wrong but she didn’t believe me. So I had to tell her.
“For some one so small you are an awful big pain,” She laughed.
“That’s something I have heard before but its not answering my question. What’s wrong?” I looked away then met her gaze.
“Some man came into my dream last night. He had long black hair and eyes practically black themselves. He was okay looking and he seemed very happy. We were sitting at some table then he reached across the table and grabbed my hand. His hand felt as though it was on fire. It was scorching hot.” I looked away from Alice in time to see Bella and Edward exchange a glance. Why were they always doing that? Especially if they knew I wasn’t looking. Edward looked from Bella to Alice then his gaze sent on me. I must have a booger hanging out of my nose because there’s no way something that perfect was staring at me. He smiled the cutest crooked grin I have ever seen in my life and I could have sworn my heart stopped. I cleared my throat then excused myself to get ready for class. In all truthfulness it bothered me the way they looked at each other it made me feel like the outcast. I was early for class so I sat there and decided to write some poems to ease my mind. By the time I was done the bell had already rang and Mike Newton was standing in front of me. He had that cheesy smile on his face again. I thought about adding another line to my poem on then I realize that would be mean but why do I care about Mike’s feelings? The little voice in my head relied; because for once you’re trying to be nice. I rolled my eyes. How is it my duty to entertain him? Why doesn’t he go bother Edward? Then I got an idea. I smirked. I got up and walked over to Edward and Bella. Both looked at me curiously and I got the sense Edward got why I was over here faster then Bella did. I rolled my eyes and Edward lightly chuckled.
“I am so sorry to bother you guys but Mike is aggravating me so bad I’m ready to choke him.” Bella nodded.
“Hey Abbie how would you like to do something just you and me; I mean like going to the Cullen’s another time you know?” I nodded.
“Did you talk to Alice about this? It would be the second time I ditched her. I feel kind of bad.” Edward interrupted our little girl talk. Not that I minded though. His voice was smooth like honey as always.
“Actually I wouldn’t worry about disappointing her. She has something big planned for when you do get to hang out.” I gasped.
“She is not getting rid of my tank tops.” He laughed.
“I don’t know but who does with Alice.” I watched the right side of his mouth lift a little then drop. I changed the subject not to think about that smile.
“So when are we leaving?” She looked at Edward.
“I was thinking about five. That way in case we have any home work and it gives Edward enough time to drop me off at my house so I can pick up my truck.” I nodded then glanced over to my seat and Mike was gone. I guess it didn’t dawn on me that I was still in the middle of class because I started victory dancing. I mean I didn’t hold back from the booty shaking and finger pointing. The teacher cleared his throat and I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. I then quoted Finding Nemo, ‘will a bigger fish swallow me!’ I started laughing in my head. I speeded up my pace to my seat.
“Did every one enjoy Miss Harter’s dancing skills?” I put my head down and I swear I was never speaking again in this school. I felt my face deepen about four shades and I kept my head down.
By lunch every one had heard about my little ‘incident’. Every where I turned some one was staring at me or laughing so it wasn’t much better when I went and sat at the Cullen’s table again. Alice beamed at me. She always seemed so happy. I wish I had whatever cereal she was eating because obviously tinker bell had sprinkled her magic fairy dust in it. I smiled warmly at her.
“Bella told me about her wanting to spend time with you. I just want you to know I’m not mad or anything.” I smiled again.
“Thanks Alice I felt so bad. When are we going to chill?” She looked as if in thought for a moment. Then she looked up like she just had the greatest idea.
“How about Sunday?” She looked happy then nodded.
“Sunday sounds cool.” I looked over at Edward and his eyes looked like they twinkled. Bella stared up at him with adoration. I sighed then stared at my uneaten lunch. I wasn’t hungry but I picked around. I looked up and Alice was staring at me hard then she looked at Edward he swiftly nodded. How does he do that? It can be so aggravating. I wrinkled my nose up. He is so infuriating with his perfect little nose and his crooked smile. Well I kind of like that about him. I returned my gaze to his and he was laughing. Ugh, I really don’t like him. I looked at the clock on the wall and noticed I had three minutes left until lunch was over. I excused myself and threw my whole lunch away. I was a little nervous about where Bella was taking me. This could be a huge setup for Alice to take me shopping. I shuttered. That was scary. Alice picking me out clothes was a scary thought. Her clothes were so fancy and stuff. My style is so simple. I concentrated on nothing less the whole day. This was a set up I knew it.
After the last bell rang out I slowly walked outside and I seen Alice, Edward, and Bella talking. I slowly walked up. I heard Bella’s voice from a safe distance from the Volvo.
“I’m just saying I think her and Jacob would get along so well.” I walked up and their conversation stopped.
“I just wanted you guys to know that I got a ride home so you guys can go ahead and leave.” Edward stared at me as if he was trying to look right through me.
“No we picked you up so we are going to make sure you get home okay.” Alice was obviously upset at me.
“I don’t want to trouble you guys.” Alice let out one of her musical laughs again.
“You are not bothering us now get your little happy butt in the car.” I did as I was told and in little time we were at my house. I heard the rain start to get heavier. I resisted the urge to go outside in it. Instead I walked inside the house and my mother and Charlie I’m assuming it was were sitting on the couch drinking tea I’m guessing again. I smiled at continued to my room.
“Abbie dear come here a moment.” I did as I was asked again.
“This is Charlie Swann. Charlie this is my daughter Abbie.” I shook his extended hand.
“It’s nice to meet you Charlie.” He nodded. “I’m going to do my homework mom okay?” She nodded and she and Charlie continued their conversation. I walked up to my room and started on my homework. It wasn’t that hard I just tried to stall to give her personal time. She deserved it. After I was finished I walked down stairs and mom was humming while washing the dishes.
“I was just about to call you. I started on the dishes and dinners on the table.” I nodded and started to eat.
“How was your day?” My mother seemed awful chipper.
“It was okay I guess. Bella wants to take me somewhere instead of going to the Cullen’s’.” She nodded as she worked.
“Bella is Charlie’s daughter right?” I mumbled an agreement. I finished eating and the phone rang. It was Bella.
“Hey you ready?”
“Yea I wasn’t sure when you were coming.”
“Well I’m leaving my house now.”
“Ok I’ll see you in a bit.”
I ran back upstairs to redo my make up and make sure I looked okay. I grabbed my shoes and my hoodie and went back to the kitchen.
“Hey mom Bella’s on her way so I’m going to wait outside.” She nodded and continued with the dishes. I walked outside on the porch and sat on the swing and rocked back and forth. I wonder how Bella and Edward got together. They both seem so different despite that they fit so well together. I bet they make it until they’re old and gray unlike my parents. I heard something loud coming down the street and seen a red truck coming down the road. It pulled up into my driveway and I got off the porch. Despite the heavy rain I seen Bella wave for me to get it. I ran to the truck and got it with the truck doors giving off a loud crreeaakk.
“Hey Abbie,” I tried to shake out my hair.
“Hey Bella,” I said as she pulled out of my driveway. “So where are we going?” She laughed.
“You’ll see.” Ugh I hated surprises. We sat in silence for a few minutes I decided to break it.
“Hey Bella I have a question for you.”
“Yea what is it?” I sighed. I have to work up the courage to ask.
“Does it bother you that our parents kind of have a thing going?” Her reaction surprised me. She laughed.
“I just want Charlie to be happy.” I understood that.
I glanced out the window and seen a sign informing you that you were entering La Push Indian reservation. I was confused. Why in the hell were we here? I didn’t understand until Bella drove to the beach and got out. It was simply drizzling here. Across the beach I saw someone. Their hair really stood out. It was dark as night. I was still wondering why we were here until it dawned on me when she called for him.
“Jacob!” I knew it then. This was the guy she was trying to hook me up with.
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guys id really like to know what u think of this story