Candy Coated Dreams

The Pack

He came running towards her. They embraced in a hug then he coughed and looked at me.
“Oh my bad this is Abbie. Abbie this is Jacob.” He smirked at me and I smiled. He looked so familiar to me I couldn’t get over why though. I had never seen this man before in my life. I was positive on that. He extended his hand and I placed mine in his. His hand was scorching hot. I jerked back and he looked at Bella.
“I’m sorry I’m hot natured.” It dawned on me where I had seen him before.
“What are you doing in my dreams?” He laughed a deep throated laugh. He bent over from laughing so hard. Bella even giggled a little bit.
“I know that I’m irresistible and all but that is one lame pick up line.” I rolled my eyes and resisted the urge to smack him.
“No it wasn’t a pick up line. I was stating a fact. Now answer me.” His smile vanished and a look of puzzlement took its place. I don’t know if he realized I was serious or that I wasn’t hitting on him either one something had astounded him.
“I honestly don’t know. Are you sure it’s me?” I nodded.
“He looked just like you.” He nodded then his smile returned.
“I get it you dreamed me into your life.” I rolled my eyes and Bella lightly hit him in the arm. Well it looked light she pulled away holding her hand. I laughed at that one and Jacob smirked. He waved his hand in a motion for us to follow him. I looked at Bella and she shrugged.
We followed him to a spot on the beach with an obvious burnt out pit in the center with logs placed all around it. It had a warm kind of feeling about it. I couldn’t put my finger around why. I looked around and I seen a few faces none I knew though. The first guy was kind of intimidating looking. My gaze went to the sad after one look at him. Bella grabbed my hand and pulled me to sit down. My gaze was still on the ground. I was afraid to look up. The one guy scared the hell out of me. Jacob lifted my face up so his was inches from mine. I lifted my eyes up to look into his dark deep brown ones. His lips curved into a smile.
“Abbs your dream man is next to you not in the sand.” I felt my face heat up and I turned away from him. “Aw Bells you found a new red cheeked buddy.” Bella laughed. I looked across the fire pit and seen this kid just grinning at me. Now he I could chill around. Not so intimidating like the first guy I seen.
“Don’t mind Jacob he just has an unusually high confidence level. I’m Seth by the way.” I nodded and he extended his hand. Once again I took his in mine but I resisted the urge to jerk back.
“I’m Abbie it’s nice to meet you Seth.” I used all the manners my momma taught me. I didn’t want to be torn to pieces.
About an hour later every thing started to ease up. I was able to be myself with no crazy suspicions like I usually had. I was even telling jokes and cracking sarcastic remarks with Jacob. It was so weird I felt like I knew these people my whole life. I was even okay with Sam. You remember the guy that intimidated me so bad earlier? Yea that’s Sam. I mean were not best friends but at least we’re social. I looked over at Jacob and he wiggled his eyebrows at Seth who grinned back then looked at the one that said his name was Quill who smirked. Then the gaze went to Bella and I.
“Are you guys up for some old fashioned fun?” Bella and I exchanged a glance. I was curious at what they were hinting at that is until Jacob walked toward the water. He got a good distance from us and started to unbutton his pants. I swiftly turned my head in Bella’s direction. She looked at me her cheeks flaming just as much as I was. Soon all the boys followed pursuit. Bella looked up from where she had her head hidden in her hands.
“You ready to get home Abbie?” I nodded.
We got up and started to walk towards the truck. I got a wicked idea before we left the beach. I got closer to the spot where all the guys had discarded their shorts. As soon as I walked up Jacob got a devilish grin on his face.
“Hey dream boy when you come back in my dreams tonight maybe you’ll get these back.” I picked up his shorts and made a dash for Bella’s truck and made it there just as she was getting in.
“Ok let’s go now Bella.” She started up the old Chevy and we pulled out of the beach parking spaces.
“So Abbie what did you think of La Push?” I shrugged.
“It was okay I mean Jacob is cool as hell and so is Seth. I didn’t really get a chance to know the others that well. Sam scared me a bit though.” She nodded.
“What did you think about Jacob?” I turned toward the window.
“I really don’t know Bella.” She stayed silent again.
“I bet we would have had more fun if Alice would have come.” Her eyes jerked up at me.
“No Alice doesn’t like it down here.” I was so confused yet curious at the same time.
“Why not she seems like she would fit in fine?”
“I don’t know she just doesn’t.” I nodded.
Not long after she pulled up into my driveway. I smiled and hugged her before I got out of her truck.
“I had fun hanging out with you today Bella. We should do it again sometime.” I turned around and started to walk away from her truck. I heard her voice it was quiet enough I barely heard but I am so positive I know what she said.
“Its nice hanging out with humans sometimes.” I stopped for a minute then sprinted into the house. I ran upstairs without saying a word to my mother and lay on my bed. I kept replaying over and over what she said in my head. I had to have heard wrong. The little voice in my head replied to my question. What if she’s not? I thought about it. What was I supposed to do if I hadn’t heard wrong? Was I supposed to avoid them? I would feel bad because I was actually starting to like Alice. Bella was nice as well. It was obvious that I liked Edward. I sat there in silence for a length of time. My mind was blank. Another thought hit me. If they weren’t human what were they?
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i really enjoy writing on this story
im act like the reader sometimes i noticed lol