Candy Coated Dreams

It's On

I laid in my bed tossing and turning. The whole scenario was still on my mind and I couldn’t sleep because of it. I just couldn’t get over it. It was something I wasn’t supposed to hear obviously. Did it make sense though? What could they be? I sighed and flipped onto my back. I kind of wished I hadn’t heard what Bella had said. I had been sleeping so well over the last couple of days and now with this dilemma my insomnia was back. I stared intensely at my ceiling as if it had the answers I was seeking. It didn’t though. I heard a noise in the right direction of my room. I walked over there quietly. I stopped when I got to the window and seen the rain hitting the window sill. Phew it was just the rain. I turned to walk back toward my bed but the noise stopped me once again. I opened my window and seen a huge dog running around my house. I squealed quietly trying not to wake my mother. I loved dogs even though they brought back painful memories. Before things went bad between Rick and my mom we had a beautiful pit bull named Rocky. He was a tan color and was the biggest baby I have ever seen. He was worse than a little kid. Rocky was basically my dog. I fed him, watered him, bathed him and made sure he went outside. He was my baby. When my dad left he took Rocky with him because in his mind because he bought him it made him his dog. I cried every night. Rocky was my snuggle buddy at the time. I felt my eyes start to tear up and I violently wiped them. I didn’t care how much I hurt them at this point.
I walked slowly downstairs once again not to wake mom. Once I got out the back door I sprinted into the yard. This animal could have been a wild rabid infested dog but I didn’t care my own selfish needs took place of my usual reason. I walked around looking for the animal I had seen running. I walked a bit farther and I still seen nothing. That was disappointing. I felt my eyes start to water again when I realized the animal was gone. I dropped to the ground and put my head in my hands and cried. It was the first time I had cried since I moved to Forks. Rick had messed our life up beyond repair. Mom was doing so much better but she always had me to hold her up. What about me? Who did I have? I felt as if my air had been stolen from me. I heard the sound of a leaf crunching and I looked up to see the dog walking towards me slowly as if pacing its self. Its dark fur shined so beautifully in the moon light. My chest still ached from crying in the dark damp night. I would probably have a cough tomorrow but right now it didn’t matter. The dog came up and I got a good view of its eyes. They were beautiful in their own right. I laughed when I thought how much his eyes reminded me of Jacob. Ugh he was sweet yet way to full of himself some times. The dog pushed its head on my hand trying to get to my palm I’m guessing. I smiled and started to scratch its ears.
“You’re so pretty aren’t you puppy?” If I hadn’t known better I would have thought the dog scoffed. I rolled my eyes. Now I know I was way too emotional tonight. He looked up at me and whined and then licked my face. I smiled.
“I’m fine. I swear I’m not upset any more. I was just thinking about past times. I used to have a beautiful dog, not as cute as you though.” The one corner of the dog’s mouth lifted a bit. I laughed. He was truly beautiful. I wish I could keep him. He would be a warm snuggle partner. I laughed at that thought. Once again this dog could be a wild dog yet I didn’t care. I felt so safe with him. I scratched behind his ears again. All of a sudden he jerked up and stared at the wooded area behind our house. He turned back to me and hit me with his nose. What the hell dog? He practically forced me back into the house. I sighed and did as the dog told me so. That was so weird though. I was just forced to do something by a dog. Now I was really questioning my sanity.
I walked back upstairs to my room and laid in my bed. I felt oddly comfortable with that dog. The damn thing didn’t have a name yet. I laughed to myself again. I am so weird sometimes. I snuggled up to my pillow and fell into a blissful sleep.

Beep…Beep…Beep. I felt around my dresser looking for that annoying beeping sound. Just five more minutes of sleep was all I needed. I didn’t get enough sleep last night. I smiled though despite being so tired. I saw the dog’s face in my head. I got up and showered. Surprisingly I started to sing.
“She's a pretty girl she's always falling down and I think I just fell in love with her. But she won't ever remember, remember and I can always find her at the bottom of a plastic cup. Drowning in drunk sincerity a sad and lonely girl. Quit crying your eyes out. Quit crying your eyes out and baby come on. Isn't there something familiar about me?” My singing was interrupted by a knock on the bathroom door.
“Baby are you okay in there?” I felt my face flush. My mother had heard me singing.
“Um yea mom I’m fine.” I didn’t hear anything so I finished my shower without my rock star qualities. Ha who was I lying to? I can’t sing for my life. I got out of the shower and dried off then did my lotion and got dressed.
I was in too good of mood to even taunt Alice with my enormous tank top collection. I put on my v-neck black shirt that was filled with silver glitter and my black jeans. I did my make up and I thought I looked decent. Not up to Alice’s looks though. I shook my head and went to finish getting ready. I grabbed my black and red lady bug toe socks and put them on. I walked down stairs and smiled at my mother who was once again doing breakfast. I wondered what she was doing today. We had pancakes, then eggs yesterday hmm. I sat down at the table and I wasn’t in suspense that long. She sat down and placed French toast in front of me. She was smiley again this morning so I figured she was excited to see Charlie this morning. Ever since she noticed him at the diner she wakes up cheerful. I was glad though. My tear-filled night replayed in my head. A smile quickly replaced it though. I wondered what had happened to the dog.
I finished the rest of my breakfast then rinsed it off it the sink and walked to get my shoes.
“Hey Abbie you can take the car today the keys are by the door.” I stopped putting on my left shoe and hopped into the kitchen with only my right shoe on.
“Why don’t you need the car?” She shrugged and tried to frown but a smile won over the battle I’m guessing. Her smile was so bright. Her eyes looked younger and didn’t have the lines from worry that usually surrounded them.
“Charlie is taking me to work today.” I nodded.
“Okay mom I’m taking off then I love you.” She called an 'I love you too' then I walked out of the house. I didn’t make it far when I realized I didn’t have both shoes on. I ran back inside and put my other shoe on and grabbed my hoodie hanging by the door. I walked back outside and grabbed my book bag off the porch then walked to the car and preceded the drive to school.
It was kind of weird riding to school alone. It was peaceful and quiet. I didn’t think about what Bella had said until I got to school. I was kind of surprised to see that no one else was there. Was I early? No I couldn’t be. I flipped open my phone and I seen that it was six forty-five. Something else flashed in front of me. It was Saturday. I swore out loud. So basically I had gotten up for nothing at all I could still be sleeping. That’s why mom came to check on me and why she gave me the car today. Ugh I’m so stupid. I shook my head and got back into my car. This whole morning was wasted. I started to drive. I had no idea where I was but it calmed me down a bit. I watched the rain pelt the windshield.
I eventually went back home. I pulled up in the driveway and got out of the car. When I walked into the house no one was home. Mom must have left for work already I sighed. I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. I was so bored already. I decided to call Bella.
“Hello,” at least one of us was having an okay day today.
“Hey Bella its Abbie are you doing anything? I am super bored and have the house to myself.”
“Hey I have an idea. Can I call you back?”
“Yea sure Bella.” I hung up the phone and walked into the living room and sat on the couch. I looked around the living room and realized not much had been done to it since we moved in. That was a little over a week ago. Wow if feels like I’ve been living here for at least a month. I saw a can of paint sitting in the corner of the room. Mom had been planning on painting it but obviously hadn’t gotten around to it. I smirked. There was something I could do. I went upstairs and changed into a pair of black denim shorts that came down to the middle of my thighs and a white tank top. I pulled my hair up in a pony tail and grabbed my I-pod deck and my I-pod. I moved the couch into the kitchen. That was a task on my own but it wasn’t so bad. I put my I-pod on shuffle then put it on deck. I opened the paint then poured it into the pan and grabbed my roller. I started on the first coat. It was a deep red color. If I had to hazard a guess I would say it was wine red. I started singing and dancing while doing the far right wall. I was so into the music that I didn’t hear the door open. I didn’t hear the footsteps that should have been obvious. I swayed my hips and painted at the same time. I jumped out of my skin when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I jumped and the paint from my roller hit his face. I turned around and looked who it was.
“Jacob what the hell do you think you’re doing.” He smirked and wiped the paint off his face.
“Well I wanted to see you so I called Bella and we all decided to come over.” I sighed.
“What do you mean ‘you all’” He laughed.
“Well Bella, Seth, and me.” I nodded okay that wasn’t so bad. He still had yet to remove his hands from my waist. I looked up into his eyes and they instantly reminded me of the dog from last night. He looked confused.
“What’s so funny?”
“If I tell you you’re going to laugh at me.” He laughed.
“Okay I won’t I promise.” I nodded.
“This dog came by my house last night. His eyes reminded me so much of yours.” He looked at me for a second and I believed he was going to hold his promise. Then he laughed.
“That sounds silly don’t you think.” I smacked his chest.
“Ow!” Now I know why Bella hurts her hand after hitting him so much.
“Did you get that out of your system?” I rolled my eyes. His eyes took on a serious tone again. He looked at me for a second then he leaned down and kissed me. His lips were so soft and warm. I forgot where I was for a second. I kissed him back though. I didn’t know if I would regret it later. I couldn’t believe it my first kiss was with Jacob Black. I pulled back and my cheeks flushed red. He laughed again and I slipped out of his arms. I started painting again. I heard Seth’s cheerful voice.
“Hey Abbs how are you today? A little red I see.” I flushed a deeper red.
“It’s the paint reflecting off the wall.” Seth laughed.
“Are you sure about that?” I nodded then got an evil idea. I dipped my hands in the paint tray. The inside of my hands were deep red. I put my dripping hands behind my hand and walked innocently up to Seth.
“Hey Seth can I have a hug?” He smiled at me.
“Sure you can Abbie.” He extended his hands out so I could come hug him. I did just that and rubbed my hands all down his back covering it red. I felt all his muscles and I shuddered a bit. His body was so tight. I pulled away and he smiled at me. I shook my head and went back to painting again. I was so distracted again. I heard Jacob’s laughter followed by me being held from behind.
“Get her Seth.” I squealed and tried to get out of Jacob’s hold. I was very unsuccessful at that. Seth came over and wiped paint all over my face. I squealed again.
“Bella help me.” She jumped on his back with water in her hands and dumped it on him. The water reflected on his skin. I had the urge to reach out and touch his body but my concentration was thrown else where when I realize Jacob had his scorching hot body pressed up against mine.
“Jacob release me or I will be required to do something terrible.” He laughed.
“What might that be?” I smirked.
“This,” I took my roller and painted his stomach red. I laughed and he picked me up and twirled me around. I squealed. I didn’t know why I felt comfortable in his arms it was so weird. I took a glance back into the living room we were almost done just one wall to finish and that was the one by the front door. Jacob put me down and I hurried to finish that wall. It didn’t work well to my advantage because he was back behind me breathing in my ear. He leaned in and kissed me again then the front door opened and in walked my mother and Charlie.
“Abbie?” I pulled away from Jacob quickly and placed my hands over my mouth. I was in so much trouble.
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i guess this story isnt going to pick up :(