Candy Coated Dreams

The Wolf And Jacob

I tried to pull away from Jacob but that didn’t work to my advantage at all. For one he is twice my size and two his arms are like death locks. My mother stood there in shock. Hell I was in shock. My mom had just walked in on Jacob and I kissing. All I could think was oh my god. Charlie stood there with a grin on his face.
“Hey Jacob how’s Billy doing?” Jacob smirked.
“He’s doing fine Charlie I’ll tell him you asked about him.” Charlie nodded. My mother still looked astonished.
“You know him Charlie?” My mother looked from Charlie to Jacob to me then back to Charlie.
“Oh yes this is Billy Black’s boy. He’s a good kid.” I sighed. Her eyes drifted back to me.
“How do you know him?” Jacob smirked and I thought it was impossible but he tightened his grip on me.
“I’m her boyfriend.” I opened my mouth to protest. I stopped suddenly realization hit me that I had just kissed a guy that wasn’t even my boyfriend. I sighed and just leaned back against him. I am going to get him for this. He didn’t even ask if I wanted to be his girlfriend. I looked over at Seth and Bella. Bella had a tiny smile on her features. I looked at Seth for help.
“Um Jacob don’t we have to be getting home. It’s around dinner time and mom invited you and Billy to dinner.” I looked up at Jacob and he scowled.
“I guess you’re right Seth.” He leaned down and planted a light kiss on my lips. It was so light I barely felt it. “See you Abbs.” I nodded and he released me. I watched Jacob walk out of the door and I felt sadness kick in. I don’t know why I mean he just left. I shouldn’t care that he’s not around. I sighed. I walked over by Bella and she gave me a small but warm and tight hug. Mom and Charlie walked into the kitchen and I could hear the pots and pans lightly clinking. Mom was starting dinner I’m guessing and Bella and Charlie were staying for dinner. YAY! I had a hard time concealing my excitement. I was so happy my mom and Charlie were dating because Bella would be around more often. I liked Bella. She is so clumsy and very honest and very real. Alice was cool as well, only I didn’t want her as a sister. I mean no offense to her but that would make me related to Edward and having a crush on your brother is disgusting.
I went and sat down on the hardwood floor and stared around at the walls. We actually did a really good job for a bunch of teenagers goofing off the whole time. I hoped Mom liked it. Right now I couldn’t really tell because I think she’s mad at me. I looked over at Bella again and she smiled.
“So that was interesting.” I looked at her and rolled my eyes; way too interesting for my tastes.
“Yea that defiantly describes it,” I laughed.
“Are you excited about tomorrow?” I tilted my head. What was tomorrow? I concentrated hard trying to think what I could possibly be doing tomorrow. Jacob hadn’t said anything to my knowledge and Seth didn’t I know for a fact.
“What’s tomorrow?”
“Um Sunday Abbie we’re going to Alice’s.” My mouth made an ‘o’ shape. I remembered now. I jumped up and squealed but in my sudden movement I slipped on the plastic and hit my head on the floor. Bella started laughing.
“That was a totally Bella move.” I grunted at her. She laughed harder.
“Are you excited about meeting all of the Cullen’s?” I shrugged a bit.
“Actually I’m kind of scared. I’ve only seen Edward and Alice and they’re beautiful I’m afraid I will feel awkward.” She laughed.
“With Emmett and Alex around nothing is awkward. Emmett is such a lovable person. He’s so funny except for when its you he’s picking on then you want to throw him into a wall; I highly recommend you don’t though. Emmett is huge.” I swallowed hard. I’m more intimidated then anything now. Thanks Bella for the help you’ve made me a wreck.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Bella reached down and helped me up. We walked into the kitchen and our parents were kissing against the counter. I covered my eyes and ran out of the kitchen.
“EWW PDA.” That had to be one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. I mean EW it was my mom and... Charlie. Bella followed behind me laughing.
“Are you scarred for life now?” I nodded. That vision would never leave my mind. EW that was the counter I cooked on. Ugh they just ruined that counter. I went and sat out on the porch. The rain was hard yet a drizzle. It started to pick up and the wind started blowing pretty hard. My hair flew all around me. I loved it when it rained like this. It was so magical. I smiled. I saw something black run past me swiftly. I adjusted my eyes to make sure I had seen the black blur. I rubbed my eyes then shook my head. I was seeing things. I started to softly sing again. I made sure I was quiet so the people in the house wouldn’t hear me.
When I finished my horrible singing I saw the dog from the night before walk onto the porch. I grinned and waited patiently for him to walk over to me. He trotted rather slowly over to me. I groaned. I had missed him. He reminded me so much of Jacob. I stopped my thoughts for a minute. I think I’m starting to develop feelings for Jacob Black.
I shook my head trying to erase the thoughts by that time the dog had reached my feet. I leaned down and scratched his ears. He looked up at me. Those dark brown eyes made me think of Jacob so much. I wanted to cry.
“Um Mr. Dog do you want to come in?” He just looked like he was smirking. I rubbed my eyes again and he shook his head and took off. I sighed. Bye dog.
I walked back into the house and Bella was in the kitchen with Mom and Charlie. They were all laughing and joking. Mom didn’t even notice my presence… really no one did at first. It didn’t bother me I walked over and made me a plate of dinner then leaned up against the wall since my chair at the table was missing. I shrugged and ate rather quickly. I put my plate in the sink and walked back outside. This time though Bella followed me.
“Are you okay Abbie?” I nodded then looked back to the rain. “Something is bothering you Abbie it’s obvious.” I shrugged.
“I really don’t want to talk about it.” She nodded.
“Okay then I’m going back inside.” I just shrugged. That was okay with me I really wanted to be alone.
An hour later Bella and Charlie went home. I was still out on the porch. Mom came out and sat next to me on the swing. I just sighed and tried to pretend she wasn’t there. I needed time to myself. It just came on all of a sudden. She put her hand on my shoulder and I turned to look at her.
“Abbie what’s wrong dear? Every one noticed it even Charlie.” I just shrugged.
“I don’t know I’m just thinking a lot.” She sighed.
“Anything you want to talk about?” I shook my head. She nodded then got back up.
I followed her inside and went to take a bubble bath. It would calm me down. I did just that and came back out so relaxed it wasn’t funny. I was smiling and in my cute little jammies. I started dancing and singing around my room. I slipped though and hit my head on the floor. I thought I heard snickering and I looked out my window and the dog was sitting patiently in direct view. I walked slowly down the stairs then ran out the back door. I resisted the urge to tackle the poor dog. His presence was almost as good as Jacob’s. I barely knew Jacob yet he had such a hold on me. It was starting to scare me. Why was I so drawn to the dark haired hot handed man? I was so confused. I went out and played with the dog I had named Wolf. I couldn’t keep calling him dog. I mean I thought he laughed at me earlier when I called him Mr. Dog. I sighed. I’m seriously going nuts. I though Wolf had left because I didn’t see his dark fur any where. I pouted then walked back in the house and walked up to my room. I went straight to sleep. I think all the work we did yesterday really took its toll. I was out no more than five minutes later.
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yay im so awesome im updated twice today so leave me love