The Color of Blood


The group must have noticed my staring because the boy was staring back at me, I quickly turned my head to look at Caleb, one of my newly found friends.

“Who are they?”
“Hm?” he looked up, his mouth full of food.
“Them, who are they?” I flicked my head in the direction of the lunch table they were at.
“Oh, that’s the Bryant’s, there foster kids.”
“Yeah, Sadie, Jack, who are together,” he pointed as he said their names, “Addison, Gregory, who are also together, and Frank,”
I nodded.
“I heard their vampires,” Ray hissed in.
“Oh shut your fucking mouth Toro,” Mikey flung something at him nearly hitting me, I had leaned back just barely missing it.
“It’s true! I swear! I heard the only reason they chose to live here is because it’s dark most of the time cause of the rain, and if they are seen in the sun they turn into a pile of dust, right on the spot.”
I watched one of them, Addison I believe, walk out side.
“You see her, she’s going off hunting,”

The bell rang as Mikey was rolling his eyes at the story and telling Ray once again that he was full of bullshit and that we should go ‘hunting’ for our classrooms before we were late.

My next class was biology, and once again, thankfully this teacher didn’t make me stand up and introduced myself, just pointed me to an empty seat at the lab table Frank was sitting at. Ray and I had this class together but he was already paired with someone. The teacher began her lesson on cell structure, something we had already covered at my old school and I tried to pay as much attention as I could, but with one of the most beautiful creatures sitting next to me, it wasn’t easy. I kept stealing glances at him out of the corner of my eye. His fists were scrunched up on his thighs and he looked angry, angrier than ever before according to Ray who had mentioned so after class.

On my way to my next class, gym, which I loathed, I couldn’t help but think it was something I had done, but I hadn’t even talked to the kid, not even once? What could I have done to anger him? It just didn’t make sense at all.

After gym I headed towards the office to drop a slip off saying I had seen all my teachers for the day, and there he was. He was begging to get his schedule changed, for a reason he refused to say, or that I just may have not have heard, and she kept refusing. He told her over and over again that it was just one class and it wouldn’t bother anything, he just couldn’t be in that biology class. When he finally got sick of arguing he left this office and I turned my slip in.

He wasn’t there the next day.

[A.n I apologies that it's so short, next chapter will be longer]