Status: Slowly active...

Behind This Smile


I got my ass out of bed on Monday morning, not at all thrilled about having to go to school. If my dad wasn’t demanding I go, I probably would’ve dropped out. I got dressed, throwing on a random shirt and a hoodie. I put on some pants and slipped on Vans.

I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a messy ponytail. I didn’t bother putting on make-up; it didn’t matter. I had no one to impress. I glanced at the clock on table in the living room. Seven thirty. I grabbed my backpack and walked towards the door.

Nicola walked in the living room. She sighed, her face holding a small scowl. “Y’know,” she began, looking bored, “I can drive you…” She started picking at one of her fingernails.

I furrowed my eyebrows and resisted the urge to ask where the hell the actual Nicola was. Instead I shook my head. I opened the door and Nicola scoffed. “That is the last time I ever offer to do anything nice.” I shrugged and closed the door.

I walked to school; something I hadn’t done in a couple of months. I wished I knew where I put my MP3 player. I sighed and shoved my hands into the pockets of my hoodie. I don’t even know why I was wearing a hoodie. It was the middle of May. I shrugged to myself.

After almost thirty minutes of walking, I saw, out of the corner of my eye, a car slow down slightly. My heart started pounding and I barely turned around and ignored it when I realized it was Gerard’s car. His car almost came to a full stop, but sped back up again.

When I finally entered Belleville, I walked to my locker, grabbed my books, and started to walk to Mr. Warlock’s. I passed Frank and Ray, taking a quick glance at them. They didn’t look mad like expected. Instead, the looked guilty and sad. I picked up my pace a little bit and walked into Mr. Warlock’s room.

“Sydri,” he said, smiling. I sat down and rubbed my eyes. “Do you have the homework -”

“No,” I interrupted. “I don’t.”

I knew he wasn’t going to get mad. I had a feeling no one was going to get mad. He just gave a sympathetic look and nodded. “I understand. But you need to get it in soon.” I shrugged, but nodded.

The bell soon rang and everyone was walking into the classroom. I tried to discreetly watch Gerard and was quite surprised when he sat where he usually does - next to me.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered ten minutes later. I pretended not to hear him. He sighed. “I’m sorry,” he repeated. Still no answer from me. “I’m sorry.” I glared at him and shook my head. “You’re being bitch, you know,” he hissed, glaring back. “I don’t care if you hate me, but you don’t have to be a bitch to everyone else, too.”

“I’m being a bitch to them, too because you weren’t the only who knew,” I hissed back.

“Fuck it,” Gerard muttered and turned away from me. I sighed and listened to Mr. Warlock babble.


Just as I expected, none of my teachers got mad at me for not bringing in my homework. They all gave me the same sympathetic smile and told me it was ‘understandable’.

I saw Mikey once. At lunch. I was sitting all alone - like before - and he sat down for thirty seconds before saying a soft, “God, Syd, I’m so sorry.” He got up and hesitantly gave me a quick hug. I didn’t do or say anything. I let him hug me and I watched him walk back to the table he was at before.

I cradled my head in my hands and blinked back tears.
♠ ♠ ♠

Ten stars... Thank you guys so, so much! I really don't deserve ten stars because this story sucks monkey butt, but y'all are just tooooo awesome!

Short, but I plan on getting one out tomorrow. I'd get one out tonight, but I'm really tired and I nearly passed out.

New layout. I got tired of the last one. It drove me crazy... I'd have an awesome-er layout, but my computer is too slow, so photobucket or other search engines just aren't a huge option. (Can someone say 'New computer'? XD)

I'm going to tell y'all a story. :)

So I went to Wal-Mart with my friends today for no reason whatsoever. We were just really bored, I guess. So we're throwing Barbie doll boxes and all this other sit at each other and some lady told us to pick them up or we'll have to pay for it. So we did. Then we started riding the baby bicycles around the store and we're screaming like a bunch of crazies and we're running into people. We were kicked out and we weren't supposed to come back in. But there was this awesome candle that I wanted so I snuck back in and bought it. It smells like coffee. XD I also bought a popsicle. :D

We got kicked out of JCPenny, too. It was epic...

Just thought I'd let you guys know. ;)
