Some Color on Monochrome

Skyler Bain trudges through his high school nightmare with a chin up. His father only working enough to afford a decripit apartment on the second floor of Hayswood Apartments, complete with Convenient Food Mart as a front yard and the constant fumes of car exhaust wafting in the air. It has never been a particularly easy life; mother gone every Sunday, Monday, Wendsday and Friday night to either play bingo or join the unspecified ranks of Smoker's Anonymous while father works full time at SEARS. This usually resuts in a plentiful amount of spare time for the seventeen year old, this in which he basks in rather than destets. Strumming the strings on his guitar as a past time, whilst preforming song lyrics in the shower. The average life of your stereotypical high school Joe.

Nonetheless, just as soon as he finally accepts this denial that has been harbouring in the crevaces of his concious mind, an old friend steps back into his life. Now suddenly interested in his life once again. He is metaphorically slapped in the face with the cruel realization, the more and more his old friend and he spend time with eachother the more and more obvious it becomes. The tunes he strums on the old guitar become slower and sentimental, lyrics that spill from his thin lips reflecting more heartfelt matters. As if his heartstrings are being pulled and tugged at by a marrionet. Something he never thought he would come to terms with hit like a trainwreck. He was in love with his best friend--oh, and here's the kicker--his name was Ridge Jackson.

Tis but the life of your average stereotypical high school Joe.

Warning:: This is a slash. Just a fair warning. The rating will probably go up too.

Disclaimer:: The title is based off a song by Matt and Kim, I don't own it in anyway and never will.
  1. Chapter One
    Sleeping With The Lights On
  2. Chapter Two
    There Are No Raindrops On Roses
  3. Chapter Three
    Chemistry of a Car Crash
  4. Chapter Four
    Was This Over Before It Ever Began?
  5. Chapter Five