Status: Hiatus

Up Against The Wall

Strange After School Experiances

Through out the day I realized that I had several classes with both Hailey and Jake. Finally, lunch rolled around and I sat under a tree with Hailey. We sat at the very edge of the grassy area where the lunch tables were sitauted. We were talking about all the different classes and teachers that we had when I heard my name being called.

I looked up and saw my sister waving me over, trying to get me to go talk to her. Sighing, I stood up and walked over to her, ignoring the calls from Hailey asking where I was going. When I got over to where my sister sat, I scowled at her and asked her what she wanted. She just smiled at me and introduced me to the friends she had made throughout the day. She had always had more friends than I did, and she never hesitated to rub in me face.

"Kyle, I want you to meet Jessica,Rain, and Katie. You guys, I want you to meet my younger sister Kyle." Taylor, my sister, introduced them.

The other girls sneered at me and continued to snicker about my name. I didn't see why people made such a big deal about me having a guy's name. All my teachers were surprised that I was a girl, girls insisted on making of it, and guys wondered if I was lesbian. I liked my name and was tomboy enough to pull it off, but I really didn't care what people had to say about it.

I turned and went to walk away when I heard them discussing my fashion sense. I rolled my eyes wishing that I had been facing them, Apparently everyon at this school, except for Hailey, had a problem with my skinny jeans, high tops and band tees. not to metion my hair. It was light brown, comfortably short, but it had blue and purple streaks through it. The teachers had given up on trying to lecture me about it, but the students still seemed to have major issues with me.

I finally made my way back over to hailey and she asked me what that was all about. I explained it to her, not bothering to go into how it wasn't any different than my sister treated me at home. We sat and picked up our conversation on teachers and classes from where we had left it, only we were onto the subject of students know.

"So, have you seen that you like yet?" Hailey asked taking a drink out of her gatorade.

"Are you kidding me? I just got here, and anyways, jocks and jerks aren't really my type." I said looking out at the peopel around me.

"Well, I'm sure there is someone around here who is your type."She told me laughing.

I smiled at her and she asked if I ever ate.

"Generally, but I don't normally on the first day of school. It's got to do with all of the stress and thought of talking to people." I said, shrugging.

She nodded and started to gather up her stuff, knowing that the bell would ring soon. After lunch, we had only three classes of the day left, and two of those classes were together. Finally the bell rang and we made their way to class.


When the final bell rang I gathered my stuff and made my way to my locker. I wasn't paying attention to were I was going and ran into someone on my way out the door. Me being me, I managed to land on my butt with my paper scattered all around me. I looked up scowling at the person.

"Watch were you going." I growled gathering my stuff.

In response the person, who happened to be Jake, kicked my papers out of hands so they scattered even more and walked off. 'Jerk' I mumbled as I again tried to gather up my papers. Suddenly there was a hand stuck in my face, handing me papers that I hadn't reached yet. I looked up and looked into the gorgous blue eyes of a very tall boy. I smiled and took the papers, thanking him. He kept his hand in my face and I fianlly realized that he was trying to help me up.

Finally standing, I got a good look at him and realized how tall he really was. The boy had dark brown hair that fell over his left eye, bright blue eyes, about 6'3", and dressed similarly to me and Hailey.

"I'm Gavin." He said with a smile.

"Kyle." I replied smiling in return.

"Interesting name.... so, what were you doing on the ground?" He asked.

"I ran into this kid, Jake? I, being me, fell on my ass and scattered all my papers. I told him to watch were he was going and he kicked my papers in response. I'd heard he was a jerk, but I didn't think that made him an asshole." I told him the story.

He frowned at the mention of Jake's name. "You ran into Jake? And told him to watch were he was going? Wow...I'm surprised your still walking and talking. That guys dangerous." Gavin told me as he walked with me to meet Hailey.

"Yeah?" I asked looking at him.

I saw Hailey standing on the front steps of the school and she was looking at me with a weird experssion on her face. We finally made it over to her, but when I turned to introduce her to Gavin, he was gone.

"Who was that?" Hailey asked.

"I don't know..." I trailed off, wondering where the boy could have possibly gone.