Status: Hiatus

Up Against The Wall


We never did find out where Gavin went, but after standing on the stairs for a few minutes, we gave up the thought that he might come back. I got a ride from Hailey(she was a junior and could therefore drive) because my sister had already left with out me. She knew she was supposed to wait for me, but I didn't really care because I didn't want to ride with her and her friends. The entire way there we talked about the encounter with Jake. I had told hailey what had happened in the halls and she had told me why their relationship had ended.

After a while we ran out of things to talk about and Hailey turned her ipod on. "Zombie" by the Cranberries was playing and we both started signing along, grinning at eachother.

"Geez, how far out do you live?" Hailey asked after the song had changed.

"Pretty far...over ten miles?" I estimated.

"Jesus Christ! What are you doing at Taft then? Why not go someplace else, someplace closer?" She asked, cringing at the name of our school.

" I wasn't really given a choice. My mom wanted my sister to go to Taft, so i just kinda got dragged along for the ride." I told her shrugging.

"Wow...your mom favors your sister doesn't she?" Hailey asked as I directed her to take a turn.

"Yeah, she really does. but it doesn't really matter. The only reason she does it is because she wants to get back at me for not being born a boy. That's why my name is Kyle." I explained.

Hailey didn't say anything, just looked at me as she pulled into my driveway. I quickly got out of the car and grabbed my bag out of the back. I waved as she pulled out of the driveway, walking up the walkway and opening the door to a volley of yells.

"Where the hell have you been! You were supposed to get home at the same your sister did. How did you even get home without your sister anyways? It's not like you were able to make any friends and get a ride. Why anyone would ever befriend you, as ugly and plain as you are." My mother chided me waving her hand absently at the end.

I ignored her and went to walk up the stairs to my room. She grabbed my arm and pulled me back to face her.

"I'm talking to you, you little ungrateful whore! I asked you a question, where the hell have you been?" She spat in my face, wrenching me around so that I couldn't get away from her.

"Like it matters to you were I was. You could care less whther I made it home or not." I growled at her.

I wrenched my arm out of her hand, hurting it more than she already had, and walked up the stairs. I could hear her walk into the kitchen then come back to the doorway before I had made it to the top of the stairs.

"You're right, I really don't care whether or not you came home. But I have to at least pretend to care, or else I would be a bad mother. For all I care, you could be out sleeping with the entire neighborhood...which I wouldn't doubt is exactly what you were doing. At least your sister has the decency to show up somewhere on time." She finished her rant and walked back into the kitchen.

I slamed my door shut, not even bothering to point out that it was my sister who was out sleeping with the neighborhood, doing drugs and drinking. I clicked the lock into place and through my bag across the room. It hit the wall with a satisfying thump, before opening and everything fell out. I threw myself on my bed and buried my head in my pillow. My phone was in my pocket, and I felt it vibrate against my leg.

I pulled it out and saw a text message from Hailey. I had forgotten that we had exchanged numbers, so I wasn't expecting the text message. I hit read, before hitting reply. She had asked what had happened once I had walked in the door. I told her what my mom had said, explaining someof it that she might not understand.

When she replied back, she tried to sympathize with me, but when that didn't work, she quickly started to bitch about the unfairness of it all. I laughed at something she said and quickly rplied, telling her that I would text her later. i had looked at the clock and it read 9:30. I decided to take a shower and then sneack out to try and find a resturant to eat at. My mom didn't let me eat when she was pissed off at me, so I had to sneak out a lot.

After my shower, I changed into a pair of boys basketball shorts, glad that the night was warm. I always tried to wear something that was easy to move around in when I was sneaking out. I quietly opened my window before turning out the light. If my mom came up the stairs, she would think that i had gone to sleep already. I had a veranda/overhang under my window, so I used that to climb in and out of my second story window. I managed to make it down from my window without any noise, glad that there weren't any windows facing this side of the house.

i made it out of the back yard and walked briskly down the street to try and get into a populated part of town. I knew it would be along walk, it generally was, but tonight just seemed longer than normal. I finally made it into the closest part of town and found the cheapest place to eat. Walking in, I took a seat at the counter and picked up a menu. The resturant looked like one from the eighties and it wasn't very full.

Finally someone came to take my order. After they left I put my head down on my arms, which were resting on the table. I glanced around the place and sat bolt up-right when I saw who was in a booth across the room. Jake was sitting next to a window, looking out at the street. i didn't get a chance to see more when the waitress brought my food over to me. I smiled and thanked her. I ate quickly before leaving my money on the table, along with a tip, and started my long walk home.

I got back at about twelve, I had left the diner at about ten thirty. I made my way up to my room using the veranda as quietly as possible. I knew if my mom found out my sneaking out she would porbably put bars on my window and not let me eat for a month. Finally making it inside my window I lay down on my bed and fell alseep.

Jake's pov

I watched her as she sat down at the counter, hoping that she wouldn't notice me. Of course, she did. I couldn't understand what pissed me off so much about this girl. I didn't know her and yet I had a strange urge to...fight with her. I turned my head so that she couldn't see me, but I could see her reflected in the window. She looked away when the waitress brought her dinner and ate quickly, before getting up and leaving.

The waitress came over and asked if I wanted anything else, and considering I was the last customer, I knew she was trying to ask me to leave. I ignored her question, left my money on the table and walked out the door, I was a little ways behind the girl from earlier, and she seemed to me going in the same direction I was.

I kept a decent distance behind her for most of the time, and she never seemed to notice that I was behind her. Finally, I reached my house but she kept walking. I could see her from my porch, and I watched as she crept up on the side of a house before climbing up a overhang and into a second story window. I shook my head and walked into my house, closeing the door carefully behind me.