Status: Hiatus

Up Against The Wall

Hallway Confrontations

I woke up the next morning wondering what kind of abuse my mother would shout at me this morning. I groaned and sat up, pushing my duvet to the foot of the bed. I stood and, after grabbing clothes, walked into my bathroom. I took a quick a quick shower, and after changing, did my makeup in the normal smoky eyed eye shadow and what-not. I left my room after grabbing my bag and took a deep breath before walking down the steps into the kitchen.

My mother and sister sat at the table talking in hushed voices...most likely about me. I grabbed an apple out of the bowl and walked out the door before either of them had time to say anything to me. I pulled out my cell phone and called Hailey to see if I could get a ride to school. After getting the ride arranged, I walked the distance to the burger joint from last night to meet her.

When I got there, I noticed that there were two boys sitting on the curb, as if they too were waiting for a ride. I was staring at them, thinking that I recognized at least one of them when Hailey drove up.

"Hey, you coming or not?" She yelled at me through her window.

I jumped and turned to her, smiling, and got in the car.

"Thanks for the ride. I really didn't want to deal with my sister this morning." I said leaning back into the seat.

"No problem. I wouldn't want to put up with it every morning either." Hailey replied taking the turn that would put us in the drection of the school.

I shrugged at her and reached forward to turn on the radio. "Broken heart" by Falling Up was on. I left the station on and Hailey gave me a weird look.

"What, they're a good band." I defended.

"Whatever you say." She said laughing lightly.

She finally pulled into the parking lot and we parted ways to head to our seperate lockers. On the way to mine I managed to avoid running into several people, but I didn't manage to avoid getting into a conversation with Gavin.

"What, no falling today?" He asked after he had randomly showed up beside me when I avoided running into another person.

"I try to prevent it as much as possible in the morning." I replied smiling slightly.

"Well, thats good to know." He said laughing as he walked away.

I stopped and watched him walking away, wandering what was up with him. He was so random! Sometimes he would stay and talk, sometime he would dissapear into thin air. He was so vexing, just the fact that I couldn't figure him out bugged me to no end.

I sighed, giving up, and continued on my way to me locker. Just before I reached it, I broke my record of never falling in the morning as I was hit in the face with something blunt and heavy. I cursed loudly, not ashamed of my language, and looked up to try and find the person or thing that had hit me. I looked up into the eyes of none other than Jake.

I cursed again and gathered my stuff without saying anything to him. He watched me, not bothering to offer to help. I stood up and faced him.

"I thought I told you to watch were your going." I told him coldly.

"I thought I made it clear that I don't care?" He sneered back at me.

"Look, I may be new, but you really don't want to get into something with me. Because let me tell you something. You won't win. You couldn't win a fight if your life depended on it. You've got this tough act, but underneath it, your nothing but a guy whose afraid to talk to people. You wouldn't even know a fight if it bite you in the ass." I harshly explained to him.

Without giving him a chance to answer, and not expecting him to, I walked past him and towards my first class. He followed and I remebered that I had the class with him. Sighing, I took my seat in the back of the room and realized that Hailey was already there waiting for me.

When she asked me where I had been and what had taken me so long, I glared at Jake and told her that I would tell her later. She gave me a confused look, but didn't ask anymore questions because class had started.

'I don't know what your problem is, but you'r not gonna get away with taking it out on me...' I thought, sending another glare in Jake's direction. Only this time, he was doing the same thing.
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huge twist later on...
there's hint in here!!! =]
can you find it?