Status: Hiatus

Up Against The Wall

Let the Music Play

I made it through the rest of first period ok, but the rest of the day went horribly wrong. I was tripped in the halls several times (you can only guess by who), my P.E. clothes were soaked through by some stupid prep who didn't like me, my locker was broken into and my stuff thrown all over the hallways. I think you get the drift. I'm surprised I made it through without killing anyone.

I knew at least one of the pranks had been played my sister...or one of her friends at the least. I was walking down the hall, trying to think which one it was(probably the P.E. clothes) when I walked into someone putting posters up on the walls.

"Sorry!" They exclaimed.

I looked up from the floor at a gorgeous boy whose hair was dyed red and hung over his hazel eyes. He had snakebites and was holding out his hand to help me up.

"It's alright. It was my fault, I wasn't paying attention." I told him smiling sheepishly.

He grinned me at introduced himself as Clark. I shook the hand he held out, and then glanced at the posters he was putting on the walls.

"You looking for people for a band?" I asked him.

"Well, really we're looking for a lead singer. Our last one moved to another state." He told me as he moved to put another poster up.

I followed him and grabbed a flyer out of his hand so that I could read it properly. It said the band was called Mortal Truths. I wondered what kinda band they were before reading further down the flyer. It said that they were looking for anyone who could sing, preferably well. I laughed at this and Clark turned to look at me.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Well of course you're gonna want someone who sings well!" I told him, pointing at the flyer.

"Hey, I didn't write it!" He exclaimed laughing. "I haven't even read the stupid things yet. I'm just supposed to put them up."

"What do you play?" I asked.

"Lead guitar." He said walking away again.

"So, you've got rythm, bass, and drums?" I asked following him.

"Yeah. Ya know, you never told me your name." He stopped and turned to look at me.

"I'm Kyle. You guys think you could stand a girl lead singer?" I asked.

"Sure. Our bassist would be thrilled to not be the only girl anymore. Why, you sing?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Sometimes...but not in front of people." I told him looking at my feet.

"Well, why don't you come by later and try out? Just for fun." He asked.

"Ok... I'll think about it." I smiled at him before going to meet up with Hailey.

She was sitting on the stairs outside with Gavin. I was surprised to see him, but brushed it off and jumped on Hailey's back. She fell forward and Gavin started to laugh.

"Get off me you monkey!" She yelled from beneath me(woah, kinky).

"I'm a monkey?" I asked.

"As far as I'm concerned you are." She replied rubbing her kneck and shoulders.

"Thanks...I think." I told her laughing. "Hey, what are you doing later today?" I asked.

"Nothing. Why?"

"Want to come with me to audition for a band?" I asked looking at her hopefully.

"What band? When? You play?" Hailey looked bewildered.

"They're called Mortal truths. I don't know, later today. I sing...kinda." I explained.

I pulled the flyer out and after finding the time on it, showed it to her. She scanned it over and asked me where I had gotten it.

"This guy, Clark, was hanging them up in the halls. I ran into him, literally." I told her.

"Clark, huh? Hmmm...seems like fun. I'll go." She told me handing back the flyer.

I thanked her and stood up, pulling her with me and dragging her to her car. Suddenly I remembered Gavin.

"Do you want to come?" I asked turning back to him, but he was gone. "What? Where'd he go?" I asked looking around.

'I don't know...he does that lot." Hailey said looking with me.

Finally we both shrugged and got into her car before heading towards her house.

~*~*~A couple hours later~*~*~

I stood in front of Hailey's mirror when she came in and pulled out a curling iron.

"What are you doing with that thing?" I asked.

"Curling your hair." She stated.

"What?! No!" I yelled, almost stabbing myself in the eye with my eyeliner.

I turned to her and glared. " You are not bringing that thing near me." I growled.

"Oh come one. It'll be good to do something different with you hair. Please?" She pleaded.

I sighed and sat down. She squealed and plugged the stupid thing in before attacking my hair.

When she was done, I was surprised by what I saw in the mirror. She had mainly focused on curling the highlighed parts of my hair, so some of it was still straigh. I have to admit that I kinda liked it. She grinned at me in the mirror, knowing that I liked the style.

"Come on now. Time to go and land a lead singer part." She laughed pulling me out of the room