Status: Hiatus

Up Against The Wall


The next day at school, the only person I saw was Hailey, and that was only briefly. She ended up going home early because she wasn't feeling well, so that left me to find another ride home. I spent the day in the band room, avoiding people, mainly Jake and Gavin.

I was suprised the teacher let me stay there all day, but I didn't object. I worked on the music Rose had given me the night before, texting her periodically to ask some questions. I hadn't told them that I also played guitar, but I used it to create a harmony for one of the songs.

When I recoded it and sent it to Rose, asking if she could sing it, she told me that she actually wasn't the harmony singer. She advised me to send it to Josh and Clark but told me that she loved it. After sending it to both of them, I put the guitar back where I had found it and pulled out the homework I had.

I had managed to get excused from all my classes, but had had to get all the homework that was due the next day. I couldn't remember whether or not there was band practice tonight, so I texted Clark before starting it. When I was about halfway through, he called me.

"I hope you're not in class." He stated as soon as I answered.

"You're lucky I'm not. Anyways, if I was, how would I answer?" I asked.

"Good point. Anyways, we don't have practice tonight, but I wanted to talk to you about the harmony you came up with." He told me.

"What about it? Was it that bad?" I aksed.

"No, of course not. Me and Josh really liked it. I was just talking to him about it and he was wondering if we could meet up tomorrow so you could teach it to us." Clark explained.

"Um...I think I might be able to pull that off. When and where?" I asked, pulling out a piece of paper.

"How about tomorrow after school, where we had try outs last night?" He asked.

"That's sounds good. Um...I might have trouble getting there, but I'll let you know for sure tomorrow." I told him.

"So, why aren't you in class?" He asked.

"Decided I didn't want to go so I got excused and am hiding out in the band room. Why aren't you?" I asked back

"How do you know I'm not in class?" He asked.

"You're calling me. So either you teachers are really leniant, or you're ditching class." I stated.

"You're smart. I didn't feel like going today so I convinced Josh to ditch with me." He laughed.

"You mean you pulled poor innocent Josh into your evil scheme?!" I joked.

"Did she just call me poor and innocent?" I heard a voice in the background ask.

"Do you have me on speaker?!" I gasped.

"Oops..." I heard Josh mutter as it sounded like Clark hit him.

"Cause your brilliant. So, yeah, I've got you on speaker and I pulled Josh into my, quote unquote, evil scheme. How come your aloud to ditch class but we aren't?" Clark asked.

"Because I'm passing all of my classes!" I exclaimed.

"Hey! Whats to say we aren't?" Josh yelled.

"You really want me to answer that?" I asked.

"No, I think we're good, no need." Clark hurridly responded.

I laughed and told them that I needed to go because I had work to get done. They teased me for a few minutes about doing work even when I was ditching before hanging up. I laughed a little at their antics and looked at the clock on my phone. Realizeing that the bell was about to ring, I packed all my stuff up and headed out to the front of the school.

I still hadn't figured out how I was getting home, but I was guessingt hat I would most likely end up walking. Knowing full well that the bell hadn't rung yet and if I got caught I would get in trouble, I started to walk out the front gates. So, far nothing had happened and I managed to keep it that way until the bell ring.

I jumped a little at the sound, but looked around the crowd of students that came filing out to try and find my sister. I saw her and started to head towards her, but she managed to reach her car and pull out before I was even half way there.

Yep, looked like I was walking home. I sighed and turned back towards the street and headed in the direction of my house. My sister passed me on the way, but didn't so much as slow down. I flipped her off before taking out my Ipod and turning it on, blocking out the noises from the cars and other students.

I texted Hailey, pretending to be mad at her for abandoning me at school with no ride home. She repsonded by laughing and telling me to get over it. She said something about having to make other friends eventually. I told her to bite me and started texting Rose.

She asked how Clark and Josh had liked the harmony and I told her what they had said. She seemed really happy about it, apparently they hadn't been able to create a harmony for any of their songs even though they had been trying. I laughed and told her that it sounded like they were having fertility problems.

She faked anger and said that if she had been anywhere near me she would have slapped me. I shut my phone without responding and started to pay more attention to where I was going. I was at the point in my walk home where I was the most likely to get hit by a car.

I looked around me and seeing no cars, decided to walk in the middle of the street. I know, probably not one of my most brilliant ideas, but I just suddenly really wanted to. I started singing along with the songs on my Ipod and dancing around the road, not caring if anyone saw me. I was shocked out my stupor though when an oncoming car honked at me, swerving so that I didn't get hit.

I ran back onto the sidewalk, laughing hysterically. I could still hear the person yelling out their window at me, but I couldn't distinguish what they were saying. I started walking again, this time just humming along with the songs. Suddenly a car pulled up next to me and the passenger door opened.

"Get in." The driver stated.

I stood and stared at the car, thinking I know that voice.
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holy crap...the last time I updated this was when? February? geez...I wonder if updating more will get me more readers....hmmm...

thanks to those of you who do read

much <3