

You amaze me.

We are so different, you and I. When Kristian left me, I lost my faith in love. I locked myself up, turned my heart to stone. I said I'd never get close to anyone ever again.

You, on the other hand, didn't. When Bam left you for Missy, you opened your heart more if anything. You kept ahold on your faith in romance, even though he broke your heart.

You were the one who told me not to close my heart.

At first, I ignored your words. I kept myself hidden, locked up.

I moved out of Lauri's apartment and into yours down in Helsinki, making the two-hour trip back to Tampere twice a week for rehearsals.

On tour, we kept in contact; texting each other constantly, and calling every night. You became my rock, my advice-giver, my best friend. I'd sit in my bunk until four in the morning, my cell phone at my ear, talking to you when it was only seven where you were.

I knew the guys were growing weary of it, but in all honesty, I didn't care.

You were a neutral party, in ways. I could bitch to you about anyone I liked; whether it be Tommi, Antti, Lauri or Japa; as it was most times. You'd never tell anyone else.

Over time, as the touring died down for the both of us and we spent more time at home, some spark was lit.

Try as I may, I couldn't pull myself away from you. From your ethereal beauty to the priceless advice you gave whenever I asked, I was addicted.

Just like I was to Kristian, once upon a time. For different reasons, of course – you and he are polar opposites – just another puzzling aspect of my awkward attraction to you.

I remember the night I gave into my temptation. We were sitting on the roof of the apartment building, watching the lights of Helsinki chase each other around like fireflies; you had a cigarette in your hand, blowing the smoke up into the darkened sky.

I kissed you that night. I kissed you, and you kissed me back.

After that, I locked myself up again. In a darker place than last time, it seemed.

I needed to wait. I waited longer than I ever did with Kristian, just to prove to myself that you wouldn't be the same.

You coaxed me out of my chains, assuring me I could open my heart.

It took me months. Whenever I was close to escape, the memory of Kristian's betrayal came back; haunting me and pulling me back to square one.

One day, you took my hand and pulled me out.

We sat on a bench in the park near the apartment, watching the snow fall. As we mucked around, throwing snowballs at each other and rolling around laughing like schoolchildren, you took me into your arms and pressed your lips to mine.

I knew it was real then. I don't know how, or why. But the way you kissed me, against the backdrop of snow and ice... you gave me life.

Our relationship blossomed, behind closed doors for the most part. I told Lauri in confidence, and Tommi, because he 'needed to know'.

You'd sing me to sleep every night, your voice like an angel's. I'd awake in the morning and you'd be awake, preparing breakfast.

I never asked you for it, but you'd hop in the cab with me heading to the train station or the airport. I'd come back from touring or Tampere, and you'd be waiting with a rose and a candle-lit dinner.

Whenever I thought of Kristian, I thought of how he couldn't compare. My greeting coming home was always something sexual.

You... you amaze me.

Most would only buy their other half a rose after coming home from a long holiday, or if they'd had an argument the night before. You did it every time, even when I was only gone for a day.

You were, are, the real-life embodiment of Romeo.

Even through the time we've been together, everything you do seems so new and full of life. Every time you kiss me, or take my hand in yours, it's new. Every time you call me beautiful, or utter those three blunt words, it hits me like it did that day in the snow.

Even before Kristian, I never believed in really true love. The kind of love where one would give up the world for the other, or go through an eternity of pain just for the hope of a smile. The kind of love where everything is still fresh as spring rain, even after months, years, of romance.

You made me believe in true love.

You are my true love, Ville Hermanni Valo.

I never believed in angels, either. I'd heard the stories, but not one of them seemed legitimate.

You're an angel. I believe in them now, because I fall asleep next to one every night.

I mean that with every inch of my heart and soul. Every word I say to you, I mean it.

Thank you for believing in me, kulta. Thank you for saving me.

Minä rakastan sinua.
♠ ♠ ♠
For those who don't speak Finnish, kulta means darling and the phrase 'minä rakastan sinua' means 'I love you.'

Entered in the Believers Oneshot Competition, as stated previously. 870 words.

Comments appreciated.