The Littlest Way.

Being Leslie Way.

This is MY list. I am writing it on the way to Jepha's, Ellie is driving, and Tammy is in the front. Which, put's me in the back, with a bag of cheese doodles, and a seltzer bottle.

The Used[Will Add More Later]
First on my checklist.

If you think, for one second, I give a rat's ass, about my brother's and best friend's feud, forget it. You're looking at the wrong sister. Sure, Gee defended me and all, but Lauren mainly did.

Gee[Who he's fucking]
Second on my list.

Yes, my brother is fucking a girl, half his age, sort of. Don't care. Lauren, and Gee had sexual relations, for a longtime. So, yes there was a waycest, but not with Mikey. Poor Mikes, he would have died. So, my brother fucking Rachel is better than Lauren, any day of the week.

Me[Of course]
Third on my list.

Everyone thinks my brother is bad, but I dated a man 9 years older than myself. My boyfriends have always been older. Let me make this, one thing, crystal clear. I AM LESLIE WAY. So shut up okay? I am sick and tired, of all the bullshit, about me. Although, Gee and I, are sometimes mistaken for twins. It's funny.

The Used[AGAIN]
Fourth on my list.

Quinn Allman will kill me for saying this… I have fucked Quinn Allman. Gerard won't say a word. He is probably proud of me, for making my own decisions. And Quinn Allman, anyone who dates him, is lucky too. He is the most amazing guy I know.

Fifth on my list.

She is young, yes. I call her teen queen, but it is wrong to. She doesn't deserve it. Especially, from me, with the shit, I hear she goes through. It is the last thing I should say. She is turning 18 soon. So, technically she'll be legal.

Sixth on my list.

Well I've got nothing to say for him.
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Sorry for delay in updates, school is a bitch. Comments make me try to update more. Kidding I'm working on it. Don't get your panties in a bunch. Yes I do know you wear panties, I am a mindfreak.*does cool finger movements* Aren't you amazed.