The Littlest Way.

The Birth Of A Daughter Or A Demon?

Leslie, is what they call me. Let me introduce myself. This is My story, not my brothers. I will be confirming rumors, and telling the world of a sick person, who seems so shy, and innocent. Well he is not, believe me. I’m fucking Leslie Emilie Way. Hi! I’m 21, years of age, on April 13th. I’m 5’2 105 pounds about large medium in shirts. Zero in pants, and 7 61/2 in shoes. Got it? Good. I’ve gottwo, wait three best friends. Tara Elixa, and Tommy John. They’re twins. Jepha Howard is my other best friend. I have a lip piercing actually snake bites[usually I only wear the right one.], Murphy piercing[that hurt like hell.], belly button, nose left nostril, Right Cartilage, and two lower ear piercings on each ear. I liked them I guess. Okay about those piercings, I lied. I have two lower ear piercings, a cartilage, and lip ring. I just have one tattoo, a rainbow, on my right shoulder. Hot right? My Jepha, took me for it. I cried, I’m such a girl. So we are going to start with my birth. I was born, midnight, on a Sunday.

“It’s a girl!” My father yelled.

“Yay!” Gee giggled.

“Aww,” My mother cooed.

Disgusting.” Mikey said.

“Repulsive. Come, come Mikes let’s get you, away from that retched thing.” My grandmother Elena said. She despised me. That comes later though.

“What?” My mother roared. Elena was her mother, and she had no patience for that.

“That ghastly, beastly, thing you call a darling daughter, is now to be the downfall, of your second son.” My grandmother sneered.

My mother could hardly believe her ears.

“What, what could a newborn baby, possibly do to my Mikey?” My mother, Donna snapped.

“Middle-Child Syndrome,” Elena stated.

“Don’t tell me you believe that bull-shit?” My mother argued.

“You’re swearing, and the children are around. Are you mad?” Elena scolded.

“Woman, you better bite, that tongue. My son is fine. He will be, just because he has a bit more responsibility, and gets to help with the baby, doesn’t mean shit!” My mother hissed.

“I’m not touching, or having anything, to do with that.” Mikey said.

“Well, now he’ll act out for attention, since he’s neither the eldest, nor the youngest,” Elena explained the supposed syndrome.

“Get the fuck out of here. You’ve got no right, to deter this happy moment. Donald! Donald!” She roared. “Do fucking something, give Gee the camera, and fucking do something. Get her, out of here.”

“Donna, she’s your mother.” My father said.

“Don’t Donna me, I don’t give a shit, if she’s the fucking president get her out of here. Let her take Mikes, and put shit into his head. He’s obviously, not to keen of her now either.” My mother hissed.

“Here Gee hold this.” Donald said.

The camera from here started shaking, and I giggled at this.

“Come on Elena lets go,” My father beckoned her to come.

After the door had shut, I still hadn’t made any noise No crying, cooing, or screaming. Just utter silence.

“Aww, she is so well behaved,” My mother praised.

“Mommy, what’s her name?” Gee said, obviously, jumping up and down. He’s nine years old, and hyper, what do you expect?

“Leslie. Leslie Way.” My mother repeated.

“What about a middle name?” Gee asked.

Pick one.” My mother said, letting Gee get involved, in the baby naming process.

Emilie. Emilie, but spelled E-M-I-L-I-E.” Gee said.

“Okay. Leslie Emilie Way.” My mother smiled.

“Perfect. Just like her.” Gee said. “Mom I’ll help with her. She is going to be fine,”

“Mikes,” She shook her head.

“What about him?” Gee asked.

“I don’t know,” Mom said shaking her head. “I honestly don’t know.”

“Can I hold her?” Gee asked.

“Sure just give me the camera.” Mom said.

He handed her the camera which was on her lap. Then handed me to him. She filmed him holding me.

“The second person to hold Leslie Emilie Way, who’s middle name, also chosen by Gerard Arthur Way Age 9.” My mother narrated.

“Aww mom, stop making me blush,” He giggled. “Look mom she’s smiling,” Gee said grinning madly.

“I think she likes you.” My mom finished.

Then the camera stopped. Now before you think anything I’m not in love with my brother. I am dating someone, but I ain’t sayin’ nothin’ yet. I was 12, when I first saw this. I cried I held a teddy bear, and cried some more. Gee wasn’t here to comfort me. He’s 21, and drinking. Oh god. Well, he is in art school, and very talented. He is actually, graduating in two months. It is 1999, April I was turning 13, soon. Gee was 21, as stated and, Mikey was 19. He hurts me, a lot. Often I try not to think about it. He kicks me, and punches me, and bruises me. He being Mikey, blames me, for his faults. This wasn’t the first time, he hit me, and it sure wasn’t the last time. In 2001, I was fifteen Mikes was 21, and drinking great. Well, when he’d come home drunk, the beating were worse. Gee was 24, this was the year I think, he was going to eventually present this idea, The Breakfast Monkey to Adult Swim, on Cartoon Network. I loved it. It was September 11th, day after Mikes 21st, birthday. They turned Gee’s idea down, because it was too similar they claimed, to Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Which, to this day I don’t like it. I watched it once, and it just seemed stupid, to me. So, when the attacks happened, and he was there. He decided to do something. I mean seriously, leave the house. Gee, was my only friend. He also, never left the house, so we hung out, a lot. It was nice. Still then came, Matt Pelissier, who helped record what became My Chem’s first single, Skylines and Turnstiles. It got him out of the basement, is all I know. He changed a lot. This is extra information, I should have saved, but you know, what I watched in that movie it changed me. It explained a lot of things, I was clueless, about. The beatings, or hatred of Mikey, and my Maternal grandmother.