The Littlest Way.

From Devilish Beauty, To Devilish Nightmare.

Our fight spread faster, than the concord planes flew. Twas, the fight heard 'round the tour, and made me feel like more of a celebrity, not to be cliche. People have taken sides, already, and the tensions between people, are extremely high. Everyone in Taking Back Sunday, of course, except Matt, are against me. Since, Matt and Lauren, were together, he knew better. Midge and Gas, from HIM, Madina Lake, and Saosin were with me. Interpol, The Bled, and the rest of HIM, were with Adam. Gee, was with me, and fuming. Rachel, felt the same as well. Our fight even caused makeup artists, to clash, but that was only the beginning. Now let's go to that morning, shall we.

I woke up on my own, and walked around the bus. Nobody was home. I checked my clock, and realized they had to be preforming, or sound checking. I turned my phone on, and found a bajillion and one texts, messages, and emails. God, it was only 10:00. I grabbed some clothing out of my bag. I put on my BCBG blue jeans, Tight, Geoffrey Beene, black tank, studded belt, pink scarf, checkered black and pink Vans sneakers, and Versace white sunglasses. I am a label whore, shoot me. I walked off the bus, and walked round the arena. I put my ipod on to, the used, liar, liar. I hummed it to myself, as I walked. Some fans recognized me, my fans, and I signed and took pictures. They were shocked to see no makeup on me. I winked at them, and kept going. I called Steven to see where he was.

"Hello," Steven answered.

"Hey, dearie," I responded.

"Lezzie, where are you?"

"Um, walking round the parking lot."

"Oh, come to my booth thingy."

"Okay, I'll be there soon." I said.

Then I dialed Tammy's number.

"Leslie," Tammy answered, under her breathe.

"Why are you whispering – Oh, sorry. I'll call back." I said.

"No, no, give me, a sec, and I'll be able to speak."


"Okay, so I heard what happened."

"I'm fine, I guess."

"Dear, you don't sound fine,"

"Fine I'm not. I'm meeting with Steven at the merch booth. Meet us there."

"Kay, byee."

I phoned nobody actually. So I walked to Fuse's thingy, and arrived. I snuck up on Steven.

"Boo!" I said.

"Bitch," He jumped.



"Shit, I'm sorry, wrong place." I said, turning to leave.

"Les, over here," Steven called.

"Les, we need to talk." Adam whispered.

"Yeah, when I have the time I will, and Coming Stevie." I said, running, and flinging my arms, around Steven's neck.

So I went over to his booth. I stayed there for a good 2 hours. I just relaxed not thinking of anything. Since they made me feel so great.
-------------------Time Lapse-----------------------

I decided I was going to find, Eliza Cuts, for a few reasons. I found her, in my dressing room, quite randomly actually.

"Hey, I was just looking for you," I said.

"Oh, well here I am." Eliza said.

"Well, I need you, and to speak to you for a few reasons," I began.

"Mhmm, what can I do for you?"

"Well, y'know how tonight is one of the photo shoots for the tour?"


"Well, could you do my makeup, pleasee," I begged.

"Yeah, sure."

"So, we'll do dinner., and then makeup?'

"Sure, I see you then."

"Bye Ellie, can't wait." I said.

------------Time Lapse-------------

I walked out of my dressing room, only to bump into, Adam.

"Adam," I said.

"Leslie," He said.


"What if I don't,"

"I don't have time for this, cupcake."

"I have all the time in the world."


"Come, with me."

"Ughh, Fine." I rolled my eyes, and ran along beside him.

We walked on to his tour bus.

"We need to talk," He began.

"What about,"


"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Are you cheating on me?" I gasped.

"W-What, C-Cheating." I said, so flustered.

"Are you being faithful?" He repeated.

"Where, on earth did you hear I was cheating on you?" I spat.

"Just, a friend."

"Do you really think I am?" I said, still in awe.

"Les, I know about," He hushed his voice." You and Steven, and You and Matthew."


"I remember, Mattie was looking for you, and you said, you were too busy, fucking Steven."

"I only said that, so he would leave us alone. I was in the middle of being interviewed." I gritted.

"Oh, and what about the spooning with Nathan?"

"I was going to sleep, on their couch, and he told me to stay ,in his bunk. He crawled into bed, next to me wrapped his arm, around my waist, and went to sleep. Is that what you call spooning?"

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"I don't have time for this, you just wasted, an hour of my life. For this," I said. "Goodbye Adam,"

I stormed off his bus, and back inside. I went into my dressing room, to grab, my hat. As I walked out, a familiar face, was there.

Before I could control my vocal cords it slipped out.

"Holly, Holly Collins?" I spoke in disbelief.

'Why the fuck was my highschool rival here?' I thought.
'Adam, probably invited her,'
'That's not possible, I've never told him, about her'
'Well, we'll find out'
'She always got my leftovers,'
'Or you got hers'

"Ah, Leslie way," Holly spoke.

"Holly Collins, what the fuck are you doing here?" I sneered.

"Actually, it is Holly Turmoil, now," She said, her lovely Paris Hilton voice, spoke.

"Holly Turmoil," I mimicked.

"You, still haven't changed,"

"Sorry, my last ex, Matt is with my sister," I flashed my devilish smile.

"What makes you think, I'm here for that?"

"Look here, bitch, I don't care, why the fuck you're here. This is my turf. There are no more principals, to protect you. So I'd suggest you watch, your pretty little mouth, and pretty little self."

"I will," She said rolling her eyes, and my temper had just risen to 101 degrees.

"Who invited you anyways," I questioned.

"I did," Adam Burbank Lazzara, said Non-Chalantly.

"YOU WHAT!" I sneered.

"We needed another model, and–"

"And what, Lauren wasn't good enough?" I hissed.

"Let me finish," He pleaded.

"Or Tammy?" I hissed. "She is here,"

Then the unthinkable arrived.

"Leslie, I need to speak to– Is that Holly Whoreface?" Mikey asked astonished.

"It's Holly Turmoil, now." I said.

"Holly Who? I never thought, I'd ever see her, again." Mikey said.

"Why's that dear?" Holly asked.

"Never, ever call me dear again, and Leslie, fucked you up pretty bad, in highschool.

"Like, you were to her?" Holly pressed.

My face paled, and Mikey's flushed with anger.

"What, Did, You, Say?" His voice shallowed, in deep breathes, from anger.

I mean he was ready to kill her. I'd only seen him this angry once. It was not pretty. One of my ex boyfriends, well one of my short-term ones, was in bed with his then, girlfriend. That, was just after, I had come home crying, and he had hit me. Not Mikey, Karl. So, Mikes was furious. I mean, you don't lay a hand on me, ever. His rules. Let's just say, Karl, will never be a pretty boy again. Mikes fucked him up.

"I knew it. Well, that was a guess, and it was true." She beamed.

"What the fuck is going on– YOU!" Tammy pointed a finger at Holly.

"Me" Holly played dumb.

"Get off this property, you two timing, more plastic than barbie doll, Shit faced, Fucked up, drugged up, Pathetic use for a life of a blonde, idiot." Tammy hissed. "And do it quick, before I,"

'Oh, good god. This is bad. Too bad, for Holly. I tapped Tams' shoulder, and then stated, my threat.'

"I'll get her tonight, Tams," I said, grinning.

'Mental note, make plans to fuck with holly'

"Before, you what?" Holly sneered.

'That bitch is playing with fire'

"Before, I burn that pretty blonde hair of yours, right off, then cut your body up, piece by piece, while you're still breathing, and then I'll put it in a blender, make a meal of it. Then I'll feed it to your family in condolences of your death. I'll make sure it's delish." Tammy grinned.

"I'll be delighted to help, Frank too," Mikes said.

"Frank, won't, he'll burn it, and call it cajun. Which is the last thing we need," I said.

"True, fine I'll second you on it, still Tammy.' Mikey said. "I'll have Les, fuck you up, since I don't hit girls. I mean, if you even are one?" He tempted.

"Just, say the word," I said.

Then the tension in the air was so hot. We all took a breather in a way, I'd say. I got a few text messages, and Tammy and Mikes spoke, along with Holly and Adam. Also, my phone had just gone off.

Message one.
Lezzil, Get over here, dressing room one. Lauren, is ready to go out there, and kill.
XoXo Rachie poo XoXo.

Message two.
Hello, whore. I heard about, Adam. That bastard. I'm flying out to Jepha's like right now. So I'll call you when I arrive. I can't wait to hang out with you.
Kisses, Tara E. Bear.

Message three.
I'm right behind you. Turn around.
Ex Oh Steven S.

"Steven, Steven Smith?" Holly said.

"Oh, god no. I'll see you tonight, at the bar, with Eliza, Ricky and Reggie her assistants, Tammy, and the rest of us." He whispered.

I nodded in response.

Message four.
F.-Madina Lake's Mattie cellie.
We're making your bunk warm. Teehee. See you at the bar.
XoXo M.N.D.M. XoXo.

Message five.
F.-Jepha doll.
Hey babe. I sense you needed a bit of Jepha in your life. So I am messaging you via text. I miss you as much as I do my bass. I cannot wait til you come. We are gonna party so hard. I can tell you need it. It must be boyfriend troubles. Well that is my guess. See you soon dearie.
Xo Jepha H. Xo.

I smiled at his text. He is always good at knowing when something is up.

Message six.
F.-Jepha doll.
So who else is going to be joining your stay at Che Howard? I can tell some other people are needing a vacation. I'll call you in 20 minutes. Or try too. Since my dog is going crazy.

I giggled at the text. He is so good to me.

The tension in the room, was still higher than the sun. I then left the precinct. I went into Tammy's dressing room. Where some really heaving discussions were going to take place. I chose Tammy. I chose her, because she is like me. Well, I went to Rachie's room first.

"Hello," I squeaked.

"Oh, thank god you're here," Rachel gasped.

"Why," I paused. "Is she that bad?"

Rachel just nodded.

"Lauren?" I called.

"Leslie?" She whimpered.

"Lauren, babe, what's wrong," I said, sitting down next to my sister, and hugging her.

"Gee's missing, and Matt's gone," She sniffled.

"Don't worry, they are fine." I whispered. "Although, they probably are doing a signing , or fans are raping them,"

"You're right," She laughed.

"Good, well I have to go meet, Tammy, and probably some other people." I said.

"Uh-uh," I hugged her goodbye.

I slipped into Tammy's dressing room.

Message seven.
F.-Jepha doll.
I can't call, Sorry, but will text a million times. Then I will call when I can-
Sorry honey, byee dear.

I just sat giggling at that message. It made me miss Quinn, all the more. We had never fought like this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Author's Note.
I sincerely apologize to all my readers. I am sorry for asking for comments like that. I will never do it again. I feel horrible. If I could apologize to all eighteen of you I would. I'd say it eighteen times. The problem is I don't know you all. So this chapter is extra long to make up for it. Thanks for still sticking with Leslie, and me. Love Lexie. It was like 5-6 pages on wordperfect in size 8 font. So it is alot. Lovee again Lexie. To Rachie-Poo, and maybe a smack since I still haven't met the used in her awesome story. Would You Sign This Photograph, 'Cause I'm Your Biggest Fan. I make a cameo though.