The Crazy Thing We Call Life

the family together again

I lay on my couch conversing with my best friend. We were currently arguing over who was bigger me or her. Neither of us had seen each other in about a month. I have been having so many problems with my back as of late. I couldn’t go anywhere plus I still had my beautiful three year old to look after. She is the perfect blend between her daddy and I. Her hair is light brown just like Jason and her eyes dark like mine. She has his nose and my lips. She was going to be a little heartbreaker in the near future. I was hurting pretty badly. I sighed, I was having physical problems and Kat was having emotional. Her problems were beyond crazy though. She couldn’t get over being fat.
“Angel I’m huge!” I sighed again.
“No Kat I’m bigger than you are I can guarantee it.”
“I have never been this big though you had a baby already.” My mouth dropped. That was rude.
“Excuse me Katrina I am double the size of what I was when I was pregnant with Isabella.” I heard her laugh on the other end.
“Still I’m probably bigger than you are.” I went to say something but my doorbell rang interrupted what I was about to say. I slowly and as gentle as possible got up off my couch as the pounding continued at my door.
“Hold on Kat some one is at the door.” I was almost to the door and I hollered so the person on the other side would get that I’m on my way but I was at the door by the time I went to say something so I decided against it. “You are going to have to excuse me I’m pregnant so it takes longer to do such basic things.” I was trying to be proper when on the inside I wanted to choke the person who made me get off the couch.
“Damn you are huge! I thought you were lying.” I seen my five month pregnant best friend standing there grinning like a Cheshire cat. She had enough nerve to say I was lying she only looked like she gained no more than twenty pounds, me on the other hand I looked like a swallowed a cow.
“I told you so you are more than half my size.” She laughed. I moved aside so she and Ike could come in. Ike was such a cutie. His dark hair went so well against his bright green eyes. He was really looking like Mike now. That was scary enough. I shook my head. Ike took off to find Izzy in the living room. She was in between feelings about mommy having another baby. She wanted to be the only one my heart went out to yet she was excited for some one else to play with. I smiled as her and Ike watched TV together. They were so close. I was happy Izzy had some one close around her age to play around with. I was thinking about putting her in preschool next year while Ike was in kindergarten. Ike was thrilled about having a brother or sister. He was starting kindergarten in August. He’s so excited about that other than the fact that Izzy wasn’t there. They are so close.
“Seriously chica either you’re either having twins or that poor baby was cursed with Jason’s watermelon head.” She shook her head and I was confused. Did my husband have a watermelon head?
“Jason’s watermelon head,” it came out as if I was scared about it not confused. As if on cue Jason walked in. He had on the same smile he had on every day. Its hard to believe we fell for each other, hell I’m still having trouble understanding it but as Jason put it, “boo you da converse ta mi ecko shoe.”
“What about my watermelon head? Wait I aint got a watermelon head. Got to hell Kat.” I tried to hide my laugh. He came over and gave me a quick kiss then stood his ground back against Kat.
“You know if I go I’m taking your wide so your hand will be awfully busy.” He stuck his tongue out and Izzy interrupted their playful argument.
“Daddy did you miss me? I always miss you daddy.” Jason turned his direction down to our small daughter and lifted her up and gave her a small squeeze. Sometimes I wonder if he only got with me so she would come to be. I laughed silently.
“Daddy always misses his princess.” She squealed then I watched her face turned serious.
“Daddy what if Mommy has another little girl? I won’t be your princess anymore.” Our little girl was so intelligent already.
“You will always be my little girl princess even if momma has another little girl. You can’t tell anyone this but you will be my favorite. Plus you will be more special because you came first. I’m hoping mommy has a boy because no little girl is more perfect then the one I have now.” I smiled and went and sat on my couch. Kat came and sat on one side of me with a smile playing on her lips. I was scared. When she smiled she was up to something.
“You know what? Believe it or not jug head is a good dad.” I laughed then I hit her with a pillow.
“He’s not a jug head you dork he’s a watermelon head remember?” We both busted out laughing. Jason shot us both a death glare. Kat and I sat talking for a short while until the rest of the guys showed up at my home. We were one messed up family but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I loved these guys. Jokie came and lifted up Izzy.
“You know all those years of hanging with your dumb daddy paid off.” Izzy looked confused.
“Why do you say that Uncle Jokie?” He looked at her with such adoration it made me smile.
“Because I lived long enough to see the perfect girl, she is very pretty, sweet, and her laugh makes my heart melt.” Izzy giggled then started crying. Joker looked very upset just in that instant. “What’s the matter you know pretty girls aren’t supposed to cry?” I couldn’t help myself I interjected.
“Well that shows I was right all along. I’m not pretty because I cry all the time.” Joker sent me one of those ‘if looks could kill’ kind of looks.
“Uncle Jokie I don’t want you to die.” She cried then wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Baby Uncle Jokie isn’t dying I’ll be here until I’m 102. I will never leave you baby girl.” She wiped the tears that were falling from her dark brown eyes.
“But you said your heart melted. Uncle Jokie without your heart you will die.” He chuckled.
“Baby girl I think you just glued it back together.” I smiled then he came and sat next to me on the other side. He surprised me when he reached down and touched my belly.
“Hey it’s your Uncle Jokie here. I can’t wait to meet you. I’m going to be your god parent.” Nick jumped up just as Joker was rising up and jumped on his back. Kat and I looked at each other. It was a sight to see a 6’7’ giant on a 6’3 guy. Nick’s legs were placed awkwardly around Joker. Then he hit him in the head.
“Nuh uh I totally had dibs on being the godfather.” He said godfather in this mafia like voice which made Kat and I laugh twice as hard. I swear I loved my crazy ass family
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comments <3
remember this is the sequel to the goth boy, an emo, and a thug which one is it i truly love so let me kno what u think