The Crazy Thing We Call Life

Theres never a dull moment

I shook my head. Nick was sitting in the corner of my living room pouting like a three year old. His arms were crossed over his chest and he was sitting Indian style. His lower lip was sticking was out. I tried to hold in my laughter. He looked over at me then pouted some more. He was mad because he thinks Joker stole his spot. Kat walked over to try to talk to Nick. Joker waited until Kat was standing in front of Nick then he pointed at him and stuck his tongue out. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. They were so immature sometimes. I got up slowly and made my way to the kitchen. I made sure to smack Jokie upside his head when I walked by. He groaned and held his head. I smirked.
“Jason ya need to get your wife. She’s being abusive.” I stopped and put my hands on my hips.
“You liar. I wasn’t the one who was tormenting poor Nick’s soul more than it already is.” Nick smiled then it dawned on him what I said.
“Hey you didn’t mind it before.” He started pouting again. I laughed. Poor Nick had been through so much drama with me yet he still stuck around. Had that been me I would have been like ‘bitch you are on your own’ but no he even wants to be my kid’s godfather. He was so mad at me when he wasn’t one of Izzy’s god parents. He threw a fit much like he’s doing now. And to think he’s supposed to be a mature adult. Psshh right like that will ever happen. Nick was still one of the closest people to me though. I couldn’t tell him that because he would go around bragging. I shook my head. Don’t tell any one but Joker was higher than him on my list. I laughed then went to find my husband. Knowing him he is probably eating or playing with Izzy. I am going to guess eating though. I walked into the kitchen and him and Izzy were sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal. Only Jason would give our kid cereal at seven at night. All those late night munchies got the best of him. Izzy smiled and yelled for me when she seen me. That alerted Jason of my presence. I will never understand him. How in the hell did I of all people end up with a thug? I wasn’t complaining though. Jason made me happy and he gave me Izzy and whatever was growing inside of me now. Izzy was beyond perfection. She was beautiful and sweet. I used to wonder what my kids would look like but never in my most perfect dreams could I vision up Izzy. She was the perfect blend of us both and I loved that. Jason finished his bowl of Lucky Charms then patted his lap. I cocked my eyebrow. That man was crazy as hell if he thought I was sitting on his lap. I could seriously hurt him. Well maybe not this is Jason we are talking about. I still wasn’t sitting though. He hit his lap one more time and I rolled my eyes. That ninja is crazy.
“What’s the matter baby?” I shrugged.
“Nothing I just don’t want to sit on you.” He pushed his bottom lip out.
“Come one please?” I shook my head and went and hugged Izzy. Kat walked in and ruined the mood though.
“Damn Angel don’t hit her with your belly.” I stood up and growled at her.
“Hey man leave her alone. She wouldn’t hurt Izzy.” Kat rolled her eyes.
“That is your demon spawn in there. For all I know it could be a huge evil ladybug in there trying to kill my best friend.” I tried not to laugh.
“Yea whatever. I feel worse for the kid in your belly. I just hope it doesn’t have half the self esteem you have because y'all wouldn’t be able to fit in the same room.” I shook my head. These two were going to be arguing until the day one of them died. I had a long time to deal with this. I sat down in the chair next to Izzy and I started to think about a lot of things. I wonder what I am having. Would it come out like Izzy? No I doubt that no one is as perfect as she is. I didn’t know all I do know is I am huge. And I still had four long months to deal with this. Great I am only going to get bigger.
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well I honestly didnt think I was going to be updating these stories for awhile due to one of the main characters. But I am doing well so far and you cant even tell that we arent talking right? right
just agree with me its easier

well this chapter kind of sucks but so does my mood so deal with it lol jk im truly sorry its like this i shall try to write better on the next one

im doing good
i updated this story
and old school love
and started on izzys story go me
and they all have the problem i have in it yay me!

ok so seriously comment

u get the drift

</3 Bugz former shawty