The Crazy Thing We Call Life

Pregnacy Pains

I yawned. This pregnancy was seriously wearing me out. I was never this tired with Izzy. No then I was all crazy and wanted some of the most disgusting things I have ever seen in my life. No doubt my kid ate like her daddy. I shuddered. Hopefully this one will favor my eating habits. That’s a strong hope. Though I haven’t had to eat half of the disgusting things I had to eat with Izzy. I got picked on till no end when I was pregnant with her. I shuddered just thinking about the stuff I put in my mouth. I sighed then looked left then looked right. Two of my favorite people were on both sides of me. My husband was to my left and still arguing with Kat on whether or not there was a huge watermelon headed ladybug growing inside of me. Those two had serious issues man. I don’t know how but I still loved them. Especially when they were arguing over me as if I wasn’t even in the room. I hated it when they did that just for the record. I looked back over to my right and Izzy was eating her cereal. I have had a hard life I’m not going to sugar coat it but I never thought any thing as adorable as her could come from something as fucked up as me and Jason. I mean don’t get me wrong I love my husband but he’s had a fucked up past. As have I so I really had no room to talk. To think two complete fuck ups could create something as beautiful and as smart as Izzy was beyond surprising to me. That makes me wonder about the kid growing inside of me. What was he or she like? Was it going to be a mix of me and Jason like Izzy had or would it just favor one or the other? I pray that poor child looks like Jason. He is the poster boy for perfection. He’s barely changed since I first met him. He’s probably going to be sexy as an old fart too but that’s just between you and me. I on the other hand, belonged in the ugly duckling book. I was hideous. I turned my attention back to my daughter. I reached across the table and put Izzy’s hand in my own. It was so small and frail. I was already getting the suspicion that Jason was going to be sitting on our porch with a gun in hand. Not to mention her uncles. Oh god. I just shook my head. I already feared for her boyfriends.

Fatigue was really taking over. I felt like I was about to pass out at the table. I stood up and let go of Izzy’s small hand. I made sure to kiss her first. I kissed the top of her head then her cheek.
“Love you princess,” she smiled up at me.
“I love you too mommy.” I smiled then made my way over to Jason. He stopped arguing as soon as I stood in front of him.
“Damn fruit cup I don’t know who makes a bigger shadow. You or your wifey.” I flipped Kat off. I swear one of these days I was going to knock her some sense in. But until then I was unhappily dealing with her comments. I leaned over and kissed Jason’s cheek. He shook his head then he pulled me back and kissed me. I smiled. He was so sweet. His next movement, however made me dislike him. He kissed my belly. Ugh I hated it when he did that. I don’t know why. Touching my belly was one thing but kissing my belly was a different story. Was it like this for all pregnant women or was I just special? If it was what made people keep having kids so much? This pregnancy wasn’t really planned out. Well neither was Izzy’s but I don’t regret a single moment of it. Or how she was conceived for that matter. Boy that was a night. I smiled at the memory. Good times. I yawned again. I needed to get to bed. I slowly walked up the stairs. That was a task in its own right. Each step killed me. I groaned in pain. It was like that until I finally made it into our bedroom. I nearly collapsed as soon as I got in there. To keep from doing that I started to strip out of my clothes. I slipped out of my stupid stretchy pants and grabbed one of Jason’s shirts out of the drawer. I stripped out of my shirt. I went to put the shirt on until I looked down at my belly. I nearly gasped. I was huge. I seem to be growing every day. I would rather be a kid again growing in height rather than a fat pregnant lady that keeps growing in belly size. I sighed. This was going to be hell. I felt it already. Why was I getting so big? I mean Kat was half of me. Was I having a boy? All I knew was that this kid was stretching my body out as far as it could go. I sighed and slid his shirt on and climbed into bed. It didn’t take long for sleep to over take me. I was out within the first five minutes.
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god im a writing machine tonight go me.
this new chapter will probably be out soon. because the idea is already in my head
so comment
and enjoy angelinas pain lol

</3 Bugz Forma Shawty