The Crazy Thing We Call Life

Wedding bells

The beginning was pretty simple to be quite honest. I mean it showed our names and the date we were married but it was pretty much a near sob-fest from then on. I swear our best friends were crazy as hell individually but when you got Joker and Kat together you should watch your back. Joker is usually the brains of the operations and Kat was always the more devious one of the two and knew how to push our buttons. So judging by the next part Kat used her “special” powers to get Jokie to do whatever she wanted. I hadn’t sat down and watched our wedding in awhile or at all while pregnant so this was sure to be a sight. I saw myself standing in front of a full body mirror. It was obvious to tell I was nervous and to make it even more obvious I started to pace just a tad bit. My dress was beautiful though; it was all white with a small amount of red on the very bottom of my dress. My hair was pulled up with ringlets coming down and it looked like glitter sparkling through out my hair. The veil came all the way down past the middle of my back. I walked over to a nearby chair and sat down. I started to fan my eyes.
“Kat I’m going to cry. It will ruin my make up. Do something quick!” The camera was set down on a nearby table I am guessing judging by the view. Kat walked out in front of the camera and knelt down in front of me. Now Kat looked stunning when she was in pajama pants and a three times too big t-shirt so to see her all dolled up made it practically a sin to look that good. Her dark brown almost black hair was pulled up into a high pony tail with curls all the way up to the top of her pony tail holder. Two single strands of hair fell in front of her face. Those luminous green eyes sparkled despite the light eye shadow she used. Glitter surrounded her eyes just enough to set off their glow. Her lips pouted out just right. She was breath takingly beautiful. The red bridesmaid dress she had on fit perfectly on her, though it came down to her strappy high heels. If you ask me that was done purposely because she hates people touching her feet. She smiled up at me and brushed back the single piece of hair that fell out of place. Her voice came out as a soft whisper, like she didn’t want the camera to pick up what she said.
“Hey don’t you dare cry. This is what you wanted. I hate to admit it but you two are perfect for each other. So don’t you dare get upset on your wedding day. Besides if you feel like you’re ready to burst into tears just remember this, weddings may suck but every body knows what happens the first night you’re married so get excited for married people sex. Wait that doesn’t sound very sexy at all.” She shakes her head and tries to clear her head. I laughed.
“Thanks Kat, you always know exactly what to say. But sometimes you say the last thing I need to hear.” She stands up and laughs.
“Let’s hurry up and get this over with. I can’t stand being in this dress.” She grabbed our flowers and we walked towards the door. “Lets get married Angel.” I groaned and it switched over to Jason’s side.

Jason also stood in front of the full mirror; only unlike me he wasn’t pacing or nervous at all. He was fixing the collar of his shirt. Joker had hidden the camera obviously because you saw Joker hand him his jacket. Jason looked absolutely amazing. It made me question how in the green hell I got looped into the world of completely gorgeous people. His outfit was quite simple but I didn’t mind it because Jason always looked good in black. His tuxedo was all black on the outside but white on the inside as they normally are. He was rocking back and forth from heel to toe just smirking away. Jokie leaned up against the wall just shaking his head.
“Aren’t ya at all nervous? I mean this could be the biggest mistake of your life.” Jason turned and rolled his eyes at Jokie.
“Come on dude what’s the worst that could happen? She gets mad at me and leaves me for two days? Ya know I’m not Nick. She always comes back to me a lot sooner.” I rolled my eyes at the video. That was really nice…not. Any who back to the video. Nick threw a donut at Jason.
“That wasn’t very nice!” Jason laughed.
“You’re never nice to me.” Nick stood up.
“You are marrying the love of my life and you expect me to be nice to you? Pssh bitch please.” All the guys started to laugh, even Nick and Jason. They were all so calm and collected. I was falling apart yet Jason was on cloud nine.
“Well Critter look on the bright side, ya know the sex is going to be crazy tonight.” Jason just smirked.
“Isn’t sex always crazy when I’m involved?” Jokie shrugged.
“Ya have a point.” Joker walked over and put his arm around Jason’s shoulder. “You ready to do this man?” Jason chuckled.
“Without a single doubt in my mind.” Joker smirked.
“Aight then lets go make her Mrs. Carter.”

All the guys in the room left and then it switched to the church we were in. Every pew in the place was full, okay that’s exaggerating just a bit there was like two not filled. Jason was standing next to Jokie towards the front of the church. Nick was behind Joker and Mike was behind Nick then Adom was the last in line. Jason had his hands together and had the biggest smile on his face, where I was practically sweating bullets.
“What if I fall Kat? What if I sneeze when its time for the kiss? What if...” Kat covered my mouth with her hand.
“Shut it you will do fine.” I just nodded and tried to take deep breathes but they were short lived when the organ started to play. I, thanks to Mr. Popularity up there, had to find a total of five bridesmaids. I was cursing him the entire time about it just for the record. So in the end I was stuck with people I argued with and two people I got along amazing with. The flower girls went out first, softly tossing flowers down the aisle. I felt like I needed a paper bag to breathe. My heart felt like it was trying to jump out of my chest when the bridesmaids started to walk out. They seemed to speed walk up until it was time for the final two bridesmaids. Kaitlin looked beautiful as well. Her dark hair was wrapped up in a bun with two single ringlets falling out of it. She also had a few strings of hair falling around the front of her face framing it in a way. Her eyes seemed to glow and the red really brought out her skin tone. She looked absolutely beautiful. Great I have to be the only bride in history whose bridesmaids are more beautiful than she is. I blew the air out of my face. Kat smirked and turned around and hugged me.
“You can do this Angel.” I nodded and swallowed hard. I kept repeating that I could do this in my head and slowly started to walk closer to the doors. This was what I wanted right? Then why in the hell was I so nervous? I smiled and held my head up high and started to concentrate on Jason’s face, his warm eyes, and his smile. See I could do this as long as he was waiting for me at the end of the long walk way. I felt my heart fall again when I realized neither of my fathers and I were close at all. My choice for the man who was supposed to give me away was standing up next to my soon-to-be husband. Wow there’s that word again. Was I ready to do this? I mean finally become his wife? What if we started arguing? Would it lead to divorce only for us to get remarried? I can’t do this. I was going to throw up I felt it. I turned around and got a few steps away from the most terrifying thing I think I will ever have to do. I had failed Jason again. My eyes started to glass over when I saw a shadow in front of me. I looked up and met the warm eyes of an old friend. He had changed so much I didn’t recognize him at first. His old colorful hair wasn’t anything like that any more instead it was a solid blonde color. His ocean blue eyes stood out more than they used to though. Actually that’s what made me recognize him at first. He always looked amazing but he was absolutely gorgeous tonight. He was in an all white tuxedo with a red bow tie. He grinned when he saw me and held out his hand.
“This day came too soon princess.” A few tears escaped my eyes. I can’t believe he made it. I don’t even remember sending him an invitation.
“Queer what are you doing here?” He kissed the top of my hand.
“What does it look like I am doing? I am going to give you away.” I nodded and sucked in my breath. I can’t believe he was going to do this for me. He looped his arm with mine and started to walk at a slow pace. He smiled and kissed my cheek.
“Come on princess keep your chin up because every girl out there, minus Kat I suppose, is counting on you to fall so they can run off with your man.” I growled and wrinkled up my nose and he chuckled. “That’s the girl I know.” I smiled and the organ started to play “here comes the bride”. I exhaled sharply and the doors were pulled open. Queer lifted his head up with pride and I did my best to imitate him. I kept my eyes straight ahead. Jason’s smiling face started back at me and I knew this was right. For the first time I didn’t worry about falling or tripping. I didn’t stress over small details. I felt at peace. My walk actually went faster than I anticipated. I didn’t know if I should dread that or be happy about it. Queer stopped and glared at Jason at first then his gaze softened. He looked at him and smiled just a tiny bit.
“Take care of my girl you hear?” Jason nodded and Queer turned back to me and lifted up my veil. I couldn’t help it the tears were streaming down my face. He kissed each one of my cheeks and stopped the tears that were falling and walked up to the first pew and sat down. Of course some people scooted over so he could sit but it’s the point of the matter. I smiled because I was hand in hand with the man that meant the most to me. I felt my eyes water up, this time not out of fear or nervousness but because I knew this was exactly what I wanted and no moment in my life could beat this.

I turned away from the video, trying to hide the tears that had started to fall. I hid my face in Jason’s arm and just left it there until I was sure the tears were done falling out. I couldn’t believe how much I was panicking over things that didn’t really matter much at all to me. I mean all I cared about was being with him yet I couldn’t help but trip out over every little detail. Our wedding was good compared to some of the others you see now-a-days. I watched us exchange our vows and I nearly started crying again. I watched Jason recite his vows with tears in his eyes. That’s when I started to cry again. I can’t believe I brought the big bad gangster down on his knees, well one of them any ways. All of this was before the birth of our first child. The poor man was stuck with me now. We are married, have a daughter and we have another baby on the way. I shook my head. Damn I feel bad for the poor boy. Everything was perfect despite all the craziness. I couldn’t have pictured it any other way or with any other man. I looked up at Jason and when he looked back down at me I knew he was the one I would spend all of my years with, the one who would sit next to me in our matching rocking chairs and just watch the sunset. The guy that would hold my hand as I start to fade away. I smiled and I couldn’t find a better person to spend all of forever with.

I switched my attention back to the video. We were on our way to the reception hall. Jason and I ran out of the church and rice was being thrown every where. We stopped and said goodbye to a few people. I saw Kat and the tears threatened to fall again. Her eyes were all watery. She couldn’t cry. If she cried I was going to cry.

The phone ringing interrupted our home videos. Jason rolled his eyes and picked up the phone. His expression changed quickly.
“What are ya talking bout?” He got up and walked out of the room. What the hell was going on?
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wow what was jasons phone call about? hmmm
luv ya bug
