The Crazy Thing We Call Life

Kats breakdown

Kat’s p.o.v

I watched the fairy get up and walk out of the room. What a way to ruin a family moment right? He should have just ignored the phone and snuggled up with his old lady. I laughed. Angel was totally never finding out I had called her that; she will get all self conscious. As if she didn’t have a good reason to be, jug head knocked her up good this time. She’s huge! I shook my head. That’s my best friend I shouldn’t be talking about her like that. I laughed again. What was I saying this was me we are talking about of course I was going to talk shit about her. I got up and walked over to Angel and plopped down in his seat. She raised her eye brow in question but she didn’t say a word. I smiled sweetly and fluttered my eye lashes for a moment or two then started to search for the remote. I started digging in the side of the couch because I know jug head has a huge ass and made the couch sink to the floor. I stuck my hand deep down and then I heard a loud whistle from behind me. I jerked my head up and turned around to see who had the balls to interrupt my search for the remote. Jug head was leaned up against the door frame with a phone pressed up against his ear. I guess you could say he was an “okay” looking guy and I use that term loosely. He had on some baggy jean shorts and his white Nikes. For some odd reason his t-shirt was gone and he was shirtless. I rolled my eyes and looked up at him. He was smirking at me waving the remote control with his left hand. I growled and jumped off the couch like a ninja and tried to air kick him in the jaw. It totally failed when he walked back into his room and shut the door. So now I’m lying on the floor in agonizing pain when my phone rings. As soon as I heard “I hate everything about you” I should have known it was going to be a bad day. I should have never answered that phone call. It was the end of the small and fragile good memories I had as a child.
“Did you run out of money again mother?” I made sure the venom dripped in my tone. I hated her for all the hurt she caused me when I needed her most. She practically left me to die plenty of times so I will never feel bad for anything I do or say to her. I heard her sigh on the other end of the phone.
“No Necole why do you always think I need fucking money for?” And she wonders where I get my foul mouth from.
“That’s usually why you call me.” I held in the urge to groan from the pain in my foot. I think I rebroke my ankle again.
“You’re such a heartless and selfish little bitch your father died today and all you can think about is your money.” I didn’t feel the pain in my ankle. I didn’t feel anything. My daddy was gone but how? He was in such good health. Especially after he got away from the bitch I call my mother.
“Daddy’s dead?” She scoffed. I felt the tears start to form in my eyes.
“No that rotten piece of shit is still alive. Your real father passed this morning. The poor man.” I shook my head in denial. She didn’t just tell me that. I wanted to cover my ears and pretend she never said that. My daddy wasn’t my real daddy. No she had to be lying. In the back of my head I knew it was possible. My mother wasn’t exactly known for being faithful, in relationships or my life in general.
“Aren’t you going to say anything? No I didn’t think you would. I expect you to be at the wake today. It’s a shame you never got to meet your real daddy until the day he dies. His whore of a wife didn’t bother to call me and tell me either.” I just nodded and shut my cell phone. I don’t know how but I found my voice and called for Angelina. It didn’t take long for me to be staring at her huge belly. She extended her hand out and I grabbed it and pulled myself up. For some odd reason I looked down at my belly and that’s when I was practically slapped in the face with a reminder. I AM PREGNANT! What the fuck am I doing trying to go all Jackie Chan with a pimp-kick from hell on Jason’s ass? I smiled. That still sounded pretty good but I had to wait until after the baby was born for that one. I dusted myself off and walked off slowly to my room. I probably would have been a lot faster but I wanted to keep Angelina’s pace. I know her pregnancy is a lot harder on her than mine is on me. I only threw up the first two weeks of being Prego; I believe she is still puking. I ought to kill that pansy for doing this to her… I can’t believe she actually has sex with that…thing! I nearly threw up in my mouth at the visuals I got. That’s when realization hit me. She can’t still be screwing him if she’s knocked up right? Oh god her body is probably full of thousands of that evil sperm of his. I stopped in the middle of the hallway and screamed.
“EW EW EW EW EW EW EW!!!!!” She gave me a puzzled look. I know I was over reacting but I had to show some emotion that wasn’t: anger, sadness, depression, or violent. So I chose being disgusted at the fact that my best friend is getting fucked by…ew Jason.
“Is the baby making you sick again?” I shook my head.
“DO YOU AND JASON STILL FUCK?” I practically screamed at her. She held her chest for a moment the raised her eye brow.
“Where did that question come from?” I shook my head and pointed at her; accusing her with both my index finger and my eyes.
“You are trying to avoid my question. It will not work this time.” She laughed.
“Sometimes why?” I screamed then got down on my knees and got close to her belly.
“Make her stop. She’s going to let him kill you with that evil seed of his! Mark my words kid. Stop them from fucking or you will be over populated.” She smacked the back of my head and pointed to my room.
“Bedroom now,” I stood up quickly.
“Yes mommy,” I practically ran to my room.
We walked in and she closed the door behind her and crossed her arms over her chest. Her eyes narrowed and she gave me the “mom” look. God I hated that look. It made me feel four years old again. She always gives me this look. After she gets done yelling I realize that she’s only six months older than me. I felt my eyes start to water up. No emotions don’t fail me now! The tears spilled over. I have always been pretty good at hiding my emotions from the world, even Angel at times. But for some odd reason I couldn’t keep my emotions in check. It didn’t take me long to realize why. Angel says being Prego makes your emotions go haywire. Angel’s evil glare disappeared and she walked over and sat down on the bed. My bed made a loud groan sound and I chuckled. She rolled her eyes.
“What did you think it was going to do? There are two pregnant women on this bed.” I laughed.
“With the size of your belly it’s more like three.” She hit me in my arm and I was still laughing while holding it.
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that. Now what’s the matter Kat?” I shrugged and looked at the ground. Yea my carpet is awesome isn’t it?
“Nothings wrong Angel.” She rolled her eyes.
“I don’t believe it. Now spill or I will give you details of my fabulous sex life.” I groaned and covered my ears. Just the images were torture but to hear what is actually or was actually happening was enough to send me to the mental institution. She smiled in victory and I rolled my eyes. She wasn’t winning this. She was bluffing because she wouldn’t put me through that horrible thing that could possibly scaring me for life.
“Nothing is wrong Angel.” Her grin was different this time.
“Ok then, last night was pretty crazy. I don’t know why but I needed to get off so bad I begged him to…” I put up my hand to silence her and I started to gag.
“That wasn’t the best part. He slowly started to pull off his boxers…” I stood up and glared at her.
“My mother called and told me something I didn’t want to hear.” She grinned in victory but it quickly disappeared. Concern filled her eyes.
“What did she say darling?” I looked down at my lovely carpet again as tears filled my eyes once more. Stupid Mike he knocked me up now I’m all emotional.
“You know the only reason I ever stayed at home when I was younger was because I loved my daddy,” she nodded and motioned for me to continue. I felt like I was being choked. This by far was the worst thing my mother had ever done to me. She took the one person that always showered love on me no matter what I did. I was daddy’s girl.
“She told me that my daddy isn’t my real father. In fact my real father died and his wake is today.” Her mouth formed an “o” shaped then it clamped shut. She stood up and my bed once again groaned. I held in a giggle. Angel walked over and pulled me into a hug. Her belly nearly knocked me to the wall. She pulled me against her and held me like a mother held her little girl. My eyes watered up again. She was the mother I never had.
“We should go just to see the poor son of a bitch that never got the opportunity to know an amazing girl.” I smiled and nodded. “No matter what your mother says to you Kat she can never take away your daddy. He will always love you as his own no matter what that bitch tells him or you.” I nodded and the tears stopped. I wiped my eyes and walked over to my closet and pulled out some of my skinny jeans and my 69 eyes t-shirt.
“If I’m going to do this I’m going on my own terms.” She nodded and smiled.
“I wouldn’t want it any other way C-dawg.” I smiled then told her to go find something to wear.
♠ ♠ ♠
bizzle has been seriously on my ass about updating this story
first she says i write too much now shes harassing me to write
the bitch is crazy lol
but shes my bestie so i put up with her

im writing the next chapter to this one now
so it will probably be up today as well unless some one prys the laptop from my hands lol
