William Corvins Story the first lycan

Chapter One The meeting of fates

William could only see red in his vision. He needed to taste the blood of his kill flow into his muzzle and down into his gut. All he could think about was his next kill. He was lost in his own body every since he was bitten by the wolf when he was a boy. He raised his muzzle in the air and caught the wind. The smell of smoke, and medal filled his noise. He took off towards the town it was come from, Berman.

Laila smiled as she walked out in to the village market. It was full and busy as always. She hummed to herself as she walked by the many stands selling food, clothing, and weapons. Berman was a will respect town and with the vampire lords asking for silver to keep them safe from the wolfs the town still thrived. As she was thinking to herself she spotted three little girls run towards her.
“Laila can we come with you and help you pick herbs?” The eldest one asked. She had long brown hair and blue eyes.
“I don’t know Mary, what would your mother say.” Laila said as she smiled at them.
“I’ll go get mother Mary.” A girl piped up on the right side of Mary. She had her long brown hair in a horse tail and hazel blue eyes.
“Sarah, hurry.” Mary said before Sarah took off running. Laila smiled and shock her head.
“Well Angel how are you doing?” Laila asked the smallest girl. She had short light brown hair and gray blue eyes.
“I’m good Laila.” Angel said with a smile. Laila looked up as Sarah came back with there mother. She was tall, with long dark brown hair and blue eyes.
“Good morning Ginny, How are you?” Laila asked with a smile.
“I’m good, and how are you this morning?” Ginny asked in a laughing voice as her three daughters smiled up at her.
“I’m good. I was just on my way out to collect herbs.”
“Ow now I see.” Ginny said as she laughed. Laila laughed and nodded her head.
“Alright I guess you three can go but,” Ginny looked at her children. “You listen to Laila do you understand me.” She said as she looked at them with a stern look in her eyes.
“Don’t worry mother we will.” They said together. Ginny and Laila both laughed softy.
“Well we better go then.” Laila said as she smiled at them.
“Have fun kids.” Ginny called out as they walked into the forest.

William knew he was getting close to the town. He could already taste the blood and fear on his mouth. Then he heard the sound of laughter. He slowed down and walked towards the edge of the forest line that was in the shadow. William mouth watered as he saw three female human cubs running around and laughing. Unknown to them that there life was about to end. He was about to charge out there when he saw and heard another female.
He felt his heart pounded in his chest as the world around him came into colors. Not just red. But blues, yellows, greens, browns, and pinks. He looked down at his claws and saw for the first time that he had white fur not red. William looked back up at the young female as she chased the cubs and laughed. She had long golden blonde hair and green eyes. Her dress was a light red almost pink and fit her perfectly.
He growled softy with desire then a overwhelming pain shock his body. He backed away from the female not wanting to harm her. He ran into the forest and fall on his knees as the pain shock his body. William closed his eyes and dug his claws into the ground. When the pain subside did he open his eyes only to see that he had shifted into another form, a human form. He looked at his hands which where once claws where now hands. This couldn’t be right how could he shift. The female she must be the risen why.
Then the though of someone hurting or going near her made rage run through his blood. He closed his eyes as the pain return but not as strong as before and then it was gone. When William opened his eyes he saw he was back in his Wolf form. Seven feet tall, white muscular with ice blue eyes. He turned around and raced back to the edge of the forest. He stopped in the shadows and watched his mate laugh and pick at the plant in front of her. The cubs where helping her and putting them in the basket beside her.
Form looking at the cubs he know they where not hers. William stayed in the shadows and watched her. Then he heard someone coming. He watched as another female came into the clearing. The cubs ran to her. So she is the cubs mother. He though to him self. He watched as she talked to his mate.

Laila stood up and wiped her hands on her cape.
“I hope my girls where not to much trouble.” Ginny said with a smile.
“Of course not, they were wonderful helpers.” Laila said with a smile.
“See mother we listened to everything Laila asked.” Mary said with a smile.
“Yes, I see,” Ginny looked back at Laila. “Well I came to get the girls for dinner.”
“Yes, I am sorry I do lose my self out here.” Laila said in a sweet voice.
“That’s alright, beside if it wasn’t for you and your grandmother we would all be sick.” Ginny said with a twinkle in her eye.
“Yes, well you better get back to town. I still have some herbs to collect.”
“Bye, well see you tomorrow.” Sarah said as they started off towards the town. Laila smiled as she want back to work.
William was enjoying watching his mate as she walked around the grove picking different plants and flowers. He got down on his paws and tried walking on his paws. When he was able to look like a wolf he smiled to himself. William hoped that his mate wouldn’t ran away scared.
Laila was humming to herself when she heard something break behind her. She looked over her shoulder and saw the largest white wolf ever walking towards her. She watching with curies eyes as the wolf stopped a few feet in front of her. She smiled and laughed softy.
“Well what are you doing out here?” She asked as she knelt down in front of him. William wanted nothing more then to howl at the moon but he didn’t want to scare her away. You are beautiful mate. He though as she smiled at him.
“Are you hurt?” She asked as she looked at him closer. Her eyes want wide when she saw that the wolf was a male. “Well I see that you are not hurt, so if your not hurt then why are out here hum?” Laila looked at him in the eyes and tired to think why he would come out of the forest. Then the he licked her face and gave her a wolfish grin. Laila laughed and smiled at him.
“Ow you are a silly wolf are you not.” She said as she ran her fingers through his fur. That feels so good. He though as he closed his eyes and lied his head more into her hand.
“You like that wolf,” She smiled when he gave a small bark. “I think I need to give you a name. What should we call you?” Laila asked as she tiled her head to the side a little. Laila looked at the wolf thinking of a name when she smiled. William looked at her as she smiled at him and he moved closer towards her. “I will call you Strom, you like that name?”
William licked her face and smiled at her.
“I will take that as a yes, well I have to get back to work Strom.” Laila stood up and walked over to a large purple leaf plant. William laid down and watched as his mate work.
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