Hidden Beneath the Paper.


The radio blasted rock music as my mom drove through the dark night with the headlights blaring down at the street. We danced stupidly and sung the song as if we had mental problems. Today was the best day ever. Mom and I haven't had a day out like this in a long while. She really needed it. She was so stressed. We stopped at a red light, so she turned down the music finally.

"Mike proposed," she said softly. I looked over at her, mouth slightly ajar. Her long time boyfriend finally got down on one knee. I looked down at her fingers to notice the ring. I gasped then squealed. Tonight somehow gotten better with only two words. The light turned green and mom pushed down on the gas peddle.

Beep! Beep! Our heads snapped to the side to see a big semi coming at us with extreme force. My mouth opened wide. Mom looked back at me.

"I love you!" She screamed before the horrible sound of metal bending.

"Mom!" I screamed waking up to my alarm clock beeping. I started to cry hysterically. I pulled my knees to my chest and cried into them after slamming my hand down to turn off my alarm. Ten minutes later I got up and slunked to the bathroom to wash up a bit and change. Today was the first day of my last year of college. My mom wont be able to see me graduate from it. Or see me married. Or see me have kids. I held back more tears as I trudged along to get ready.

I walked outside when I was done with a piece of toast hanging out of my mouth. I looked at the car that it happened in. Mike had gotten it fixed for me. I wish he didn't. All I could see anymore when I look at it is right before the crash. Right when she told me she loved me. I looked away from the car and up at the morning sky. I sighed and wiped a tear away.

"Are you there?" I asked. The clouds continued to move slowly. No light escaped, no doves went by, no voice answered me. I looked down at the driveway then. I think I'll just walk there today.

I started to walk in the direction of the college and watched as cars drove passed, as people woke up in there houses, as leaves drifted by. I shook my head. The world is a lonely place. Why did it need to take my mother away from me so early? I handsome man passed in a okay-ish car drove in the direction of the college. I wonder who that could be.