Hidden Beneath the Paper.


"No, it's fine," he blushed, finishing off his plate. I watched him carefully as I continued to eat too. How was it fine that I just told my professor that I thought he was attractive and possibly one of the best men out there for me? After we were done he took out plates and began washing the dishes. I wondered out into the living room, waiting for him to stop doing his chores. When he finally came out he flopped down on the couch next to me, flipping on the T.V. I watched him for a second before watching him flip through the channels. He was refusing to look at me now. I blushed. I probably shouldn't have ever said that too him. He's probably gonna kick me out of his house and out of his class and tell me to never speak to him again.

"I... I think you're attractive too," he mumbled, still refusing to look at me. I blushed. I opened my mouth to say something, but I didn't know what to say. The room got awkward as we both sat there, watching T.V.

"So, now what?" I whispered. I didn't want to leave it as confession, blanketed by shyness and socially awkwardness. He turned off the T.V. then, scooting his butt forward so he was sitting on the edge of the couch. He turned his body so he was facing me and he finally looked me in the eyes. His face was sober and his eyes were slightly piercing. I blushed and my heart began to race. His body got closer, his body heat penetrating by very being, making my blood rush all around my shell of a body. When his lips met mine, my eyes immediately closed, my body felt like it was going to shut down. His left hand held my cheek, keeping my face against his. I kissed him back, I breathed in his air. I fell back onto the couch, not being able to hold myself up against him. My body was shaking. His lips traveled to my neck, leaving a wet trail of fire and ice. One of his hands held himself up, the other cautiously placed itself on my hip, his thumb rubbing my hipbone through my jeans. I gasped, letting him softly bit and suck on my collarbone. My body started to burn and overheat. I couldn't believe that this was actually happening. It felt surreal. When his hand slipped under my shirt my body felt cold. I couldn't...

"Stop," I commanded, which I regretted instantly. He quickly pulled his hand out of my shirt. His lips were not against my skin anymore was he pulled his body off of mine as he began to hover over me. He looked confused and upset. I looked into this green eyes.

"This is illegal," I whispered.
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I figured I should update before I forget.