Hidden Beneath the Paper.


I continued to walk onto the college yard when out of no where it just starts down pouring. I sprinted quickly towards the entrance that I use to get to my first class. It took a while, puddles have already formed and I splashed through them, my dark-wash jeans got darker with the dirty cool water from the ground.

"Shit," I groaned as I felt myself loose balance. I watched the world spin right before I landed face first into a big and deep puddle. Getting to my knees, I groaned, then shook my head. My long hair flung around and water droplets flung away. Though, it didn't really matter because it was still raining. The water from the puddle soaked into my pants and shoes and felt highly uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?" I heard a lightly gruff voice ask. I looked away from my drenched body and up at the handsome man that looked around my age walking up.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I groaned. He smiled lightly, tilting his head slightly, he was holding an umbrella with the Resident Evil 'umbrella corp.' symbol on it. I smiled back at him. He was adorable.

"Is this your first year here?" He asked, now extending he arm out and opening his free hand. I quickly grabbed it and let him help me up off my knees. His eyes finally looked at my horribly wet clothes.

"No, this is actually my last year here," I told him. He pursed his lips, shaking his head slowly up and down, looking up at his umbrella. He thrusted it forward lightly and shielded me from the rain even through it was useless now. We started walking towards the entrance together.

"Oh. Well, it's my first year. Wish me luck?" He asked, opening the door and letting me in. Guys normally don't do this for me. I smiled, turning back towards him as he now stepped in as he started to close his umbrella.

"Good luck," I told him sticking out my hand. He smiled and shook it. He mumbled thank you before I had to be on my way. I waved bye then fluttered off to my first class. I can't wait to figure out that boy's name. His voice was so dreamy! I turned through the hallways and got caught by a very good friend. He glomped me from behind.

"Kayla!" He yelled loudly, making me giggle.