Hidden Beneath the Paper.


The rest of the day I went by flabbergasted about the fact that I liked Professor Way so much. Well, it's not my fault that he was so damn good looking. It's kind of silly that I'm surprised that I like him. I liked a teacher in middle school and one in high school. So, this wasn't really new to me. I know how to hide it. The last bell rang and some how I escaped through the mess of people in the hallways.

Professor Way was shuffling into his car as I stepped outside in to the cold air. I watched as he turned on the radio and buckled his seat belt. He slightly head banged. I walked passed the front of his car and waved. He smiled and waved back. I smiled as my heart beat picked up some. But, it slowly sank as he pulled away. There was a crack of loud thunder then it started pouring again. I sighed and scurried down the street.

Soon, I could see the ugly bungalow that I call home. The grass was a bit stiff from the cold. The brown stripe towards the top and the brown and white overhang stuck out oddly in this time of the year. The car was parked in the driveway. I got a bit excited. Mom needs to see Professor Way. She'd agree with me that he is hot. I reached the front door and quickly opened it.

"Mom! Mom?" I called, setting my book bag down on the couch. My eyes surveyed the room around me. It was dark as my voice slightly echoed back at me. I locked onto a picture of my mother on the mantle. I felt a wad of depression in the pit of my stomach as her voice echoed I love you in my head. My eyes stung from the eyeliner I was wearing as they started to water.

I walked over to the mantle and yanked the picture of her to my chest and hugged it there as I slid down the cold brick and sat on the ground. I brought my legs up to my chest and cried into my knees. Lyn-Z, one of my ten year old cats, waddled over and looked at me sadly. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms like a baby and rubbed my face in her thick coat. She purred as I wiped my tears onto her. I stared down at my mothers picture. It was mocking me; she sat there, frozen in time. Smiling. Having a good time.

"I miss you so much," I wailed. I had no one left of my family now. I've never met my real father, and my step father left us when I was 16. I have a half-sister. But, it's not the same. My mom was my security blanket. I took comfort to the fact that she was all I had; she was all I needed. I never thought she'd ever die. She couldn't - she was too busy being my mother. Lyn-Z pawed my face. She never liked it when I cried. I wiped my thick tears away and sniffed.

"Maybe I'll take you and Winston to go visit her grave this weekend," I said softly. Winston was probably laying on my mother's bed, waiting for her to come home. For her to come pet him. I let another tear go before I started to try to get myself to calm down. Two hours later I called Danielle to get information about the class. She told me the rules and supplies we were going to need. I'm glad she paid attention in her classes. I'll probably end up calling her once a week for help. It's going to be hard to pay attention with such a god as a teacher. Danielle broke my train of thought with a laugh.

"Wow," she laughed. I accidentally had said my last thought out loud. I giggled. I actually got her to admit that she liked him too. She had to go soon after though and I was left in the lonely confines of the ghostly house.
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I'm back. And, burned. lol
Wow! so many people subscribed while I was gone.
Welcome new readers! =D
Thank you to everyone that held in there!