Hidden Beneath the Paper.


I woke up the next morning, and like a zombie, I stood up, turned my alarm off and started to get ready for school. My dream, played and replayed in my head. It was simply a memory of when I was a teenager. When, my step-dad was kicking mom and I out, we both barely had any fun. She randomly made me get ready and we drove around, having fun; Laughing at nothing. We ate out and spent the small amount of money we had on clothes and cat supplies. I started to pack my bag with some extra supplies. I then pulled it over my shoulder. I refilled Lyn-Z and Winston's food dish before sauntering off to the front door. I looked at the car sitting there silently in the driveway. I sniffed and looked the other way. I pulled out my ipod and decided I'd rather walk.

I walked through the front yard and zipped up my hoodie some as I turned onto the sidewalk. The music blasting from my ear buds was slow and soft. I looked over at the clean, desolate road and pictured mom and I in the car, her driving us back home from that day in the dream. We were blasting Burning Down the House by the Talking Heads and singing loudly along with it. I skipped the sad song that was playing on my ipod. Something heavier replaced it and distracted me slightly as I continued to walk to college. On my ipods screen was a water droplet. I looked up at the sky to see dark clouds getting puffy. It started to pour that very instant.

I sprinted down the street like a dumb ass. You think after yesterday I'd pack a umbrella, but no. At the corner of the street I quickly pressed the walk button as I looked to the right, cars were indeed coming. Out of no where a car from the left flew by, driving threw a puddle in front of me. Shit was the only word that came to mind as I watched the mini tidal wave fling at me. I was wet once again. I yelled angrily at the car that was already almost out of sight. Dammit. The crosswalk light changed and I quickly sprinted to the other side of the street and continued to run. Finally, I was making it up the back parking lot. I stopped running and now took my time walking through the rain since I was out of breath. There was a loud car horn behind me. I looked back to see a small red car speeding behind me. I jumped out of the way before it hit me and scraped my knee badly. The red car drove through the parking lot insanely before driving away. What is with people today? I looked down at my bleeding knee. Great, these pants have a whole in them now. I remember when I was little I'd come home like this all the time. My mom would be a bit mad that I kept making holes in the knees of my pants. I sighed and snapped back into reality when I heard his charming voice.

"Are you alright? I saw what happened!" Professor Way gasped now kneeling down next to me. He had the umbrella from yesterday stretched out over the both of us. I smiled slightly as his beautiful eyes looked down at me caringly. I shook my head yes and he smiled and helped me up, off the ground. He kept me close, under his umbrella and helped me walk.

"I think I have band-aids in my classroom if you think you need it," he mumbled now closing his umbrella as we got inside. It was nice and warm and dry in here. I softly told him thanks as he helped me down the hallways to his room. I sat down in a chair as he put his stuff down and looked through his cabinet for some bandages. I pulled my ear buds out and turned off my ipod. He was lightly humming peacefully as he finally pulled out some band-aids along with some cotton balls and other stuff.

"Wow, you really are prepared," I chuckled watching him set the stuff down on the desk I was at. He smiled and laughed lightly himself.

"First year teaching in a very dangerous art environment. I want it to be safe," he mumbled. now using the wet with rubbing alcohol cotton ball to rub the blood off my knee. I did my best not to wince. I kept my mind occupied with the fact he was on his knees before me. I smiled. He had such a loving aura around him. It was nice compared of my lonely, desolate house.

"Thank you," I whispered when he put the band-aid on my knee. He smiled and nodded his head. I stood up and walked out of his classroom. I can't wait for class today.