Hidden Beneath the Paper.


The day went on slowly. And, it was all my fault. I was a bit pessimistic, everything that anyone said I took in retrospect. Everything just reminded me of my mother. I couldn't pay attention but even then my mind went back to the day of the crash. I dried my eyes as I watched as the students got up, grabbing their book bags and filing out of the class. The bell must have rang, I sure as hell didn't hear it. I got up and grabbed my bag and lurked out of classroom. I made my way to my proclaimed best-class-ever but I was in such a pathetic mood that even Professor Way's captivating body looked unpleasing. I sat down next to Danielle again. She didn't notice that I was here, she was busy scribbling something down on notebook paper. I glanced up at Professor Way. He was sitting at his desk, drumming a beat onto his papers. He looked happy. I retreated into my shell and laid my head down on the table. I closed my eyes and tried to think about anything that wasn't depressing, but it was a bit hard with this constant compression I was feeling. I listened as people talked loudly and moved around as if they were wearing cement blocks for shoes. After a few minutes I peeked out and watched Professor Way stand up and walk to the front of the class. He told everyone to get seated and settled. Soon, the class was silent. I lifted my head up then and watched the professor carefully.

He stood up there in good posture and moved his hands around as he talked. He was currently instructing two kids in the back to shut their mouths. After the two boys were quieted, he walked back to his chalkboard and wrote on it plots and sketches. He talked about how to but the two together into a comic book. My eyes got watery as he brought up car crashes in comic books. I laid my face in my hands and tried not to think about it. He talked about how'd you draw that if it was accidental or more forced upon. I gulped and laid my head back down. I heard Danielle whisper in her light voice that it was okay. But, in reality it wasn't okay. I lost my mother and I will never get her back. I will never hear her voice out loud again. I laid my head down onto my desk again and cried slightly onto the wooden desk. I didn't want anyone to know that I was crying so I forced my shoulders to be still and buried my face into my arms. After a few minutes, tears no longer stained my face. I wiped my eyes slyly before sitting back up and trying to pay attention to the professor. He glanced over at me with a worried expression on his face. I looked away from him and out the window. He ignored me and continued to talk to his small class. After ten minutes of being off topic he finally instructed us to think of a small plot and sketch it out. I pulled out my drawing pad and a pencil and acted like I was thinking about imaginary people. I felt a warm hand grip onto my shoulder then. I looked up to see Professor looking down at me.

"Are you okay? Do you want to sit outside, away from everyone?" He asked. I had shook my head no to the first question the slowly shook my head yes to his second one. He then proceeded to tell me the work we were going to do during class, and the homework. I shook my head yes and took my stuff with me outside. Danielle tried to give me a comforting smile but failed at it. I shut the door and walked down the hall slightly and slid down the wall and landed on my ass. I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face into my knees and started to cry into them. My mind twisted and turned through deep corridors and escaped through any light openings they could find. My eyes dried up eventually and my eyelids became heavy. I looked up at the window across from me and watched cars go by. Soon, the bell rang loudly in my swollen ears. I sighed, getting up off the floor. I hate today.
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Sorry that it's been a while. Wrote a lot of one-shots. My writing style might change a bit. I'm trying to be more descriptive and lengthy. My one-shot "Do As You're Told" is basically how I'm going to start writing.

Thank you everyone for staying subscribed.
I love you people so much.