Hidden Beneath the Paper.


I drifted off down a hallway. I didn't really know where I was. I didn't know where I was going. I just let my legs take me where they wanted to go. I felt tired since my eyes have been heavy all day. Things were becoming soundless and blurry again. Forgetting Professors wonderful offer, I began to loathe the thought of ever going back home. She was still there, lingering around. The creaks and groans of the old house made me think she was wondering about the house, looking for me. The cats, the watch nothing walk around. They watch intently. Something was there. Someone. I felt my eyes begin to burn again so I shut them tightly, trying to reject the tears that started to build up.

"Don't shut your eyes like that, makes the tears run." Said a light and soothing voice. I let my lips part slightly before I opened my watery eyes. Professor Way stood a few feet away from me with a sympathetic look upon his face. I blinked a few times before rubbing my eyes. He walked over and rubbed my back again. He whispered soothing things and I longed to crash into his arms. I wanted to be held and told that everything was going to be okay. He gently got me into his room again and started to gather his things. I pulled myself together so I could comprehend what was going on. I never noticed before how his room already smells like heavy acrylic paints.

"Do you have everything you need? Homework?" He asked, realizing that I was just standing there, watching him move. I blinked a few times again and looked down at myself. I had my bookbag and a text book. I could hardly remember if I had homework. I tried to think about today but it was shut a blur. I felt as if I had blacked out during part of it. I hadn't noticed that he had walked up to me again until I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"Stop worrying so much, things will be okay." He whispered. I looked down again, away from his eyes. I don't know why but they were overwhelming right now. They looked like they were begging, begging for me to smile. I didn't want to please them. I shook my head lightly and he pulled away from me, turning his light off and leading me away from the college.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short.
But, I think its good from coming back from leaving. C:
Thank you for reading.