Iero Fiasco

The Darker Side of Frank

"Okay, well I gotta go now." Jess says over the phone to Molly, "Gotta pick up Durban at the airport."
"So you two are official now?" Molly teases.
"As of my visit to New York, yes." she says smugly.
"Oh I thought that trip to New York was for some sort of guitarist convention."
"Well you know, other stuff happened." she laughs, "I really gotta run."
"Uhh yeah, I have errands to run too." Molly grumbles, "Are you going to Alex and Jay's tonight?"
"Yeah, see you then."
"See ya." Molly says hanging up the phone.

Molly pulls on her jacket and is about to open the door when she hears it knock. She pulls it open and finds Frank standing there, red eyed and zombie looking.
"Frank!" she screeches excitedly despite his appearance, she wraps her arms around him but he doesn't move, "What's wrong?" she backs away from him slightly and looks over his stern figure, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah." he rasps, "Just tired."
"Oh yeah." she says scratching the back of her neck, "Well I've got a few errands to run, so go ahead and crash."

Frank steps forward and wraps his arms around Molly, resting his head on her shoulder.
"Seriously, are you okay?" He breaths in deeply then steps away.
"Just glad to see you." he whispers, sending shivers down Molly's spine.
"I gotta go out, I'll be gone an hour tops." she says in return, "There's leftover pizza in the fridge if you want." With that she leaves without another word being said.

Frank sheds off his jacket, letting it fall to the floor then kicks off his shoes before heading to the bedroom. He crashes front first into the bed intaking Molly's scent with every particle of his being as he pulls himself up to the pillows and shuts his eyes tight.

The whole hour she was gone, she couldn't help but worry about Frank. His silence was undoubtedly more than unusual. Not to mention, the lack of enthusiasm for a surprise visit. The whole five minute ordeal consumed her. Her curiosity heightened when she saw Frank's car parked across the street from her building. Why would he drive seven and half hours when he could easily take a short plane ride?

She heads up to her apartment and immediately heads for the bedroom.
"Frank?" she calls as she finds the room empty but the sheets in disarray. She spots a glimmer of light peeking through the bathroom door and without thinking she pushes the door open to see Frank sitting on the edge of the bathtub tapping the burnt ashes of cigarette into the toilette bowl. His eyes bulge, with a face comparable to that of a deer in the headlights.
"Let me explain." he stutters.
"There's a balcony for a reason.Don't stink up my apartment." she says bluntly. He drops his cigarette into the toilette and flushes it.
"I'm sorry."
"Frank, its okay." she sighs as she rubs her forehead, "What's going on with you?" he hisses and sighs before putting his head in his hands and rubbing his face thoroughly. Molly steps lightly to sit next to him on the edge of the tub.

"Fine, you don't wanna talk about it." Molly concludes after several minutes of utter silence, "How about we get your mind off of whatever's bothering you. Alex and Jay are having a get together, wanna go? We can play foosball, blast music, watch Jay make an ass of himself."
"You go on ahead. I just wanna be alone right now." he whispers. Molly doesn't move, "I'll meet up with you later."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'll just sleep this mood off." he sighs as he rubs his face yet again, "I just need to be alone right now."
"Okay." Molly sighs as she stands up, "Just, you know, smoke on the balcony." he doesn't reply so she leaves.

On usual circumstances Molly would find it positively amusing that Jess was sitting on Durban's lap toying with his shaggy hair. She'd make fun of how cheesy a couple they were being, but tonight she just stares blankly at the graffiti ridden walls known as Jay and Alex's apartment.
"What's on your mind honey buns?" Alex asks jumping onto her lap laughing.
"What uhh, Frank's here?"
"I mean at my apartment." she stutters.
"Why didn't you bring him along?" Alex says tossing his head.
"He was really tired from the trip, he said he might join us later."
"Cool stuff." he says clambering off her lap.

She gets up and heads to the fridge and cracks open a beer. She chugs it down, even though the taste is disgusting her with every swallow. When the bottle comes to an end she tosses it into the sink and heads back into the living room.

One and a half more beers later she grows impatient waiting for Frank and heads back to her apartment. She finds him lying in her bed, sleeping peacefully. She sheds off her jeans and t-shirt so that all that remains clothing her body is a white tank top and her girl boxers. She crawls up the bed so her face meets his. She playfully kisses his face and neck as his eyes flutter awake.
"I've missed you." she groans against his skin. Her hands move down his torso and up his shirt. She crawls her fingers crawl down his torso again and down his pants. He pulls her hand out of his pants. Molly half-glares at him and gets off the bed and trudges into the bathroom, slightly ticked off.

She bends over and washes her face only to feel Frank press against her wrapping his arms around her. She stands up straight and dries off her face just as his hands move under her tank top, feeling her up. His lips move gruffly across her shoulders as she leans her head back in enjoyment.

He pushes down at the hem of her boxers until they fall to the floor, he turns her around so that's she facing him and undoes his jeans. He pulls out his hardened cock and rubs it against Molly's thighs before thrusting himself in her. She moans out, the sounds from her mouth echoing against the bathroom walls as they move against each other.

Not getting the high he was hoping for, Frank pulls away from her and leads her down onto the floor. Molly just grins foolishly, he watches her carefully.
"Frank," she laughs, "Stop being a tease." Eventually, waiting for Frank becomes too much for her and her hand moves down her skin, he stops her hand though and holds both her hands together forcefully, "Frank?!" she says confused, "I'm dying here. Fuck me."

He watches her squirm on the bathroom floor taking in the rush of having power over someone. Controlling their pleasure, their pain.

He finally gives in to her request, but as forcefully as possible. Molly's back pounds against the tiled floor, her skin getting pulled in the grooves between the square tiles. Regardless of her cries Frank doesn't slow down or lighten up until her done. He leaves her alone in the bathroom, lying on the floor.