Just When Life Got Easy

Chapter 1




A rock flew through my window. I look just in enough time to see a car drive away. I closed the curtains and checked the time. 3:17 a.m. What a way to wake up. I walk over to the rock that ever so gracefully went through my window. Great there's a note attached.

My dearest Kaylee,

You wouldn't believe how beautiful you looked tonight. It was if God himself grew you from his garden and planted you on earth as a sight for sore eyes. An angel indeed.

With the greatest of love,

Your seceret admirer

"Damn idiot busting my window," I muttered as a tossed the creepy note on my desk for when I woke up again for school.

Beep, Beep, Beep.

"I'm up! I swear!" I mumbled rolling out of bed. Showered and got ready for school

She's a rebel, she's a saint, she the salt of the earth and she's dangerous

I checked the text, from Andrew of course. I smiled when I opened it.

Good morning beautiful. Look outside <3

I started walking to the window when I stepped on a piece of glass. Suddenly it hit me, last nights note. I ran to the window.

"Andrew, come inside quick!" I saw him holding a dozen tiger lilies, my favorite.
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Yeah this is my first story I put on mibba.
I know it's short, but it gets better.