Just When Life Got Easy

Chapter 2

I heard Andrews' footsteps racing up the steps to my bedroom.

"Kays what's wrong?" I've never scene him so worried.

I was sitting on the edge of my bed looking over the note I barely right early when it first happened. I just couldn't imagine who would do this. I mean telling someone you like them by note is one thing, but breaking my window? That's going to take some explaining for my mom.

"Kaylee, can you hear me?" he said sitting next to me. "What is that?"

"Here," I handed him the note and he read it over, "Where did this come from?"

"Someone threw it at my window last night, shattering it," I said pointing at all the pieces scattered around my floor.

"Oh my g- You're not hurt are you?" he grabbed my hand, looking me dead in the eyes. He had such gorgous eyes, I light brown you could just get lost in.

"No, I mean I did step on a piece of glass but otherwise I'm fine." I turned my head smiling seeing the relieved look on his face out the corner of my eye. "Well hey we better get off to school, right?"

"Um, sure let's go." His face smiled but in his eyes I knew he was thinking the same thing I was.

Who the hell would do this to me?
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Yeah so...um :)