Just When Life Got Easy

Chapter 3

Andrew drove us to school, as we pulled in the parking lot, he looked at my carefully.

"Are you sure you wanna go to school?"

"Of course, I go every other day. Just because of last night it doesn't mean I'm gonna run home scared."

"Okay if you say so." He said. As soon as we got into the school I was tackled to the ground.

"Smile Kaylee, It's MONDAY"

"Veronica I swear to god if you don't get off me I'll kill you." I mumbled. It's still to early for this.

"Haha that's a threat. It'll earn you three days in school suspension," Laura laughed.

"Don't be such a smart ass, Laura."

"Yeah you know she's not a morning person." Andrew smiled helping both Veronica and myself up on our feet.


"Gah shut up," I yelled at the morning bell. "Okay talk to you guys later. See you Andy." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

He rolled his eyes. "You know I hate being called that."

"You'll deal."

I hate school. I basically sleep through every class, then get the homework before I leave. It's much easier teaching myself then having them repeat themselves twelve times.

"Finally!" I said sitting at the lunch table with Andrew, Veronica (Roni), Laura, and a few other kids from various classes.

"Wow can't live without us for more then a few hours." Roni laughed.

"Are you telling me that it hasn't even been that long."

"I sat next to you last period, you passed out before I even got in there."

"Damn, I blame the system."

"And what system is that?" Andrew questioned.

"Oh you know, my brain."

"Hey Kays, that kid is staring at you? Do you know him?" Laura asked.

There he was, Jeremy Parks, my neighbor. He's had a crush on me since I moved here in 7th grade. I always, and still do, think he's a weird kid.

"Sadly that's just my neighbor Jeremy. He likes me. I don't like him." I told everyone. They nodded.

"Well he's out of luck because you have me instead" Andrew said putting his arm around my waist. I saw the raging jealously flash though Jeremy's eyes.
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Haha I bug my friends by saying "Hey smile, it's [insert day]". What cay I say, it helps me remember what day it is. :)