Status: Chapter One is being rewritten and this thing is giving me problems so... :(

Solamar Saga

This is the blurb. I wrote a synopsis but I don't like it.

Sauda, the Goddess of Chaos & Destruction from a magical world called Solamar, grew tired of conducting demon war after demon war so she decided to do something different for a change. Certainly merging a world such as this with one of science (modern day Earth for instance) would be sufficient enough. Add onto that the resurrection of her first creation, Solamar's only true vampire Caleb, and making him a god to be reckoned with would surpass everything she had previously done in the name of chaos. What fate lies in wait for the people of both worlds: one ultimately ruled only by the evil gods or will Voltaire once again thwart her plans and send his father back to the Abyss where he belongs?
  1. Chapter One
    "That would almost be believable if it weren't for the fact that you don't have a heart. "