White Horse

White Horse.


title credit goes to taylor swifts song white horse.

"Hey Jinx!" my friend Anna called as she came in the apartment from work.

"Hey Anna" I say sadly.

"Whats wrong doll?"

"Nothing...it's just..."

"Chad?" she says knowing right of what I was talking about.

"Yea...I mean why can't he see how much I love him? He deserves much better than Ally! Can't he see that she's cheating on him? Is he so blind to that?!" I yell, taking all my built up anger out on her.

"I don't know why Jinx. Sometimes it just takes people actually seeing what's happening behind there backs to realize the truth."

"Yea, I guess you right. I just wish there was some way for him to see it." I reply sadly as she's walking out of the room. I sit there for a hour or so before I decide to call go to the mall.

*At the mall*

I've been in almost every store here and still haven't found anything worth buying. I was about to walk into Hot Topic when i run into someone falling flat on my ass.

"Shit...I'm so sorry." The person says reaching out a hand towards me.

"No it's my fault. I was paying any attention at all." I reply finally taking the hand and looking up at the stranger. I almost freeze in place when I'm faced with the most gorgeous pair of blue eyes I have ever seen.

"I'm Jimmy" he says sticking his hand back out for me to shake.

"Jinx" I reply shaking his hand.

"I know we just sorta ran into each other and all but would you like to go get some coffee or something?" he asks shyly

"Umm...sure." I tell him. We leave the mall and walk the 5 minuets to the starbucks. We enter the building and get our coffee and go sit at a table towards the back.

"So Jinx, tell me a little about yourself?"

"Well my names Jinx Dammings. I live in an apartment with my best friend Anna. I work at Unlimited Music. I'm 23 and monsters are the best!" I tell him a few things about me. "Now tell me somethings about you."

"Well my names Jimmy Sullivan. I love the drums. I'm 25 and love to party. Ohhh....I also play in a band called Avenged Sevenfold." fucking hell I knew he looked familiar.

"Oh..wow. I knew you looked familiar! I fell completly stupid now." I tell him feeling my cheeks turn a slight shade of red. He was about to say something when my phone rang. I motion him to hold on a second and he nods his head okay.

"Hello....Oh, hey Chad....You WHAT?!....I'm so sorry hunny...It's ok. Sometimes it takes seeing things for yourself to believe it...Oh, Chad. I'm sorry but I don't feel that way about you anymore. I think I may have found someone else...Alright be safe hun." All while I was speaking to him Jimmy was giving me a weird look.

"Sorry about that. It was my friend Chad. He just found his girlfriend in their bed with another guy."

"Oh wow. That must suck...but what did you mean by you not feeling the same way about him anymore?" he asked full of couriosity.

"Well...I use to really like Chad...but I think I've found someone better than him." I tell him honestly.

"Really? Who might that be?" he asks me with a huge smile on his face.

"Um...well...you see......" I stutter out to embarrassed to say something.

"It's ok. I really like you to Jinx." I look up at him suprised and to see him just a few inches from my face. I stop breathing and look up into his as. Before I notice, his lips are gently pressed to mine in a gentle kiss.

"Jinx, I know we've only known each other for a few hours, but would you like to be my girlfriend?" he asks hurridly.

"Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend Jimmy." I tell him. We get up from our table and make our way out of the door to enjoy the rest of the night.
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here's your one shot Sinderella Plague!!!!
sorry it took so long. hope you like it! =)