Justice In Someone Else's Eyes


"Come here sweetie," the man requested with an evil laugh.
I flinched back as far as I could but it was no help. I winced as he ran his fingers through my blonde hair. This guy, Myôji Nanori was a serial rapist who was always found innocent as he was always good at hiding the evidence. The police were getting sick of this guy being freed and hurting more women, they hired the world’s greatest detective, L. He, unlike other detectives, looks at every piece of evidence different to others and considers everything and looks at the possibilities of why it’s involved. My name is Sakura Hiochi and I was training to become a detective myself. I went undercover to finally put Nanori away but he outsmarted me, so now I’m about to come one of his victims.
As he was about to touch me again, the door flew open and police came rushing in, holding pistols to Nanori. Before the police could arrest him, he ran to one of the windows and jumped, landing on the alleyway staircase and fled before the police could go after him. After all the police returned to the hallway, they escorted me out of the building, where an old man was standing, holding a cell phone. He handed it over to me and I answered it with a single hello?
“Ah, Miss Hiochi, I’m glad that you got out safely. I'm sorry that the plan didn't go according to plan and that he'd gotten away but he's being watched and every authority has been noted of him," the mixed up voice announced.
"I'm glad I could be of some service to you Ryuzaki, but next case you'd like me to be on, make it a little harder," I laughed.
"Well I hope to look forward to that, farewell for now," Ryuzaki finished.
"He'd hung up on me," I laughed, handing the phone back to the man, "What happened to the laptop?"
"Not today miss, he wanted it done by phone call,” the man replied about to get into his car.
“Wait,” I yelled, forcing him to turn around, “Do I or will I get to meet him at all?”
“Possibly but it’s very rare,” he explained.
“How so?”
“He likes the peace and quiet of his home so he has a clear mind and can concentrate much easier.”
‘Please Watari, if I’m going to help him with the cases that could get me killed then I need to meet him,” I pleaded.
Watari hesitated for a second. “I’ll be in touch miss. Hiochi,” he finished before he got in the car and left.
I grabbed a taxi and went straight home.

Over the next few days I stayed at home studying for my next lot exams. As I advanced in cases the exams become harder and now that I’ve been working for Ryuzaki, my tests are the hardest. I only get time off to help solve those cases and try not to get killed.
Just as I was about to take a quick break, my cell phone rang. I picked it up of the coffee table in front of me and saw it was a private. “Hello?”
“Miss Sakura this is Watari, Ryuzaki would like to arrange a private meeting with you.”
“You mean a laptop or phone meeting?”
“He means he’d like a face to face meeting at his place.”
“Uh, okay what’s his address?”
“Don’t worry I’ll be there in a few minutes,” Watari finished as the line came to a close.
Realizing I should get cleaned up, I raced into my bathroom, throwing a brush in my hair and applying a small amount of make up on before rushing to change from my singlet and sweats to a casual white dress. Just as I finished putting on my shoes, the doorbell rang. I grabbed my handbag and opened the door. I followed Watari to the car which he opened one of the back doors as I hopped in. He closed the door once more and sat in the driver’s seat and started the car.
It was a silent trip as Watari and I didn’t talk nor was the radio station on.

After about half an hour of driving, he came to a stop outside a small house that was no where near town. We got out and walked to the front, with Watari opening the door and I stepping inside and closing it behind me.
The house was highly unfurnished; this room was the Lounge room and Kitchen. The kitchen’s counter had chip packets and candy containers. The lounge room only had one sofa chair, a coffee table covered with tea, chips and candy; he also had a few small TVs.
Watari directed me to the second hallway and the first room. I walked slowly and did a gentle knock on the door. “Come in,” someone called from inside.
I carefully walked in noticing that there was only a computer on the ground and a desk lamp giving off the tiniest bit of light. Though the light was dim, I could see the silhouette of a young male wearing a long sleeved white shirt and jeans. He turned away from his computer and stared at me. “Miss, Hiochi, I presume,” he started getting up. Before following I saw that he was compiling evidence needed to put Nanori away. Watari provided me with a chair behind the coffee table. “Tea before we start?” he offered pouring himself a cup.
“Thank you but it’s a bit late for me,” I apologized, hoping that wouldn’t be used against me.
He nodded and continued making his using a lollypop as a stirrer. “So, for you to continue working for me you wanted to meet me, thinking I could be old and weird or a child of five years of age?” he questioned, trying to sound professional but not doing a great job.
“Uh I guess, but what’s with all the aliases?”
“Only one or two people know my real name and it’s a safety risk. Dealing with the world’s worst criminals, you’d need to keep your identity a secret, that’s why I address people with an L,”
“So you keep your name a secret so no one can track you down, even with the help of Watari?”
“Unless I do something to betray Watari or truth serum, he swore he’ll never tell anyone,” he smiled.
“Well that sounds reasonable, but why’d you want to meet me? It wasn’t because of the trust thing was it?”
“Of cause not, I’ve enjoyed your work and I was hoping you’d come work for me permanently,” he requested as Watari walks over.
“Ryuzaki, they really need the evidence.”
“Excuse me for a moment.”
“If you’d like to stay and wait you can watch TV or if you’d prefer going home you may,” Watari offered.
“I think I might stay longer if that’s okay.”
He nodded and walked back to his desk.

Time had passed and he was still compiling evidence. The light from the room was hardly visible. Watari had disappeared, I was guessing to bed. I turned to off the one TV I was using and went to see if L was still awake.
I peered into the room to find the computer still going, the dim light looking like it wasn’t going to give out without a fight and L lying curled up asleep on the ground. I looked around to see a blanket lying next to where I was standing. I picked it up and laid it over him. Knowing I shouldn’t touch the computer, I turned the poor lamp off, walked out, sat back down on the sofa chair and watched some muted TV before falling asleep.

I awoke to a brighter room then when I arrived. “Morning,” a cheery voice laughed from behind me.
I turned to find L making tea over in the kitchen. “Would you like some tea?” he offered holding up a tea pot.
“If you don’t mind,” I smiled trying my best to have the early cheerful high that’s rarely found.
He laughed again before pouring a cup for me. Before I could say how milk or sugar, he added whatever and walked to the coffee table and placed the tea down. “So, what are you so cheerful about this morning?”
“Putting people away can put anyone in a great mood.
“I’ll keep that in mind, so then what will you be doing today?” I questioned knowing there wasn’t much to do around here.
“Well we could go out for brunch, much different then being at home all the time,” he smiled a cheesy grin.
I just laughed. Though I’d only gotten an hour or two with getting to know him, I enjoyed this side of him the most, apart from the fact there’s a side of me that see’s how miserable he must be, working all alone even if he enjoys his work.
“Sounds like fun,” I replied with a friendly smile.
“Watari, do you mind driving us to a café?”
“Not a problem.”

After a few minutes of getting ready quickly, we left for a café of Watari’s choice, since he was the one driving. We stopped at a little tea shop, found a quiet spot inside and sat down. “Since you don’t exist, and you drove, I believe I’ll be paying for this occasion,” I laughed getting up.
“Don’t exist?” L questioned perplexed.
I walked up to the counter and ordered tea and three cheese cake slices.
We spoke about work, our lives, anything that came to mind during our brunch. Watari had to go back as L, in all of his excitement of finishing the evidence; he forgot to send it to the lawyer opposing Myôji. So L and I were stuck walking around the mall. Walking around with him, I’d never realized how hunched he was before, since he usually sits more then he walks. I noticed that a lot of pass by’s were staring and whispering to whom they’ll with but this had no effect on me. I found him being his self which made, his perfect, come to my mind. I shook my head randomly, removing those thoughts from my mind.
Whilst looking at anything and everything, I spotted a couple of my friends coming this way. They must have seen me because they waved whilst running this way. “Hey Sakura, haven’t heard from you lately. How’s it been?” one of them asked.
“Yeah it’s been great solving cases, what about yourselves?” I replied, hoping I didn’t have to explain L to them.
“And who’s your friend?” she questioned again, gaining the others attention onto L.
How am I going to explain this? Went rushing through my mind before L spoke on my behalf. “I’m Eraldo Coil, it’s nice to meet friends of Sakura,” he smiled.
“I’m Sariyu and this is Yuka.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you.”
“Well we have to finish our shopping, Sak, you going to the party tonight? They’ll be plenty of single guys,” Sariyu winked at me.
“Oh right, the party,” I sighed.
I’d been looking forward to the party for weeks, well up to when I’d completely forgotten about it. “I don’t know if I can make it sorry.”
They all looked at me, including L. “Can’t make it! How come?” Yuka replied in disbelief.
“Well I’d been working, plus all the studying, I’d forgotten to buy a new outfit,” I quickly made up.
“Well today’s your lucky day. We were shopping for tonight so well buy you an outfit and since you’re walking around with a guy, well use him for the reaction test.”
“Reaction test?” L asked unexpected and a little scared.
“We’re leaving soon though,” I replied, trying to get out of this shopping disaster.
“Non sense, look here’s a store that seems useful,” Sariyu finished grabbing my arm and running over to the store.
Seeing as I was going to suffer, I grabbed L’s arm and dragged him along to.
I didn’t get to look at anything as Sariyu and Yuka were yanking things from left and right until they had this massive pile of clothes for me to try on. They found a change room and shoved me right in. I found a few outfits that I didn’t mind that I placed in a separate pile before trying them on. I walked out and modeled the clothes for the girls to decide on. I saw they had L sitting between them on a chair. They made their opinions before looking to L, who showed no emotion at all.
After trying on a majority of outfits, it came down to the two that I liked the most. Bu now the girls had figured out how to get the response from L. His eyes showed all the emotion, if he liked it, his eyes would open wide, if he dislikes it, he’d look sleepy. I tried the first favourite on. It was a black dress which had a v-neck and stopped at the thighs. I walked out to model it and the girls went straight to looking at L, to see his eyes open wide. I went back in to try the last outfit on. It was white short sleeved top, skinny dark jeans, high heeled boots and a simple black jacket.
As I was walking out of the change room, my head started to spin and an uneasy feeling came to my stomach. Must be the shoes. I thought as I carefully modeled the outfit. Before walking back into the change room, we decided one the ones I was hoping for.
Getting changed my head started spinning again. It lasted a little longer but it disappeared soon after.
I grabbed the clothes and headed out of the change room, handing the ones I getting to Sariyu so she could pay for them whilst L and I put back the rejected clothes. As the girls were walking over, my head started pounding, forcing me to drop the clothes and put my hands to my temples. My stomach got stabbing pains like cramp pain, but times it by ten. There was too much pain for my body to handle, so for it to release the pain, I started to slip into unconsciousness. Hearing my final sounds of Sariyu and Yuka rushing over to help L out, who must have caught me as I fell.
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