The Wrong Twin


Jamie's Pov.

"Jamie Marie! I said now!" I flipped over and curled into a tighter ball, ignoring the screaming voice that had awaken me from my dream about My Little Pony.

"Jamie! You're going to be late!"

"Ummehh." I called back, hard set on not getting up.


Ugh. I rolled out of bed and sprawled on my butt as I kicked a pile of clean clothing I was supposed to put away last week. Damnit, another thing for my mom to nag me about.

"Shit" I mumbled after checking the clock. I grabbed the closet shirt, which just so happened to be my favorite band tshirt and lunged into it, getting tied up between the arm holes.

"I heard that, potty mouth."

I spun around and looked in the smirking face of Jacob Adams. Also known as my best friend ever. I flipped him off, and motioned for him to help me. He tugged my shirt down for me and amused, stepped back as I flopped onto the floor.

"Looking for this?" He said as I crawled half way under my bed, searching through old textbooks, wrappers, and dirty clothes. My room was filthy.

He held up my missing converse and threw them across the room to me, smacking me square on the face. "Ow, you git!" I shouted.

"Language!" My mom called and I rolled my eyes.

I rubbed my throbbing forehead and continued to look for my lost cell phone. I know I had left it near my book bag, but the boogie monster had probably ran off with it.

"Can you believe it's the last day of school?"

I nodded through a mouth full of dust as he sat down carefully on the edge of my bed.

"Ah hah!" I triumphantly held up a clean pair of jeans and he turned around to let me change, still talking.

I ran a brush through my shoulder length blonde hair and smiled for the first time that day, morning routine conquered.

"Bye mom!" I yelled as I ran out the door "Bye mom, love you!" Jacob echoed behind me.

Jacob was the brother I never had so my mom was used to him saying stuff like that, he spent more time at my house then he ever did at his anyway.

We ran halfway to school so we wouldn't be late. Oh well we were ten minutes late anyway.

5 4 3 2 1

As the classroom erupted in front of me I couldn't help but grin, finally freedom. Our teacher waved and reminded us to use protection as we left, smirking.

I looked down and ran my fingers over the initials I had etched in the desk at the first day of that school year.

The familiar words calmed me.

"Jamie?" I looked up into dark brown eyes.

"Sorry, yeah?"

"You coming?" I nodded.

Meet Kimmi.

She grabbed my hand and led me through the packed halls talking a mile a minute. That was what was wierd about our relationship as friends. We were so different. But that never stopped us.

"What are we doing tonight?"

She asked and I let my mind wander for a second.

"Manhunt?" We both suggested at the same time.

We smiled we were known for doing that.

She whipped out her phone and instantly started texting a few random people.

"Who are you-?"

"Shh!" She waved her hand and I slumped against the nearest locker disrupting a couple mid make out. My bad.I lookedup into Kimmi's triumphant smile.

"Who's all coming?"

"Jake, Ash, Reese, Mark, RayRay, Becka, Leeda, Maysee." She hesitated.

"And Shane."

I nodded my head as they were the usual players but then squinted.

"Who's Shane?"

She squatted next to me ignoring the flow of traffic in the school halls.

"Jam, he's really cute. Plus he's polite, funny-"

"No." I said and stood up quickly. She rushed after me bumping into everyone.

"Excuse me, Excuse me, Exuse- Hey! That wasn't very nice!"
She grabbed my arm breathless.
"Jamie you have to get over Lee!" She said her eyes pleading.

I nodded "I know. I- I just can't not yet."

"But can he come?"

"Fine. But I'm not promising anything."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's kinda rushed in places.. It's the first story I wrote and had published on quizilla.

Meet the characters.

Jamie Marks ((Main Character))
Seventeen years old going into her last year of high school. About 5"5, with shoulder length blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Athletic build with an air of authority. She's friendly and sweet but has a side that you don't want to mess with.
Family- Lives with her single mom, her ten year old sister Lissa and her dog, Shags, that she got when she was in fifth grade. Her dad has been out of the picture since he left when Lissa was born.

Abigal Johnson
2 words spoiled brat. Abby is used to getting what she wants and when she wants it. Looks exactly like Jamie except green eyes. Favorite hobby? Laying by the pool. Never seen without her phone or her camera. Always the life of the party. Goes to a private school until something happens that she dosen't want to talk about.
Family- Only child. Lives with her mom and her dad.

Matthew Andrews
Jamie's best friend since third grade when she accidentley ate his glue. ((He still hasn't forgiven her)) About 6"1, eighteen years old, with amazing green eyes and shaggy dark brown hair that is always falling into his face. Caring, sensitive, rebellious, funny, sweet. Loves his friends and would do anything for them. Shy unless he's around Jamie or Kimmi.
Family- Lives with his aunt and uncle and their 2 kids Shawn and Olivia. An only child. His parents died in a car accident when he was in first grade.

Shane Schafer
5"9 with light Blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Seventeen and going into his senior year of high school. A rebel and always partying the kind of guy every girl falls for but he only chooses one. The carefree kind of guy with the I can do anything attitude.
Family- Lives with his mom and dad and his three year old brother Patrick.

Kimmi Reynolds
Jamie's girl best friend. Petite with long black hair and almond shaped eyes. The kind of girl every guy loves. 5"1 and addicted to field hockey and Miley Cyrus. Currently in love with Mike.
Family- Lives with her mom, dad, 6 year old sister Amy, 15 year old brother James, and 3 year old brother Cody. Oh and her cat Skippy that her mom has had since she was in high school.

Mikayla Ruth
One of Jamie's old best friends from when she was in preschool who comes around every couple of years.. 5"9 with cropped light brown hair and serious violet eyes. No need to say anymore.
Family- lives with her dad, mom, her 9 year old brother Ricky and her mothers grandmother

Allison Parker
Jamie's annoying thirteen year old neighbor that is always in her way. Shoulder length copper hair with Grey eyes. 5"4.
Family- Single dad with 6 brothers and sisters.

Lee Jacobs
5"10 going into his Junior year of High school. Long black hair that's always in his face brown eyes. Jamie's ex boyfriend and Abby's current. a jerk, obnoxious, stubborn, impolite.
Family- Lives with his college age brother but is mostly home by himself. His parents are who knows where. Also he has a goldfish named flubs.