The Wrong Twin

I Have to Pee

Jamie's Pov
The Beginning of the Third Day

The minutes pass slowly that day and I stare entranced at a mark on the wall. It's shaped like a disfigured heart and I find it interesting plus I figure the less attention I pay to my new friends the easier it will be to pretend it was all a dream. A dream that happened to be really happening.

I feel disgusting from not showering for a couple of days and I wonder if they would let me shower, or at least use the bath tub. Sink? Hose? Anything! I am freaking desperate here! The girl is curled up on her cot in the corner but I figure the guys are most likely going to let me wash myself. The older guy because he is a pervert and the younger guys because he is the nicest. Well, as nice as a kidnapper can be I guess.

The kidnappers take shifts in hours so at midnight the girl comes and stays until six a.m, then the older guy arrives around six fifteen and stays with me until eleven a.m, then the younger guy stays part of the night until the other kidnappers show up to sleep. Outside seems deserted though so I have no idea where they would go around here. I haven't even heard any cars pass by since the first day. The light filters through the dusty blinds on a small window and my mind lazily thinks up a detailed escape plan before I dismiss it as physically impossible.

"Hey Blondie." I say to the lounging girl. She glares at me and gives me a "What?" Before continuing to read.
"I have to pee." I say bluntly and she follows it with a big sigh.
"If you had to pee and you couldn't go, how would you feel?" I say innocently.
She grunts and replies, "I would shut up girl or you won't pee." But she pushes herself up anyway and crosses the floor to help me up. She leads me to the bathroom roughly but I don't think about it as I take in the rest of the cramped cabin. There's a door to the left of me that I hadn't noticed before and a heap of curtains in the corner next to it. There's only one window that is placed above where I sat tied up and heavy blinds covered the window so I couldn't see out. Everything else I had already seen and memorized.

The bathroom stunk as much as the main room and I held my breath to take in the structure. The roof was sagging worse then the other room and in the corner opposite the toilet was a corner that had crumbled and laid in dust on the ground. A small bathtub was partly covering the hole and a moldy sink was next to the toilet with a cracked mirror hanging half way off of the wall. The walls are painted a faded olive green and the floor is an outdated tile that was pulled up in places. A window was near the ceiling and impossible to get to unless I stood on something. I considered it but Blondie knocked on the door before I could move. I finished up, washed my hands, and gagged at the smell before exiting.

Blondie retied my bonds and led me to my spot before retying my leg ropes. They were looser then before and it seemed like she had gotten more careless, as if she didn't care if I got away. Or maybe, she did and was just waiting for me to try and escape so she could shoot me with a hidden gun. I wouldn't underestimate her. She seems like the goddess of evil.

The clock flashed six o clock and I knew biggy would appear soon to take over his shift. I was glad I had already gone to the bathroom. He's a creeper and I always pretend to sleep when he comes so he dosen't talk to me. The younger one is an exception since he's the only one who regularly feeds me. The others occasionally remember and I end up feeling like a pet that has to roll over for food and water. When I get home my cat Smoky is going to get fed three times a day and she will be allowed to sleep on my bed.

Kimmi's Pov

"Holy crap!" I heard Jake exclaim from ahead of me. I pushed his bike up behind him and stopped at where he was standing open mouthed. I pushed his jaw up and he blushed before flipping open his cell phone and dialing a number. I heard a girls voice on the other end and they held a quick conversation that I could only hear one side of and seconds later the iron gate swung open and revealed her house. Which was gorgeous.

Jake, Jamie, and I have walked by this house almost every single day since we were in middle school and I have never noticed it before now. Or even realized that a girl our age lived inside of it. She must go to private school since I have never even heard of her.

Marble fountains and cut grass welcomed us and we made our way down the winding driveway to the front door, which stood higher then me and Jake put together. We stood amazed for a second before knocking and took in what surrounded us. In the back we could see the corner of a swimming pool that had a cabana and beach chairs were spaced creatively around the sparkling blue water. A fountain flowed before us and we could see a four car garage that even I got excited about.

A butler answered our knock on the door and led us through the sparkling clean foyer. Light reflected off of a crystal chandelier and the floor was polished to an impeccable shine. To the right was a dining room with an expensive looking table and to the left was a living room with the biggest television I had ever seen. I nudged Jake and pointed out the TV and he grinned before leaving me for the appliance. So much for friends.

The butler had left us a couple of minutes before so I hesitantly headed up the spiraling staircase that I hoped led to this girls room. At the top of the balcony that looked out over the foyer I guessed and turned right before hesitating and going back to the left. Jake appeared behind me and we pushed open doors that led to all kinds of rooms. There was a dusty sewing room, a weight room that smelled like sweat, bathrooms, linen closets, empty bedrooms, and finally we made it to her room. Which was the last place we would look. The last door on the other side of the hallway. So I guessed wrong.
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It took me awhile to write this. I have no idea why. And I'm not saying like I did some one day and then some the next because really? I did it all today. I just haven't updated for some reason. So read, comment, reply, give creative criticism, love, add me,

Love you guys.
Anna :)