The Wrong Twin

Abigal's Pov

Abigal's Pov.

"God, this feels good."
I stretched out farther and dipped my tanned feet in the pool. Admiring my new pedicure. I sat up as I heard talking going on outside my iron fence.
"What the?"
I squinted and could make out the profile of a girl and a guy. About my age, and wow he was, hot. They had backpacks on so they were probaly going to school. Which is where I should be. I snickered.
I layed back and rested my head on the hot pool chair enjoying the soon to be summer warmth.
"Abigal Reese."
I pretended to sleep even throwing in a cute snore.
I felt knocking on my head and the sun went away as a shadow covered it.
Lifting my sunglasses I again squinted and looked up at the frame of my mother tapping her black heels impatiently.
"What?" I took a sip of my ice water and stared up at her innocently.
"Your grades thats what!"
My stomach sunk but i ignored that.
"I thought I-"
"Threw it away huh? But Marabelle found it and thought I should read it."
I snarled. Wait till I catch her.
She sat downstraightening her pencil skirt and took a deep breath.
"Listen, Abby, Private School is a privelage-"
I lenaed back and prepared myself for the familiar speech.
"And that is why your Father and I have decided to send you to public school next year."
I shot up and flew to the tile on my knees. Begging. Oh God what has become of me?
"Mother! Please! I'll try my hardest and I, Ill, Um, er."
"Your going and that's it."
"Mother! Im calling Daddy!"
"It was his idea in the first place."
I turned my face away from her and wiped at my eyes smearing my new eyeliner.
"Anything else?"
"We love you, we really do Abby can't you see that?"
I sniffed and continued looking at the blue tile.
I heard her sigh and felt her kiss my forehead.
"Your Father and I are leaving for Italy tomorrow. We'll be back a week before the end of summer. Maribel is in charge."
I nodded and didn't even bother begging to go with them. They went of vacay every couple of months. Without me. And when they weren't on vacation they were at work or in their offices. I barely knew them.
Wiping my eyes for the millionth time I flipped open my new sidekick and dialed Phoebes number. My best friend btw.
"Phoebs? Party time."
♠ ♠ ♠
Meet Abby.. Spoiled, rich, Bratty.. I haevent decided if she's going to go nice yet.