The Wrong Twin


Jamie's Pov

I could hear the music from around the block.

Right now all of the popular kids were probaly getting wasted at Abigal's party.

They would end up crashed on the floor and their parents wouldn't worry about them.

They would just believe the lies of where they were sleeping.

But this is where I would rather be.

I lay lounging on the wet grass and waited to hear my name called.



"I wanted Becka!"

"Oh well."

"Fine, Ash."


I stood and brushed my black skinny jeans off and walked to my spot next to my team.
There were a couple more kids then expected so the teams were larger then usual.
Oh well. It was easier to get to base that way.

Team A consisted of, Reese, Ash, Kimmi, Leeda, Jake, Mark, Joyce, and Bryce.

Team B was, Becka, Me, Raychel, Maysee, Evan, Marcus, Chris, and Shane. Who I had to admit was pretty hot.

Team A hid first. Ash, Jake, and Marc made it to the base. Everyone else we found.

We were next.

I pulled my blue jacket tighter around my shoulders blocking the cool air out and peeked out between the bushes. Bryce and Leeda were gaurding the base and in a few minutes I might have a clear shot at making it. I turned my head and glanced to my right. Looking for Raychel's red ponytail in the bushes on the other side. She caught my eyes and grinned. I pulled a finger to my lips and mimed being quiet. She ducked her head further into the bush and I turned back to the base. Bryce and Leeda were gone.

I popped my head out and got ready to sprint, but felt a... pull?

"Raychell, get off!" I whispered.

A cool hand clamped on my mouth and I prepared myself to scream.

I felt a breath on my neck.

"Scream, and all your friend die."

Shivers ran up my spine.

This was definitley not Raychell.

Another pair of hands wrapped around mine and I felt the rough bindings of rope.

Tears leaked out the corners of my eyes.

I wanted to scream but I couldn't risk the safety of my friends.

They started to yank on me.

Pulling me towards the direction of the road.

I turned and the last thing I saw was Raychell running to the base.
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Sorry again it's so rushed!! Im not really good at slowing things down.. Ill try harder next time. Oh and please comment and tell me if you like this story and my others.!!