The Wrong Twin

Blonde hair, blue eyes

Jamie's Pov

I woke up shivering and shot a nervous glance around the shadowed room.
It was freakin cold in here.

"What the-?"
I squinted and made out a shape laying on one of the cots. He was lightly snoring and he had a heavy blanket draped around him.
The other cot was empty but looked as if it had been recently occupied.
On a third cot lay a smaller figure and I saw a curtain of thin blonde hair. That has to be a girl.

"Do they want me to freeze to death?"

I looked around for something warm and noticed a small clock sitting on the ground next to the woman's cot. The bright green numbers were lit up and it was easy to see what time it was. 3:14 A.M. I had only been gone for a few hours.
I leaned back against the wall and fought to keep my feelings straight. Did they even notice I was gone? Had they called the police yet? I banged my head back on the cold wall and silent tears rolled down my cheeks. Not tears because I was scared, Oh no, I was mad as hell.

Jacob's Pov.
"Have they found her yet?" Mrs. Marks called to the police man on the side of the street. He shook his head no and another wave of tears hit her. Mr. Marks put his arms protectively around her and guided her to their house.

From my seat on the sidewalk I could pretty much see everything. There was flashlight beams dancing in the woods, and the police dogs were panting with their noses pressed to the ground. I lay my head in my cold hands and tried to push back the tears. I couldn't just do nothing all night!

I strode to the policeman that Mrs. Marks had talked to and he had his ear pressed to a cell phone. He held up a finger and I waited. Listening to his conversation.

"Umm hmm, Blonde hair, blue eyes, I think you got her."

My heart jumped.

"Wait, green?"

He frowned and my ears strained to hear.

"It's not her, she was wearing blue."

He looked at me and shut the phone, placing his hand on my shoulder he said, "I'm sorry kid, you were one of her friends. Weren't you?"

I looked away, "Yea."

He glanced towards the woods. "It must be hard."

I nodded.

"We'll find her, I promise."

I tipped my head back and let the tears roll slowly down my cheeks.

"Thanks." I whispered.

Abby's Pov.

"Pheobs!" I yelled over the blaring music. "Did you hear the doorbell?"
I saw her shrug and so I walked over their myself with a drink in hand.
I opened the door slightly and saw an officer standing there. Glancing back I made sure that all of the drinks were in the kitchen.

"May I help you?"
"Are your parents home?"
"Their asleep."
"Well, have you seen this girl?"
He held up a small photograph and I squinted to see the face.

Oh my gosh! That was the girl that walked by!

I dropped the cup in my hand and leaned on the doorframe.

"She looks a lot like you," He commented. "What's your name again?"

"Abby," I whispered.

"What happened to her?"

He frowned. "We think she was kidnapped tonight."

My eyes widened and I felt the throw up coming up my throat.

"I, Im sorry, I don't know her."

I waved my hand and shut the door. Breathing heavily I pushed through the crowd of kids and raced to the bathroom.
I flipped open the toilet and threw up heavily.
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Ok Im gonna get a little mean here..
Lol anyway to get the next chapter.
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