The Wrong Twin

Hell of a lot of boys

Abbie's Pov

I woke at about sunrise and noticed Phoebe laying next to me on my king sized bed. She was snoring lightly and her hair was tangled and messy. I nudged her with my socked foot and proceded to make my way towards the bathroom.
My bathroom was probaly my favorite room- besides the walk-in closet of course- in the whole house. The shower and bath tub was made of a light grey stone and there was two matching sinks. A door at the back led to a balcony and the whole theme was grey and light blue. I left the lights off and watched as the shadows from the lit candles danced across the ceiling. I started a bath and quickly stripped shivering in the cold air. I stepped in and sunk down into the hot water. Closing my eyes I thought about the kidnapped girl. I hope she was okay.

Who knows how much later I woke up. The candles had gone out and the water was freezing. I quickly stepped out and wrapped a thick blue towel around my body and another around my blonde curls. I padded slowly across the tiled floor and opened the heavy oak door. Pheobe was still asleep. Or so I thought. She groggily lifted her head of dark curls and attempted to make out a string of words. Maybe she had drunk to much. I smiled at her and she waved before falling back to the purple pillows. I walked to my closet and shut the door behind me. I pressed my back to the door and sunk down to my butt. I had to help that girl.

Jacob's Pov

I hardly slept that night. Images kept me awake, but mostly flashbacks. All about Jamie. The time I taught her to ride a bike, swimming in the pond, her fourth birthday party. The tears cascaded down my cheeks. I didn't care. Jamie was gone. I would do anything to get her back.

Abbie's Pov

My head shot up and I knew how I could help. That boy who she was with. He would know everything. Or so I hoped. I jumped up and ran across my thick white carpet ignoring the fact that I was still in a towel and my huge windows were not covered with their drapes. I poked pheobe and she rolled over snoring slightly.

"C'mon Pheobs wake up!"
"Hmmm." She replied.
"Orlando Blooms waiting outside for you." I teased.
She shot up and immediatly raced for the front door. I heard her footsteps on the wooden staircase and then the front door open and slam. I waited for her on the bed. She grumpily came back in the room and held her head.
"Thank you, now I have a worse headache."
"Maybe you shouldn't have drunk so much."
She grumbled and attempted to get back in the bed I held her back.
"I need to know who a boy is."
"There's a hell of a lot of boys Abbs."
"I need to know a specific boy."
She nodded and her eyelids begun to droop.
"Um dark hair, around 5"10 ish? Probaly our age."
She shrugged, "Look in the yearbook."
"I don't think he goes to our school."
"Well theres one other school around here, check their yearbook."
"How the heck am I supposed to get a yearbook? Take it from them?" I said sarcasticly.
"Duh, go to the library."
I smiled and she crawled back to bed I raced to my closet and pulled on the closet things.
She waved from under the blankets.
"Close the curtains!" She murmured.
♠ ♠ ♠
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I wrote it in about fifteen minutes becuase I was in a hurry.
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