The Wrong Twin

That's him!

Jamie's Pov

The next day I was hoping for answers. Answers to anything. Who were they? Why were they doing this? Where was I? And the most important. WHAT is that smell?
You would think that after being tied here for a day that you would get used to it. That's what I thought anyway. I was dead wrong.
(Maybe I shouldn't use that term, because I could be dead in the next couple of hours then who'd be laughing? Okay I was wrong, just wrong. How's that sound? Better? Alright on with the story!)

So, I tried to bury my nose in my jacket, that just made the kidnappers think I was weird. They spent the whole day calling me a turtle. I mean seriously! Don't these people have a job? Besides kidnapping and babysitting me anyway.

They took turns watching me, but I rarely looked at any of them. While they thought I was a mute I was really planning a way out. The walls were solid cement so I was guessing we were in a sort of basement. Guess I can't dig my way out. The ceiling was a a couple of feet over my head but I could touch it if I jumped. Not that I've tried. These guys haven't taken their eyes off of me. At all. Ever. I should just tell them to take a picture it lasts- Hold up! I'm going crazy! I'm talking to myself! From now on I will only talk outside of my head. Beat that voice inside my head.

Could this be any more boring? "Growl" I looked around and then down. Haha it was my stomach. I guess I hadn't realized that I was starving. The last time I had eaten was yesterday. I had only been in here a day. Great. I wonder how long they were going to keep me here for.

The guy that was missing yesterday was stretched out on his cot and snoring nosily. I couldn't block my ears because of my tied wrists but I could duck my head further in my jacket. Who cares if they call me a turtle, that guy is freakin loud! The warm jacket lured me and soon I was asleep my head resting on my chest.

Abbie's pov

The bike ride to the local library was short and soon I was running up the marble stairs. The library was amazing. I had only been there twice, counting today. The first time was when my mom dropped me off. I told her I needed to get a report done and she had insisted that dropping me off was no problem. I had given up and then waited for her to turn the corner to walk down the street to my friend Ashely's party.

Anyways, like I said the library steps were marble and there was a garden surrounding the huge red brick building. Inside it was two floors and the shelves were all made of a cherry wood. Comfortable chairs and dim lights made it cozy and very adorable. The only turn off was the too strict librarians. In fact, as soon as I walked in the glass doors one looked over her computer to glare at me. I quickly ducked my head and walked as fast as I could without it being called running to the nearest bookshelf away from her. No need to start something when I might need their help later.

Five minutes later I was staring in a glass case with my nose pressed up against it. Remind me to never tell Phoebe that, she would be totally grossed out about germs. My green eyes were shining as I reached for the brass handle.
"Shit." I pulled harder but it wouldn't budge. Frowning I noticed it had a lock. "Wow, I'm retarded!"
"Yea you kinda are."
I whirled around and saw a boy around my age grinning at me.
"Who are you?!" I demanded.
He laughed and took a step forward. I stumbled back and he laughed again. I couldn't help but love his laugh. It was so cute.
"I'm Chris, I've never seen you in here before."
I smirked, "And you'll never see me again. bye!" I turned to leave but he caught my arm.
"Wait, you obviously came in here to find something."
"Well I can help."
"How can you help?"
"Uh, I work here." There was that laugh of his again.
"Fine, I need a yearbook, for the public school, um for last year?" I said hesitantly.
He smiled and walked past me to the cabinet, taking out a chain of keys. He carefully picked one then fit it in the lock turning it easily.
"Here you go." He smiled.
I grabbed the book and started to head off to an oak table.
He stared at my back and yelled, "Don't I get a thanks?"
I heard him laugh but I was already sitting down and flipping through the yearbook.
I had no idea who this kid was and how the hell I was supposed to find him in a book of about three hundred per grade. I was screwed.
"Your ruining the book."
I waved my hand and closed my eyes again.
"What?!" I snapped lifting my head.
"Oh, um shit?"
A librarian stood haughtily in front of me tapping her black shoed foot. I glanced down at the book I had been 'ruining'. It had drool along the thirtieth page.
"I'll pay for it."
"Yes, you will."
She stalked off, probably to torment an innocent little third grader.
I shut the book and groaned.
I had been here for three hours and for two and a half of them I had spent sleeping. I had gotten absolutely nowhere.

"Can I help?"
I looked up into hazel eyes and I recognized the boy as Chris.
I pushed the book down the table. "Be my guest."
"Who are you looking for?"
"Um I kinda don't know?"
He laughed. "Stalking?"
"Kinda, but anyway he has like shoulder length brown hair? Um, probably blue or green eyes? My grade?"
"I'm guessing you don't just want him for a dance date?"
"Not really."
He flipped through the book and marked a couple of pages showing them to me when he was done.
I glanced at a few then stopped.
"That's him!" I grew quiet. "Jacob Andrews." I said half to myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the really really late post! I'll make the next one extra long to make up for it. It's just I have softball every day sometimes twice a day and I don't have time to get everything done. So hang in there. I'll try and get the next one up soon!<3