The Wrong Twin

I can't believe you

Abigal's Pov

Wow he was nice. After leading me to the back of his house where a porch swing was set up we sat and talked for hours. He was overly nice, and concerned, and definitely had a huge crush on that Jamie girl. I would hate her if she hadn't been kidnapped.
Jacob kept running his fingers through his hair and sighing before looking into the dark forest to the side of him. I knew that look, it was wishing Jamie was there with him.
After a little prodding he ran through the story quickly and turned his face so I couldn't see.
"You blame yourself don't you?" The words seemed loud so near the forest and I waited, not even sure if he would answer. He looked at me and nodded. I reached for his hand and held it, not wanting to be close to him for fear of how he would react but he bowed his head and let me get close and that's how we stayed for the next couple of hours, until he asked me a question that left me to wonder if he was insane.

Jacob's Pov

It was nice sitting there with Abigal, but I couldn't forget about Jamie. Couldn't shake the feeling that somehow, I could help her. Wherever she was. Maybe, just maybe, I needed a partner in crime.

"Do you want to look for her?"

Her eyes grew wide once she understood the question and with a single nod I knew she was in. We made plans to meet the next night and we split up, her to her bike and me to my bedroom.
That night is was different. Lately I couldn't sleep because I was scared for Jamie, tonight it was anticipation of actually doing something. Sleep came over me fast and I drifted.

When I woke I realized something that hadn't happened since Jamie had gone missing. I hadn't dreamed or thought about her.
I dressed quickly in jeans, a white v neck with black converse, and a jacket before heading out to the address Abigal had given me the night before. But I ran into a difficulty, and her name was Kimberly Reynolds.

Kimmy's Pov
"What do you mean you are going to try and find her?" She said after I explained everything.
"Kimmy I-"
"No Jake, I don't want to hear it. I cannot believe you would go and look for our best friend with a total stranger and not me. How thick can you get Jake?" She said while pacing the sidewalk.
"Kimmy just hold-"
I pointed her finger at his chest angrily. "Don't you dare tell me to hold on Jake. You act like she's only your best friend, and you know why? Because you like her, and don't you dare try and tell me you don't." I stopped in front of his bike. "Jake, you like her, and when we get her back you can tell her."
"Well you didn't think you were going without me did you?" I hopped on his bike pegs and we made our way to that girl Abigal's house. Sucks that it was uphill, because I made Jake pedal the whole way there. Payback is sweet.

Jacob's Pov

I swear that girl is freakin bi-polar. One minutes she's yelling at me and the next it's 'Jake you like her' and blah blah blah. How could I be that stupid that I though Kimmy wouldn't notice. I mean really she is one of my best friends. I also screwed up big time with the not telling her about the plan Abigal and I made, that was pretty stupid. But oh well she had her payback, making me pedal up the biggest hill in our town with her on the back pegs; I should've just ran her over when I got the chance.
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Olddd. Wow haven't posted on this on in a longgg time. Anyway I have begun writing for The Summer Love Story again so go read that when you wait for updates for this and vice versa. Anyway comment, rate, subscribe, add me. Creative criticism is welcome :)