Shock Therapy

Chapter 10

Shae’s POV

“THE GRIFFON!” I shouted before grabbing Frank’s hand and dragging him behind me to catch up to Melody.

When we finally caught up to her, Frank didn’t let go of my hand. And guess who didn’t make him?


I started humming the first thing that came to mind. After a second, I couldn’t help it, and I burst into song.

“If you thought you could keep me down
By holding me up
You were wrong
You don't call the shots anymore…”

I stopped, blushing, when I noticed Frank staring at me. “You know Pencey Prep songs?” he asked.

I grinned. “Yup, ‘PS Don’t Write’ is my favorite.”

“Even though you can’t sing,” Melody said.

“HEY!” Frank and I said at the same time, we both thought she was talking to us.

Gerard cracked up. “Shae can’t sing either?”

Frank glared at Gerard and I glared at Melody, who just grinned evilly. “Nope, and that’s why she plays drums!”

I growled at her and Frank patted my head with his free hand. “It’s okay, we can be horrible singers together,” he whispered close to my ear.

I shivered, and wondered how he always managed to do that to me. Besides the hotness factor, that is. Finally I decided to take in our surroundings. “Look! We’re in France!” I squealed.

Elise gave me a look. “No we aren’t, we’re in Germany.”

“Nuh uh, we’re in Ireland!” Holly shouted.

“I thought we were in England?” Ray said, puzzled.

“No, we’re in Italy,” Bob interjected.

“No, we’re in front of the Griffon,” Melody said loudly.

“Smartass,” I grumbled.

She gaped at me, and I giggled and darted into line with Frank. “Sit with me?” I asked him, and for some reason being overcome with shyness, I stared at my scuffled Converse.

“Sure!” he said, settling on a rail, because, as always, the line was abnormally long.

“Don’t sexy rockers get to jump to the front of the line?” Gerard whined from behind us.

“Yeah, me and Frank were going to go up there, but we didn’t want you to be lonely,” I laughed.

Frank giggled then gave me a high-fived. Lame, yes, but what can I say? That didn’t stop us from doing it all the time.

Gerard refused to acknowledge us after that and talked to Mikey and Elise. Holly was talking to Ray, Bob was conversing with Melody, and Frank was hanging out with yours truly. That’s when, out of the blue, a little girl walked up to Melody.

“How much do YOU like Pikachu?” she asked happily.

I cracked up and had to lean on Frank to stay standing. Melody’s face was priceless. It was a ‘what-the-fuck?!’ expression mixed with a ‘what-do-I-say-to-that?’ look. She went with the ever popular “Huh?”

Frank and me were now supporting each other, Elise was trying to hide a smirk, Holly was laughing her ass off, and the other My Chem boys were just staring at the girl like she was high.

“Pikachu,” the girl repeated, “How much do you like him?”

“Um… A little?”

“I like them a lot!” the girl screamed.

“That’s… good,” Melody said, still confused but now trying not to laugh.

I put a hand on Melody’s shoulder to steady myself, the little girl saw I was somehow connected to the Pikachu-shirt-wearing random stranger and turned her chubby face towards me. “Do you know why Ash doesn’t like Jigglypuff?”

If I hadn’t been a huge Pokemon fan when I was about 8, I would have thought she was talking about drugs, but I grinned happily. “Because Jigglypuff makes them sleep, then scribbles on their face with Sharpie!”

Melody gaped at me, then I leaned in so only her and Frank could hear me. “That, and the fact that the damn chewed gum-wad is a freaking child molester!”

They both started laughing again.

The girl looked at us with fanatical eyes and we scooted closer to the front of the line. All of a sudden, someone, I’m assuming it was her mother, appeared out of nowhere and grabbed her hand. She then seemed to notice us and her eyes widened in horror. I smiled at her, and her eyes bulged. I seriously thought she was on the verge of exploding. When Frank put a tattooed arm around my shoulders to move me out of the way, her mouth dropped open and she pulled the little girl away from us in a huff.

Everyone burst out laughing, except Frank, who was highly offended. “She saw me and ran!? That BITCH!” he raged.

I laughed and gave him a hug, but when I went to pull away his grip tightened. I giggled a little, but inside I was screaming for joy. Frank Iero didn’t want to stop hugging ME!

After about ten seconds though, I was getting fidgety. “Frank?” I whispered in his ear.

“Mmm?” he asked my neck.

“I can’t breathe,” I said, mentally smacking myself for sounding like a dumbass.

Frank just chuckled. “Good.”

I growled at him, making him laugh again. “My pain amuses you?”

He nodded, and I bit his neck, which made him laugh even harder. At this point, everybody else with us was watching and taking bets on what the outcome would be. The line moved forward, so Frank leaned against me until I took backwards step and closed the gap. I growled in frustration, and wriggled some more.

“I bet Frankie wins,” Bob remarked again.

“Five bucks on Shae somehow maiming Frank!” Elise laughed.

“I bet they both get yelled at by security,” Melody said dryly.

“I bet you’re all gonna burn in hell!” I muttered angrily, making Frank laugh again.

His happiness was contagious, and now I was all fuzzy inside. Ew. “No, they’re not.”

“How do you know?” I asked questioningly.

“Cause hell is reserved for the bad people,” he said matter-of-factly.

I groaned. “Dumb!”

“Ah, but you love it!”

I froze. How am I supposed to answer it? “Y-Yeah, me and all your other adoring fans,” I managed.

“You adore me! I knew it!” he said triumphantly.

I did a face-palm. “If that’s what you heard,” I teased.

Finally the line was over and we were about to get on the ride. “Frankie, can you let go now?” I asked nicely.

“Hm… Maybe.”

“But I wanna ride the Griffon!” I whined.

“If I let go, can I hug you again later?” he asked.

I rolled my eyes, trying not to look thrilled. Yes, I was the master -o-hard to get, I know. “Yes, I’ll let you kiss me even, just let go!”

He immediately let go and threw himself into a seat. I sat next to him, looked down, and cracked up. Melody looked over, saw what I was laughing at, and also cracked up.

“What?” Frank asked nervously.


“Okay…” he said, confused.

“Hey Shae!” Melody called from the other side of the row.

“Huh?” I asked, even though I knew what was coming.

“I CAN SEE YOUR CONVERSE!” she laughed.

Of course then we had to tell the story.

“Okay, so back before we started the band, me and Melody came to Busch Gardens to have the Best Day EVER!” I started.

“And we got on the Griffon, and Shae got the fat people’s seat, and this fat dude needed to switch with her, so she had to sit on the other side of the ride,” Melody shouted over the clanking of the ride as we began the hour long journey to the top of the roller coaster.

“And she could only see my Converse, and she was like ‘I CAN SEE YOUR CONVERSE!” I said, and me and Melody started laughing.

Everybody else just looked at us. “You had to be there,” Melody said finally.

“Obviously,” Ray said from in front of us.

Just then we reached the top of the roller coaster and were looking straight down a 90-degree angle. Then the ride stopped, just like it was supposed to. Frank freaked out, and I could hear Mikey doing the same. “Oh my GOD, it broke, we’re stuck here!” Frank groaned.

“No, it does this, we’re about to go down!” I told him, just as the cart got pushed and we went speeding down the track.

All the boys screamed, except Bob (he doesn’t talk much I think), and Frank sounded like a little girl. Melody, Elise, and I cracked up.
♠ ♠ ♠
{A/N: Sorry if there are any mistakes, I added this fast before my Internet connection died... I'm... borrowing the neighbor's wireless.}