Shock Therapy

Chapter Eleven

~Mel's POV~

"Now what?" asked Elise.

"LochNessLochNessLochNess!" I shouted, causing a few "respectable" individuals to glare at me in annoyance.

"What's that?" asked Mikey. I stared at him a bit, my eye twitching, before shouting, "Only the best ride EVER!!! DUH!!"

"Next to the Griffon of course," added Shae.

"And Alpengeist. But still," I said.

"Let's goooooo I'm getting ADD!" yelled Holly before running off towards the Scotland area of the park.

There were hardly any lines, so we were all able to get on at the same time. Mark, who had barely said two words all day, got in a car with Gerard, Holly with Mikey, Elise with Ray, Me with Bob, and Shae with Frank (naturally).

As per usual, when going through the tunnel, we each screamed a different song, mine being Subdivisions by Rush (of course), and when going around the loop with the camera on it, we all kept our faces as straight as possible, Elise even went so far as to make sure her hood stayed up and covered half of her face. When we got off, we all ran to see the pictures, and laughed our asses off at ourselves.


We ended up riding the Griffon, Loch Ness, Apollo's Chariot, The Big Bad Wolf, and Alpengeist before ending up at DarKastle.

This particular ride always had a long line, so to occupy ourselves, Shae and I pulled out her iPod and began to sing along with the Emo Song. Loudly.

"You're right, Shae can't sing," said Frank.

"HEY!!" she shouted, but soon forgot all about it when she spotted the stone statue of wolves on the wall, which she then proceeded to pet while whispering, "Puuuuupppyyyyy......"

"That's....kinda creepy," said Ray.

"Ha, you think that's creepy, you obviously don't know Holly very well," said Elise as Holly smirked and I shuddered.

"Huh?" every member of MCR asked in unison. Weeeiirrd.

"Oh, you'll find out eventually," Elise giggled.

"I just realized something," said Shae, who had abandoned her creepy statue petting in favor of conversation.

"Oh, do enlighten us," I said.

"We're in a....wait for it....House. Of. Wolves!"

Holly, Elise, and I all smacked our faces while MCR al laughed.


After we rode DarKastle and cursed out a holographic werewolf, we all headed back around towards Italy to eat.

"Eggplant Parmesan with meat in it. Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose?" asked Shae.

"Yeah, well, so does spaghetti without the sauce," said Holly, looking pointedly at me.

"What?" I asked innocently before ordering spaghetti noodles with parmesan cheese. No sauce.

"You eat some weeeiiiirrd shit, Mel," said Elise.

"Like what else?" asked Bob.

"Doritoes and peanut butter, PB&J without the J, and popcorn mixed into marshmallow fluff, to name a few," said Shae.

"Wow." was the only reply.


After eating, of course Shae and I had to skip off to France (literally, we skipped to France) to get chocolate mousse for me and expresso cheesecake for her, and then, sadly, it was time to leave.

As we were walking off the tram and to our respective vehicles, Frank looked around at Shae and said, "You know what, I still haven't gotten my kiss yet."
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: *dodges flying rocks and sticks of dynamite* Sorry for the cliffie, but I didn't want to write any after that, seemed like a good stopping point, so I'll leave it to Shae and her twisted fantasies >.<