Shock Therapy

Chapter Fourteen

~Mel's POV~

After it was over, we just kind of sat there, staring into space, bored out of our minds, when guess who walks in the door? That's right, folks, the other Ray. The not cool one. He waltzed over to where I was sitting, picked me up, carried me across the room, set me down, stole my seat, and turned the TV to pro football. He did this frequently.

Shae, who wasn't exactly on good terms with my dear cousin, glared at him as she said through gritted teeth, "We were watching something."

"Fuck off, the Falcons are playing," he said.

I could practically see the steam flowing off of Shae's head.

Frank began to try to reason with him. Oh no.

"Look dude, not trying to be rude or anything, but we were here first, can you like go in another room or something?"

Oh shit. Ray was giving him the "look". The I don't give a fuck, I'll kick your ass look. He slowly got up, and looking Frank square in the face, said" What'd you say to me, fag?"

It didn't take a rocket scientist to tell that that had seriously pissed Frank off.

He looked over at Gerard, who raised his eyebrows at him, and the next thing I knew, their lips were attached to eachothers, showing no signs of moving anytime soon. Shae and Elise squealed in happiness, and I'm pretty sure I saw Shae looking around for her camera phone. Holly's only reaction was to sit there and say "whoa" repeatedly. The guys were used to them doing stuff like this on stage, so it didn't really phase them. I was still in shock.

When Frank and Gerard finally untangled themselves, Frank looked at my cousin and said," You got a problem with that?"

I could've kissed him. Except for the fact that Shae would kill me.

Ray sulked out of the room mumbling crude words like "queer" as he did so.

The rest of us all cheered after him as Frank did a little bow.

"Whoa," repeated Holly.

"OK, no more frerard moments!" I yelled; it had finally usnken in and I was trying to get the mental image out of my brain.

Shae laughed before saying "This is sooooooo going in my Mibba journal!"

"What's mibba?" asked Gerard.

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A/N: There. I wrote the bit with my cousin, so now you have to update, Shae. Yes people, my cousin is an asshole.