Shock Therapy

Chapter 15

Batman’s POV

“Um…” I said, stalling for time.

I looked at Melody for help, and she immediately started to rack her brains for an answer. “Mibba’s a creative writing community,” I finally said, which was true.

“Actually, its more like Myspace, a fanfiction site, and an emo kid thrown in a blender,” Melody said, grinning.

I grinned back. “That’s how she describes it anyway,” I said.

“Melody and Shae are on it for about 5 hours a day,” Elise told the My Chem boys, who looked at us, shocked.

“We’d be on it longer but we have to do other stuff sometimes,” I confided to Frank, who laughed.

“It’s because she’s addicted to FRERARDS!” Holly shouted randomly.

I turned pale, Melody fell off her chair laughing, Elise gave me an air-five, and Holly… didn’t really realize what she had done. Frank and Gerard turned to look at me. “What’s a ‘Frerard?’” Gerard asked, “That’s the second time I’ve heard that.”

Melody sent me an evil grin. “Shae… where’s your laptop?”

I dove for my messenger bag but Melody got there first. She took out my laptop and clicked open my Favorites folder while I scrambled to get it back. “See, a Frerard is a pairing in a fanfiction-” Melody started, but I cut her off.

“I’ll tell them about the Frikey you wrote!” I threatened.

She gaped at me. “You wouldn’t!”

“Watch me,” I said smugly.

“Well… you’ve written like two Frerards!” she said, narrowing her eyes.

“Yeah well… YOUR HAT IS STUPID!” I said, not able to think of anything else.

The laptop was set aside as Melody picked up random objects and beamed them at me. I then threw myself behind Bob, who looked shell shocked. Melody didn’t care, and more objects flew through the air. The firing ceased as soon as a loud “WHAT THE FUCK” echoed off the walls.

“TURN IT OFF, TURN IT OFF!” Mikey screamed.

“I’M TRYING, I’M TRYING!” Frank squealed back.

Gerard just stared with wide eyes at whatever was on my computer screen. “What’d they click on?” I asked from behind Bob.

Elise started laughing. “That one Frerard with the Bikey subplot, that turns into Frikey at one point, then goes back to Frerard.”

Melody and me cracked up, and Frank started screaming again. “WE NEVER DID THAT!” he was starting to sound hysterical, but it was SO DAMN FUNNY.

Gerard started giggling, which made Mikey look at him with wide eyes. “You’re imagining it, aren’t you!? AHHH! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!”

Frank clicked the mouse desperately, then let out a groan. “Oh my God, your computer froze!” he wailed.

At this point, I was lying on the ground laughing, with Melody next to me, our fight forgotten. Holly had wandered into some other room, and Elise was almost crying she was laughing so hard. The boys were still screaming when Bob reached over and pulled the battery out of my computer. The boys finally calmed down. Then Mark appeared in the doorway. “Is everyone okay? I heard screaming.”

“Define ‘okay.’” Ray snorted.

“I’ve been scarred...” Frank said, eyes wide.

Mark beamed. “You guys are getting along great then!”
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